Dallas lost because they were tactically outcoached


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I feel like the Cowboys outcoached themselves.
Wish that was all it was But yes, DQ AND MM were dog doo with the plan.What made it worse, neither adjusted! If you refuse to adjust or just can't in this league, you aint winning. Ask the Eagles. Then what really did it for me was very telling. We all witnessed the defense simply quit. They quit in the late 2nd quarter. After we went down 27-0, it was all business decisions. One could even argue that the team quit after the initial GB drive that scored. Is that what we want? A team that quits on the HC/DC? This can only mean a couple things. One, we have the wrong HC/DC...we need a change. Teams not being held accountable..or properly prepared. Secondly, we need a massive overhaul player wise defensively. We have the wrong dudes. They been frauds, overvalued. Including Micah. The Texans did it in 1 offseason. We can do it.


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Yeah, I don't think I communicated it well. I'm guessing that Dallas has a relatively limited playbook. It looked to me like GB had all their plays down to the point where they knew in this formation, do this. It was fantastically obvious that GB put a lot more work into game preparation and game specific actions than Dallas did.

You just can't roll out the same schemes week after week in the NFL. Eventually, someone figures them out and then everyone copies that. IMO, that's the core reason why Dallas always fades at the end. By the end of the year, the NFL has the book on the Cowboys.
exactly. We had no back up plan or anything.


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Good post. One team was prepared on both sides of the ball, and came in with the right gameplan and the right attitude. The other was us.

You'd think the coaches would've taken the game more seriously, considering we were embarrassed last year as well.


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Honestly what does anyone expect out of a coach when the number one through ten qualifier is allowing Jerry to do, say and act however he wants?

The rest is all secondary.

Jerry has to be the man. Shouldn’t blame anyone but himself, but that’s not how billionaire narcissists operate.

Can’t wait until he talks and basically says how more of him and his kid is the answer. Could get ugly, but doubtful since the media knows they will be blackballed if they remotely call him out.
all the team owners have a level of narcissism. Thats what makes them what they are. Jerry has a toxic level.


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Good post. One team was prepared on both sides of the ball, and came in with the right gameplan and the right attitude. The other was us.

You'd think the coaches would've taken the game more seriously, considering we were embarrassed last year as well.
MM and DQ did a poor job during the week. The messaging must have been almost null and void. Maybe we thought they would shake in their cleats when the game started and lay down? They hit us in the mouth in the first drive, scored and that was ball game. We went into the fetal position on defense. THAT is horrific optics. I never seen us lay down and give up like that at home in a play off game. so something was very wrong.


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all the team owners have a level of narcissism. Thats what makes them what they are. Jerry has a toxic level.
No other pro sports owner attempts to run the team the way Jerry does and there are good reasons for that.

Three decades of futility and every other example on earth doesn’t change him thinking that he can do it differently.

He wants an everyone is friends and family culture, which is soft and why you won’t win games when they count. Wants to be buddies with the players. Overpays them. Ignores better players in FA.

He figures he can have his own Utopia since he can basically buy anything in life. Not this Jerry. You lose, and now you’re done….you ain’t getting that two weeks of being the center of attention at the SB.


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No other pro sports owner attempts to run the team the way Jerry does and there are good reasons for that.

Three decades of futility and every other example on earth doesn’t change him thinking that he can do it differently.

He wants an everyone is friends and family culture, which is soft and why you won’t win games when they count. Wants to be buddies with the players. Overpays them. Ignores better players in FA.

He figures he can have his own Utopia since he can basically buy anything in life. Not this Jerry. You lose, and now you’re done….you ain’t getting that two weeks of being the center of attention at the SB.
AMEN. He wants things on his terms, not as they must be.

john van brocklin

Captain Comeback
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Good breakdown, they just got schooled by a better coaching staff. Its just puzzling defensively why they just didn't go back to more man coverage on defense and get up and jam the receivers as well. Perhaps the biggest gripe I have with Quinn's d is how far off the ball he has his dbs play.

Offensively, it seemed the running game was working at times and they were mixing in some different runs including delayed handoffs. The Packers kept changing looks and McCarthy could have just simplified play calling by mixing in more screens or taking advantage of the 4 man fronts with runs.
Read elsewhere on the board that because of Gilmore's shoulder injury he could not jam and play man to man, so they played zone to protect him.


