I'm flying down myself (from NJ) for the Injuns game on 11/22, and ironically just this morning did a search for BBQ in Fort Worth (I always stay over there - I love the "Fort Worth Stockyards" and Billy Bob's Texas... It's a really cool area to hang out for a few days! Anyway, I'm going to finally get to "Railhead BBQ" in Fort Worth. A lot of people rate it (online rating) as the best in the area. If you're in Dallas, there's another real good little place down in the "West End" area, called Bryans. It's awesome! West End in Dallas is another cool (touristy, bars/restaurants) area over in Dallas, too. Check it out if you're in Dallas, but Fort Worth Stockyards is the best in the 'plex (gotta like the whole "country" scene, though).