Decided to be a casual fan for a day

For the Thanksgiving game, my family creates "boards" with numbers 1 through 9. We randomly get one of the #'s(cost of 5 dollars). If adding up the scores ends in one of your numbers, you win $25 dollars. We do it by halves. $25 for 1st half, and $25 for 2nd half. I had 2 numbers from 2 boards. I won the first half with my number 3, and I won the second half with my number 7. So, all in all, I enjoyed the game winning $50!! Woo hoo!!
What's funny is that a lot of people were rooting for different things to happen so the score would add up to their number. My brother was rooting for a safety so his number would come up!! LOL :laugh:
I took Thanksgiving off from being a rabid cowboy fan and just decided to be a casual fan for a day.

And I have to say my brothers it was a pleasant experience.
I didn't torture myself with wearing about where our draft position would be if we won or lost.

I didn't dwell on the fact that both teams had terrible records.

I decided not to lament The fact that both teams were starting backup quarterbacks.

I left my expectations and worries at the door and just watched the game and enjoyed it for what it was and it turned out to be a very nice experience the best all year.
I enjoyed just watching our young players grow up in front of our eyes Overshown was spectacular Micah put on a great show Rico had a great game Cooks came back and looked good. And along with Rush actually closed the game out and ended it with a first down.

Now it wasn't a game for the ages and I didn't dwell on the fact that cdlam hears footsteps and drops the ball.
But for the casual cowboy fan it was some very nice Thanksgiving entertainment and didn't leave you with any angst or indigestion.
Good win on a big holiday for our struggling team. Nice to see the guys smiling on the sideline and enjoying the win.

Wondering if anybody else took time out to just look at it this way for the holiday
Great post, felt the same!
I took Thanksgiving off from being a rabid cowboy fan and just decided to be a casual fan for a day.

And I have to say my brothers it was a pleasant experience.
I didn't torture myself with wearing about where our draft position would be if we won or lost.

I didn't dwell on the fact that both teams had terrible records.

I decided not to lament The fact that both teams were starting backup quarterbacks.

I left my expectations and worries at the door and just watched the game and enjoyed it for what it was and it turned out to be a very nice experience the best all year.
I enjoyed just watching our young players grow up in front of our eyes Overshown was spectacular Micah put on a great show Rico had a great game Cooks came back and looked good. And along with Rush actually closed the game out and ended it with a first down.

Now it wasn't a game for the ages and I didn't dwell on the fact that cdlam hears footsteps and drops the ball.
But for the casual cowboy fan it was some very nice Thanksgiving entertainment and didn't leave you with any angst or indigestion.
Good win on a big holiday for our struggling team. Nice to see the guys smiling on the sideline and enjoying the win.

Wondering if anybody else took time out to just look at it this way for the holiday
I missed the game because we were visiting family.
I recorded it and debating if its worth watching.
I get most of my in game enjoyment posting in the game chat, and since I wont be able to to that, may not watch.
I took the family to busch gardens in Tampa for Christmas town. Checked the gene on my phone from time to time. But much more fun being a casual lol
That’s exactly what sports is. I can handle loses IF the game kept me entertained and in suspense until the end. There is nothing entertaining about a one-sided blowout over at the half, particularly at home.

I’ll be at the Bengals game and expect the Bengals to win because, well, they have the better team (especially the QB). All I expect is for the game to competitive for 55+ minutes. I’ll celebrate if they win and will accept defeat if that happens because I will have gotten what I paid for.
This has been my approach. If they lose, they lose, if they win, well nice! Cooper throws an INT, ok not good but life moves on. Turpin returns one for a TD, ok let's go!

I just can't spend too much energy on this team. Jerry does not care about winning. He cares about doing it his way. He cares more about being right than winning. If he does not care, then why should I care???

I will care more about it when the owner of this team decides they want to win a SB by whatever means necessary, by firing whoever needs to be fired even if family, and hiring the best talent for the job. You can't win in the NFL by giving top jobs to your incompetent children.
Ive watched about 15% of the last 2 games. Told my wife last week they didnt even need to be on our tv to boost tv ratings, she didnt listen of course lol.
Games are playing on tv, Im just doing other things...still look at the box scores, stats, and peek in here daily.
Everyone? Lol! Maturity is a good way to describe it. If it was apathy, we wouldn't be here. But, those that like to cry and whine, keep doing it, it's working. Thank you for your dedication
Don't take the word "everyone" literally....was only referring to those who had changed their viewing/rooting habits. I realize that there are still some who's entire Christmas list is nothing by Cowboys merch, and will forever dream of Bill Bates as Head Coach. :muttley:
Don't take the word "everyone" literally....was only referring to those who had changed their viewing/rooting habits. I realize that there are still some who's entire Christmas list is nothing by Cowboys merch, and will forever dream of Bill Bates as Head Coach. :muttley:
3X and size 15, 7.5 cap? just in case....
There is a word describing the reason for everyone’s sudden maturity….apathy.
I think apathy is going to far I think it was more like not being over invested just enjoying the game for what it was and not worrying about what you couldn't control

Still wanted the team to win still cheered just didn't take it over the top to a scientific level happy with watching decent football good running game nice pass rush just not worrying about where we would draft or playoff possibilities just the game itself for that day Thanksgiving Day
I love watching games on TV, be it college or NFL, but at the end of the day, there are a ton more things more important in life that watching sports on TV. Never let a game you don't play yourself dictate your emotions.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I may jump up or scream at the TV in the moment (LOL) but when you go to bed at night, day and game is over with more important things to do in the upcoming week.

Now, follow a game day thread here without being able to watch the game live on TV can almost be more entertaining. Seems half the people go off their bi polar meds and within 10 minutes you're either following the greatest football team on earth or the worst football team on earth, and keeps going up and down until the end of the game LOL

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