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I cant forget from years ago when Rodgers had already said McCarthy was dumb and then there was follow up on this into specifics with Greg Jennings..
It was specific to x's and o's.

Basically play(s) called against specific defenses that had no chance of success based on the defense being played against them.

It prompted Rodgers to change play(s) often.

Funny, cuz I remember reports of Romo doing this in Garretts beat your man offense too, lol.
I feel like blaming coaches is kind of dumb for this exact reason...

If you have a veteran QB, plays can and should be changed depending on the defense on the field.

I have seen Dak changing plays from time to time.


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First, let's start with the defense

Its painful to watch but relevant. If you look at the running plays, the Packers are frequently running the same blocking scheme that has killed the Cowboys for a while. All of the linemen immediately go one direction. There is no pulling or complicated scheme. What is happening here is that defenders are trying to hold their gap as the gap rapidly moves to one side. With the size limitations of the defenders involved, eventually one of the gaps opens and Jones is free to pick it. GB isn't running plays into specific holes as much as just letting Jones go where the defense isn't. This isn't new. Teams have been doing this and it worked. There are fixes for this, like putting 8 in the box, 5 linemen, etc. and but I have seen no effort by Quinn to fundamentally change the tactics to address this weakness.

The issues with the team for some reason starting the game in a soft zone have been well documented. I have no idea why this was tried, much less why Dallas kept doing it when it obviously was not working.


When Dallas was on offense, GB didn't copy recent teams. I'll give them credit. They sat down and figured out a good number of Dallas' plays at a fundamental level. Dak has publicly commented that they were changing at the snap. If you have followed him all year, what Dak does is he gets a pre-snap read and that tells him which side of the field to throw to. He then usually has a single high/low read leading to a quick throw. This has been the offense all year and for the most part, it worked well. What GB did is figured out a way to break Dak's read progression. That's why he had the deer in the headlights look. The offense is set up for quick throws off 1 2 reads. Again, like the defense, there are fixes for this that can be done with playcalling and personnel. McCarthy didn't do anything and just kept feeding the players into the meatgrinder.


Before the game, McCarthy was quoted as saying something to the effect of "you do what got you here". Quite frankly, this is reminiscent of a lot of Garrett's philosophy of just line up and beat your man. On offense, the team seemed to have absolutely no game specific plays or plans. McCarthy seemed to be treating it like a preseason game while LaFleur had prepared like it was the super bowl.

I do not blame the players nearly as much as others here do. I didn't see a ton of fumbles or missed assignments or dropped balls leading to a loss. Dak wasn't air mailing balls 10 feet over people's heads. They were put in a bad situation tactically and were not prepared to play. The NFL is a coach's league in that regard. GB took guys like Parsons and CeeDee out of the game which is possible when the Cowboys staff just sits on their hands and ignores the game being played in front of them.

I think McCarthy has done some good things in Dallas. Same with Quinn. That said, they both seem to have the same fundamental flaw in that they are not great preparers or in game coaches. If their base tactics don't work or things start going against them, they are powerless to change things up. This was a knock against them prior to their time in Dallas and it all came together on Sunday. This was also a knock on Garrett, who also was no tactical or game preparation genius.

As others have said, this all eventually falls back on Jerry but I'll be specific about it. Jerry doesn't know enough about football apparently to evaluate if the coach talking in front of him knows what he is talking about. As a result, he just falls for their lines about "analytics" hook line and sinker. Dallas is going to keep falling into the same trap as a result. Until the cowboys have a disciplinarian head coach backed up by tactically smart assistants, they will always fall short.

Relevant old article that really shows how brain dead Jerry is regarding coaching:

The coaching was horrendous.

Point blank if you ask any GM in the league, they would tell you Dallas had a better roster than GB. Most would tell you significantly better. To be down 27-0 at home in the 2nd quarter against an objectively inferior playoff opponent is unacceptable.

To get boat raced in the fashion they were goes beyond players, the Xs and Os matter.

Playing soft zone against an offense that actually struggles against man and eats zone defense up is brain dead. To allow Micah Parsons to be continually neutralized with a TE trap is brain dead. To play 200 lb linebackers behind a 4 man front all game while you’re getting run on is brain dead.

To continually run the ball on 2nd down and get yourself into tough 3rd down situations is brain dead. To run plays so predicable and worn out that the other team is breaking on the ball seconds before it is thrown is brain dead. To allow the high low west coast read to be completely neutralized without a single counter punch is brain dead.

