dallas Media <rant>


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I really dislike the dallas media. I thought all local media were parasitic but after I would read different local media outlets when we played their respective teams, it became apparent that the dallas media eat your young mentality is not the norm.

What's worst is that they feed this garbage to those who are not privy to this website or other alternative sources or sports journalism. Consequently, this makes most of the uninformed fanbase stupid, garbage in-garbage out. Just look at some of the questions that get asked to JJT or Sirius radio, it is sickening and I think it will get worse because Wade and the players are not letting them in their inner circle, good for them.

I like Wade's approach which is not that much different from most coaches. Coaches are in the business of lying to the public but being brutally truthful to their players. All coaches have defense mechanism against the intentional misleading questions by the press about internal football business. The Tuna’s was anger and ridicule, Belicheat was to be curt and short in his responses. The more the media tries to pry the truth from Wade, the more he goes into his awe shucks mode. I love it because deep down it upsets the heck out of the media.

Every time I read one of the mediots spin about how soft Wade is or how this team is underachieving, I think back to the Tuna’s regime or the Campo regime and then I think about what we have done under Wade. If you use this perspective then all of the nonsensical stuff is just crap, nothing more, nothing less.

We as fans should expect better of the press, we should ultimately demand that they get off of this petty crap that they are feeding us. Likewise, it is time for the players to really close ranks and take a lesson from Troy when he was playing. I know we have some very personable players but they need to realize that the mediots here are only using it against them and they are not their friends. If I was a player, it would only be yes and no responses from here on out until they get their crap together and start covering the team like most local journalist does, fair but with a touch of optimism when the team is doing well. Not with the mentality of wanting to be the one who told you the other shoe would drop.



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You actually bother to read, or listen to, the Dallas media? There is no way I'd ever give them enough respect to actually read or listen to anything they have to say. Same with the talking heads at ESPN.


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BraveHeartFan;2315655 said:
You actually bother to read, or listen to, the Dallas media? There is no way I'd ever give them enough respect to actually read or listen to anything they have to say. Same with the talking heads at ESPN.

The problem is that most who do not read/listen to dallas media is in the minority. Only in Dallas can a little ball of hate persona find a niche. We are 4-1 and we have not played up to our potential, to me that is a cause for optimism.


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adbutcher;2315719 said:
The problem is that most who do not read/listen to dallas media is in the minority. Only in Dallas can a little ball of hate persona find a niche. We are 4-1 and we have not played up to our potential, to me that is a cause for optimism.

Hey-at least they don't have this homeristic-bias like the Philly media does. Really-every year, everyone has the perception that the Eagles have 22 Pro Bowlers b/c the Philly media just ad-nausium reports it as THAT throughout months in the off-season. Even the national sports media guys like Berman and TJ have been sucked into this kool-aid drinking.

Really-I love objectivity, but I'll take a media that reports on the negative side rather than on a positively-bias side, why? B/c at the very least, the teams can use it for motivation.


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Boysboy;2315757 said:
Hey-at least they don't have this homeristic-bias like the Philly media does. Really-every year, everyone has the perception that the Eagles have 22 Pro Bowlers b/c the Philly media just ad-nausium reports it as THAT throughout months in the off-season. Even the national sports media guys like Berman and TJ have been sucked into this kool-aid drinking.

Really-I love objectivity, but I'll take a media that reports on the negative side rather than on a positively-bias side, why? B/c at the very least, the teams can use it for motivation.

On totality dallas media is anything but objective. Just because you beat the negative dead horse doesn't make you objective, it makes you negative.

It is perfectly fine to report on the negative but to create controversy where none exist only serves agenda based reporting.


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Boysboy;2315757 said:
Hey-at least they don't have this homeristic-bias like the Philly media does. Really-every year, everyone has the perception that the Eagles have 22 Pro Bowlers b/c the Philly media just ad-nausium reports it as THAT throughout months in the off-season. Even the national sports media guys like Berman and TJ have been sucked into this kool-aid drinking.

Really-I love objectivity, but I'll take a media that reports on the negative side rather than on a positively-bias side, why? B/c at the very least, the teams can use it for motivation.

Commanders media is the same way. Fawning over the team constantly.


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lurkercowboy;2315790 said:
Commanders media is the same way. Fawning over the team constantly.

I am not advocating fawning.

fair but with a touch of optimism when the team is doing well. Not with the mentality of wanting to be the one who told you the other shoe would drop.

Yakuza Rich

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It's been pretty sad the past two weeks. Calvin Watkins goes on Galloway's show and admits that he sensationalized the Owens going to Romo because he wanted more catches story and then Matt Mosely claims that Wade said "I think you stink" to Galloway and Galloway says he never heard Wade say that and later asked Wade if he was mad at him and Wade said "not at all."

They're just a bunch of hacks who don't have the talent to actually write something insightful, interesting or entertaining about the game and instead use gross hyperboles, speculation or outright lies to cause a stir. And then when you call them on it, they'll use the excuse "well, it''s not my job to root for the Cowboys" which was never the point anyway.

I still recommend calling these cowards out everytime they pull this crap because maybe, someday, the editors of the paper will realize that the readers really don't want this crap.


Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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Great post, adbutcher. You're right on.

