Darren Waller fumbled that ball


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I agree, that’s a huge momentum shift and I don’t think people realize how important momentum is in football. Especially the way they recovered that fumble - one of the best recoveries I’ve ever seen. Jayron Kearse is a damn beast
the same ref crew worked the game Monday night. They sucked at Dallas, and then they sucked last night at Washington. A turd is still a turd it turns out. The refs need 2 be reprimanded for many of their calls. one of the worst crews I have ever seen.


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It's not ridiculous. It simply exposes why you can't eliminate time from the catch equation. It's not done now because it doesn't need to be done now because time IS part of the equation. You don't see it but then again you don't have incentive to see it because it makes your proposal an ineffective one and too simplistic for how game play is now. Same reason my example isn't done now. No incentive with the rules in place.

Jor disputing your overall argument against the ruling of the catch per the rules, which I think you did a really good job on defending the ruling on the field, but as far as the theoretical implications of the 2-feet down timing rule to dictate control for a catch:

Holding a player up is technically stopping forward momentum, meaning it would be ruled down anyways.
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wrong as rain. I was there. I saw " a football move. He turned up field. THEN FUMBLED. Any other crew would have given the ball to Dallas. That same crew worked the Monday night game last night and were flag happy. Some ref crews call or don't call things the same. Thats a fact.
I thought so too
But if you watch the video the ball came loose before the third step
It was reviewed upstairs as they have lots of plays this year


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This is probably one of the calls whatever they called on the field they would have left it alone. Was it a fumble? Probably... Would Dallas have won a challenge? Probably not


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My point is that nobody called it an incompletion until after the review. Tony and Jim watched the replay 3 times, thinking it was a fumble, before the official announced that the on field call was an incomplete pass. That was after the call came in from NY. I can understand why the usual conspiracy theorists would be fueled by this one.

Well that's why I posed if we know it's supposed to be announced always. On scoring plays it clearly isn't. I can agree it makes things clearer to announce it but if they've already been not announcing it by something governed by the same rule, why would it be cause for conspiracy chatter? There's already precedence instead of a one-off situation.


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Jor disputing your overall argument against the ruling of the catch per the rules, which I think you did a really good job on defending the ruling on the field, but as far as the theoretical implications of the 2-feet down timing rule to dictate control for a catch:

Holding a player up is technically stopping forward momentum, meaning it would be ruled down anyways.

True. But if you're saying that it's ruled a catch if a person is in the air and never gets to feet down, then that means they are ruling that time makes it a catch which that poster was saying did not need to be a part of the rule. In this situation you pose, it is.


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I thought so too
But if you watch the video the ball came loose before the third step
It was reviewed upstairs as they have lots of plays this year

But again where does the current rule refer to the of a third necessity third step? I know Mr. Marcus is too cowardly and lacking integrity to answer the question because his ego is all this is about for him. The rule says two feet down plus control and a football move which could entail only one step, two steps of in fact three or more steps after the two feet are down and control established.

I mean if that is the rule why isn't it in the official NFL Rule Online Rulebook either in the rule summary or the expanded rule section?

I don't think the issue is Mr. Marcus contradicting his own arguments - that's what a professional (in their own eyes) debater does because winning the arguments trumps everything else including the facts and truth.

But enough about that - The point a number of people are making about the receiver whose progress is sopped in mid-air is simply that the rules seem or the application of the rules seems highly inconsistent and open to both honest on dishonest interpretation and certainly open to inconsistent interpretation. Certainly, you have seen the same play ruled differently whether involving Dallas or not. at some point, maybe even this year..

There needs to be a more complete, comprehensive, and most importantly consistent rule and rule interpretation that is consistently applied, whether that would make this play a fumble period or not a fumble period,.that has some real credibility with the player, the teams, and the fans. The problem is when this inconsistency appears to be encouraged by the League and within its rules. People in the NFL talk about human error as if it's perfectly okay. Imagine if major airlines - or minor airlines for that matter) took that view. Imagine if Nuclear Power plant builders took that attitude.

