DC.COM: Infamous Ms. Price yells at Stephen McGee for holding on to the ball too long

I've always thought she was incredibly annoying, but she was great on Galloway's show today. She pretty much tore him a new one, in a funny way. Even he had to laugh about it.
Chocolate Lab;2869418 said:
I've always thought she was incredibly annoying, but she was great on Galloway's show today. She pretty much tore him a new one, in a funny way. Even he had to laugh about it.

I went to the Rams game in 2007. I tried to watch the players as they entered the stadium. She stood right beside me and screamed the whole time.

Gosh, it was annoying as heck.
Easy solution to this is for McGee to not hold on to the ball so long.
Mrs. Price: "Don't hold on to the ball so long, Stephen!"

Wade Wilson: "Yeah, that's right. What she said."
I was at practice yesterday, along with Mrs. Price. If I was a screamer I would have been yelling at him too. The best instrument to time his progressions and release would have to be a sun dial. Yes, he was that slow yesterday.
Oh, and he was only reading one half of the field. Maybe it was just a bad day for him.

In other news, Roy Williams looked good. He is not quick, but he does get separation and catches everything he gets even one hand on.
Sam Hurd looks great.......better than Miles Austin. Running routes in practice, which I know is no way to judge a player's game, Miles did not look any more skilled or accomplished than Kevin Ogletree, Jesse Holley or Mike Jefferson.

Felix needs a minimum of 15 touches a game. Anything less is a crime. All 3 backs look good. Not sure how they are going to get the carries that they deserve.

Roy was nice enough to come over and sign something for my 4 month old son who was attending his first Cowboys event. Roy signed a ton of autographs in my section of the crowd, so kudos to him for taking the time.
Guys relax on Mcgee he is a project you have to understand the offense he came from was the same one Bennett came from a really badly run one.

He is a 3rd qb he is going to be like Romo take 2-3 years to really develop into any type of QB in the nfl even a solid backup
Kangaroo;2869714 said:
Guys relax on Mcgee he is a project you have to understand the offense he came from was the same one Bennett came from a really badly run one.

He is a 3rd qb he is going to be like Romo take 2-3 years to really develop into any type of QB in the nfl even a solid backup

I agree. McGee is not going to get forced into action anytime soon. He will get the luxury of learning as he continues to develop. I look forward to seeing him in the pre-season but I also expect to see him struggle at times as it is just part of the development process
I'm so glad some of you guys aren't players. Everything get's on some you guy's nerves. That woman is a sweetheart and pushes them harder than the coaches sometimes.

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