All around, Dallas was annihilated in the coaching department. Mike and DQ must be relieved of their duties and a new staff needs brought in.

It’s hard enough to win in the NFL as is, but trying to win big while having your coaching staff actively undermining your chances is unacceptable.


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And the funny thing is 3 weeks ago after losing to the Giants and getting whipped by TB back to back all the talk in GB was about firing their staff. They aren’t that good just played a soft cowboys team that can’t play from behind.


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Random conspiracy..

I wonder if Shannahan helped Lefleur with his game plan against Dallas.
LeFleur could have just watched the Buffalo game and got all the info he needed.

john van brocklin

Captain Comeback
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You burn me twice, I'm changing things up. I'm not going to sit there and let someone just beat me over and over. I'm coming in with 3 game plans ready at moments notice, and 4 if I need it. If it's me against you, we're going to have to battle it out just you and me.

If that's the case then maybe he shouldn't have played. i know our options are limited but to change the game plan for one player didn't work.
Epic fail


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The coaching was horrendous.

Point blank if you ask any GM in the league, they would tell you Dallas had a better roster than GB. Most would tell you significantly better. To be down 27-0 at home in the 2nd quarter against an objectively inferior playoff opponent is unacceptable.

To get boat raced in the fashion they were goes beyond players, the Xs and Os matter.

Playing soft zone against an offense that actually struggles against man and eats zone defense up is brain dead. To allow Micah Parsons to be continually neutralized with a TE trap is brain dead. To play 200 lb linebackers behind a 4 man front all game while you’re getting run on is brain dead.

To continually run the ball on 2nd down and get yourself into tough 3rd down situations is brain dead. To run plays so predicable and worn out that the other team is breaking on the ball seconds before it is thrown is brain dead. To allow the high low west coast read to be completely neutralized without a single counter punch is brain dead.

All around, Dallas was annihilated in the coaching department. Mike and DQ must be relieved of their duties and a new staff needs brought in.

It’s hard enough to win in the NFL as is, but trying to win big while having your coaching staff actively undermining your chances is unacceptable.
Great post.

But it’s not about being good enough to outscheme your opponent.

It’s about allowing Jerry to be the celebrity and the man in charge that he wants to be. Face of the franchise. The boss.

He has NO idea how that undermines the staff and/or doesn’t care.

From here I’m honestly fine with him making an even bigger buffoon of himself than he already is. Hope he does.


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The coaching was horrendous.

Point blank if you ask any GM in the league, they would tell you Dallas had a better roster than GB. Most would tell you significantly better. To be down 27-0 at home in the 2nd quarter against an objectively inferior playoff opponent is unacceptable.

To get boat raced in the fashion they were goes beyond players, the Xs and Os matter.

Playing soft zone against an offense that actually struggles against man and eats zone defense up is brain dead. To allow Micah Parsons to be continually neutralized with a TE trap is brain dead. To play 200 lb linebackers behind a 4 man front all game while you’re getting run on is brain dead.

To continually run the ball on 2nd down and get yourself into tough 3rd down situations is brain dead. To run plays so predicable and worn out that the other team is breaking on the ball seconds before it is thrown is brain dead. To allow the high low west coast read to be completely neutralized without a single counter punch is brain dead.

All around, Dallas was annihilated in the coaching department. Mike and DQ must be relieved of their duties and a new staff needs brought in.

It’s hard enough to win in the NFL as is, but trying to win big while having your coaching staff actively undermining your chances is unacceptable.
I've been a Cowboys fan for a long time. That was probably the worst pure coaching loss I have ever seen. Sometimes you get run over due to talent, sometimes its a bunch of player miscues, etc. That was almost purely on coaching.

Its to the point where I agree with others that the players on the field should have been changing the plays. They knew the gameplan was wrong. You could see it in their faces. A lot of the fans online were calling it out almost immediately on the zone. Fans online have been calling the run defense for weeks with no changes. People say this hyperbolically all the time but this one was truly one where a random fan would have done a better job coaching. As you say, the coaching staff was actively undermining the team on Sunday.


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Yep, I agree. Looked like mike was ordering takeout from a menu.
Quinn was lost playing zone, when all season he played man to man…

But as much as I want blame the coaches…
The players and their country club attitude draw my ire the most.

Aside from Dak laying a stinker
Where was that loudmouth parsons? The so called lion, more of a house cat than anything else