My point isn't that no human error is ever acceptable but the NFL could do a number of things to reduce the human error and diminish the impact of what human error there is by reducing the inconsistencies in the League's rules and their interpretation. Why in the world wouldn't the HFL to be more competently and consistently officiated for fans to have a clearer understanding of why officials make the calls they make and why in fact they are correct. Why wouldn't they want to those calls right or wrong to have the least possible impact on the outcome of games?

That's the real question not whether the NFL and its officials are biased in any way against the Cowboys. They ask the same questions across the League in cities with NFL franchises.. Of course Cowboy fans are going to notice it more when it impacts the Cowboys - we watch the Cowboys before we watch anyone else. Of course its going to outrage us more when it impacts the Cowboys. Otherwise we'd be Eagle fans or Giant fans or whatever-you-what-to-call Washington fans. But trust me fans of every other team have seen this seen as often as we have and with the same painful results as we have. Is this the long-sought parity the NFL is working toward - everybody gets cheated and every bit as often? Are we supposed to conclude that this much inconsistency is some weird form of consistency?


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But again where does the current rule refer to the of a third necessity third step? I know Mr. Marcus is too cowardly and lacking integrity to answer the question because his ego is all this is about for him.

8th or 9th post about me after saying you weren't going to "waste any more time" with me and that others should ignore me. Lol. Beyond clearly getting owned, you're also clearly traumatized as well. Apparently, symptoms are typing out long-winded paragraphs of gobbledygook.


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I couldn't read it all. Did Marcusrock admit he was wrong yet? The mental gymnastics being done to deny he didn't make a football move and turn up field were Olympic in nature early in the thread. It was honestly gold medal worthy. Just hoping he backed off.


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I couldn't read it all. Did Marcusrock admit he was wrong yet? The mental gymnastics being done to deny he didn't make a football move and turn up field were Olympic in nature early in the thread. It was honestly gold medal worthy. Just hoping he backed off.

You mean the mental gymnastics of simply posting the rules and reading what they say? What's funny is that of all of you that say his turn upfield was a football move, absolutely NONE of you addressed my point that the rules state a football move can only happen after control and 2 feet happen which of course makes the 3rd step the football move in this case. None of you addressed that. That's extremely telling. Why is that? Because it supports mine and destroys your argument, perhaps? I don't need people to admit it. The avoidance is enough for me to know you got painted into a corner you couldn't squirm out of. So you just pretend you didn't. Lol.


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You mean the mental gymnastics of simply posting the rules and reading what they say? What's funny is that of all of you that say his turn upfield was a football move, absolutely NONE of you addressed my point that the rules state a football move can only happen after control and 2 feet happen which of course makes the 3rd step the football move in this case. None of you addressed that. That's extremely telling. Why is that? Because it supports mine and destroys your argument, perhaps? I don't need people to admit it. The avoidance is enough for me to know you got painted into a corner you couldn't squirm out of. So you just pretend you didn't. Lol.

Dang. Embarrassing. Well, carry on!


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No one has addressed the third step because the NFL don't refer to the third step. And when those who believe they do refuse to show where it exposes a lack of personal character and integrity that isn't just seen by those reading this forum.

And trying to accuse other of what they know they themselves are doing shows a particular personal ethical or if one prefers intellectual cowardice.
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No one has addressed the third step because the NFL don't refer to the third step. And when those who believe they do refuse to show where it exposes a lack of personal character and integrity that isn't just seen by those reading this forum.

The lack of a 3rd step is clearly what made the pass incomplete in their view. If they ruled turning upfield was the legitimate football move in question then they'd have ruled it a fumble. They didn't because it wasn't. Duh.

And I'm not talking not addressing the 3rd step, I'm talking about y'all not addressing the rule that plainly states that a football move can't begin until AFTER control and 2 feet have been established. Even here you try to twist away from it to change the topic to the 3rd step football move. I've noticed this avoidance all along and it speaks loudly.


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I couldn't read it all. Did Marcusrock admit he was wrong yet? The mental gymnastics being done to deny he didn't make a football move and turn up field were Olympic in nature early in the thread. It was honestly gold medal worthy. Just hoping he backed off.

Did you seriously expect him to.? Marcus thinks crushing his debate foes is more important than the truth especially when it doesn't support his view. It's a waste of time trying to exchange thoughts with him. I could say more but don't want to be mean.