But from reading the board the last couple of weeks, maybe we see why they do it. There seems to be a great desire to beat up on this team even when they're winning. Maybe they just know their audience. :cool:


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Yakuza Rich;2315832 said:
It's been pretty sad the past two weeks. Calvin Watkins goes on Galloway's show and admits that he sensationalized the Owens going to Romo because he wanted more catches story and then Matt Mosely claims that Wade said "I think you stink" to Galloway and Galloway says he never heard Wade say that and later asked Wade if he was mad at him and Wade said "not at all."

They're just a bunch of hacks who don't have the talent to actually write something insightful, interesting or entertaining about the game and instead use gross hyperboles, speculation or outright lies to cause a stir. And then when you call them on it, they'll use the excuse "well, it''s not my job to root for the Cowboys" which was never the point anyway.

I still recommend calling these cowards out everytime they pull this crap because maybe, someday, the editors of the paper will realize that the readers really don't want this crap.


You nailed it. They often like to talk about Wade and the players having thin skin but they (dallas media) are completely emotional and vindicative which probably contributes to Wade's and the player's paranoia. Sprinkle is some :espn: and it is easy to see what TO (the most honest player in the History of the NFL) is talking about.


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Chocolate Lab;2315889 said:
Great post, adbutcher. You're right on.

But from reading the board the last couple of weeks, maybe we see why they do it. There seems to be a great desire to beat up on this team even when they're winning. Maybe they just know their audience. :cool:

I think what we are seeing with the new influx of posters are fans that were fed a steady diet of dallas media now discovering the wonderfulness of the zone. :)

However, once they get here we have ways of dealing with them, lol.


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BAD radio did a segment on the local media yesterday.

THey showed the hypocrisy of people like hill and the engles.

They talked about jen engles interview with josh howard and how she just threw softballs at him and acted like he is some victim. Then they talked about her attacking phillips and the players on the cowboys because that is their schtick and they dont really have another way to do it.

it is comical. The same media people treat the rangers and mavs with courtesy, respect and lob all these soft ball questions. Then they show up and attack everything about the cowboys. Its pretty funny.

and like CL said, they know the joe blow watch em when they win cowboys fan is sitting at home looking to complain about something no matter what, so they cater to those idiots.

Archer is the only person that covers this team that has any credibility. He writes good and bad articles on the team. He asks good and bad questions. The difference is they are all in the realm of finding out info and and writing the story. Not creating the story and creating reasons for the local espn radio station to bring them on the air for the Crisis of the day.

Espn 1033 is like an extension of espn bristol. They operate the same way. Mosley and werder are on all the time predicting doom and offering the way things should be done. They are always recylcing the same stories. Whether it is owens, jessica simpson, romo and the playoffs...it doesnt matter. That is all they talk about.

and I flipped to espn news last night and heard mosley giving his nfc east breakdown. I find it absolutely hillarious that this guy is an nfc east insider. He could barely keep his stories straight covering the cowboys alone and now we are to believe he is an insider. And what was he doing, he was raggin on burress. Just 100&#37; typical.


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theebs;2315924 said:
BAD radio did a segment on the local media yesterday.

THey showed the hypocrisy of people like hill and the engles.

They talked about jen engles interview with josh howard and how she just threw softballs at him and acted like he is some victim. Then they talked about her attacking phillips and the players on the cowboys because that is their schtick and they dont really have another way to do it.

it is comical. The same media people treat the rangers and mavs with courtesy, respect and lob all these soft ball questions. Then they show up and attack everything about the cowboys. Its pretty funny.

and like CL said, they know the joe blow watch em when they win cowboys fan is sitting at home looking to complain about something no matter what, so they cater to those idiots.

Archer is the only person that covers this team that has any credibility. He writes good and bad articles on the team. He asks good and bad questions. The difference is they are all in the realm of finding out info and and writing the story. Not creating the story and creating reasons for the local espn radio station to bring them on the air for the Crisis of the day.

Espn 1033 is like an extension of espn bristol. They operate the same way. Mosley and werder are on all the time predicting doom and offering the way things should be done. They are always recylcing the same stories. Whether it is owens, jessica simpson, romo and the playoffs...it doesnt matter. That is all they talk about.

and I flipped to espn news last night and heard mosley giving his nfc east breakdown. I find it absolutely hillarious that this guy is an nfc east insider. He could barely keep his stories straight covering the cowboys alone and now we are to believe he is an insider. And what was he doing, he was raggin on burress. Just 100% typical.
Interesting. Is there an archive for that show? 1 would love to listen to it. At least some one in the media is taking notice. I wish some one that can flush a couple of careers down the drain would take notice.


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adbutcher;2315967 said:
Interesting. Is there an archive for that show? 1 would love to listen to it. At least some one in the media is taking notice. I wish some one that can flush a couple of careers down the drain would take notice.

Probably. I think bob and dan have a site...Just go to the ticket.com and click on bad radio. It was from yesterdays show.


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theebs;2315971 said:
Probably. I think bob and dan have a site...Just go to the ticket.com and click on bad radio. It was from yesterdays show.

Thanks, I will take a look.

Edit: I found it. http://www.bobanddan.net/2008/10/

Edit 2: They need to organized their site better, I can't find yesterday's show, lol.