Video: December 16, 1979, Cowboys vs Commanders


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why was drew sitting out that last series?

classic 70s cowboys. Preston was basically another RCVR, and the fade to tony hill for winning td. Skins almost had a chance to win it. Need 1-2 more seconds on the clock.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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I remember this game like it was yesterday. I was 14. Weeks later I cried when we lost to the Rams in what would be Roger's last game.

I was 14 as well. Watched it at my grandpa's Knights of Columbus Xmas party. When the Skins went up 13 in the 4th my brother and some other clowns laughed and stopped watching it. They came back later when they saw me flipping out at the end.

But yeah, that next week was awful. Billy Waddy scoring on a deflected pass...unreal.


How 'Bout Dem Cowboys
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This game happened 10 days before I was born. I always remember my dad saying when I was growing up I was supposed to be born on the 16th and he was afraid he would miss the cowboys-Commanders game. I didn't arrive until Christmas evening.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Drew tweaked his knee against Giant's the week before i believe so he wasn't in. But Roger was just out of this world in the 4th qtr. Thank God for Larry Cole!

Also Dorsett wasn't in either it was mostly Preston and Ron Springs, so many weapons. That was the year without Waters, Henderson and Too going back to the SB was a tall order with that defense.


The Labeled One
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Best QB we've ever had. PERIOD.

And it's not even close...:hammer:

Greatest game in NFL history.....when football was football....and not this bloated commercialized / politicalized POS the league is determined to ram down your throat week after week.

Just watched the video again...I didn't remember Washington getting screwed @ the end....There was one second left. Question is...Could Mark Mosely hit a 58yard FG? I think he might of....those straight on kickers....can kick. I hit a 70yrd in practice like that. It can be done.


Well-Known Member
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This game was blacked out in the Houston area so I heard it on radio. It was just as exciting.

Cowboys! :starspin:


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I remember on the last two drives by Dallas, our Oline dominated their Dline and put their guys on their backs. It was like they were worn out, or our guys just figured it out. Great, great game we had no business winning.


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I remember. Roger Staubach was my hero. I had the privilege of witnessing his entire career.

After that game......after that season.....he retired.

He was the #1 ranked quarterback in the league that season, for the third time in his career.....and he retired!

I was absolutely devastated....Why, Roger, why!

I understand now. He said he was quitting because of the medical concern about concussions. You see, he understood. You all know about all the old players coming out of the woodwork, wanting to get paid again and claiming they didn't know what the medical ramifications were. Yes they did! They knew but elected to play the game anyway. Roger didn't.

There were other things to consider as well:

1. Roger Staubach didn't play in the NFL until he was 28 years old. Prior to that, he completed his entire 6 year military commitment after graduating from the naval academy. Although he only played ten seasons, he was 37 when he retired.

2. 1979 was the first year that new rules were installed to protect quarterbacks. That's right, Roger didn't get the kinder gentler version of the NFL during his career, he got the hold-him-up-so-I-can-body-slam-him-to-the--ground version. No "in the grasp", no excessive force penalties, no helmet to helmet penalties. Not only that but there were no rules designed to open up the passing game for the receivers. There were no such things as "defenseless receiver penalties, no contact beyond 5 yards, etc. Remember that when some of you fans that try to claim that today's QB's are far more talented. They never had to treated like a piece of bacon thrown to a pack of starving wolves. Back then, quarterbacks were assaulted and downright molested by thug D-lines. That definitely took it's toll on a QB back then.

3. Roger Staubach ran with the ball. In fact, no other QB ran with the ball more than Roger the Dodger in the 70's.

And, yes, I agree, and I have said this many times.....Roger Staubach was Aaron Rodgers before there ever was a Aaron Rodgers.

This was at the height of the rivalry, the Cowboys and Commanders absolutely despised each other.This game was an elimination game for the Commanders. They thought they won. After the game, Harvey Martin threw a wreath into their lockerroom and later told reporters the Commanders got exactly what they deserved....nothing!