Defense needs to step up, but...


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114've got to give credit to Vick for his playmaking ability Saturday night.

The guy is very dangerous with his feet and given time to throw and when on his game can make the difficult pass.

Also, you need to look at the fumble recovery we made before halftime that we coughed up. We keep that fumble recovery and we may be up by 14 at halftime instead of being tied up...

You also have to consider the great field position Atlanta got to start some of their drives...

On the play where Aaron Glenn got beat for the big catch he had great inside position on his reaceiver but Vick made an incredible throw and the receiver on the play made a nice leaping catch...


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Notice how things settled down in the 2nd half after we moved from the man to man coverage to a zone system? No more big plays.

With Ellis out, we don't have the pressure up front to play a solid man to man system. We have a good 2ndary, but no one can cover forever. With the perils of FS back there, I think switching over to a zone D is our best bet for the short run.


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Point #1.

Ware caused that Fumble. Dont give credit to the rest of the GUys, Ware basically was our Defense last night. I refuse to give the rest of those guys any credit...hell no.

POint #2.

Aaron Glenn had great inside position because He was holding. And The WR still caught the ball.

Point #3.

They got good Field position because our Special teams either missed tackles or WE had a TO. BAsically one of the easy TDds for them was thanks to a INT.

All in all the D as a whole gets no credit from Me.


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A play midway through the second quarter served as a microcosm of a Zimmer coached defense:

3rd and 3, Dallas blitzes 8 players. Atlanta has 6 players in pass protection. Not a single Dallas defender even crosses the LOS, let alone get any pressure on Vick.

Now, my math isnt great, but 8 - 6 = 2. Gap assingments are not this team's fortay, and that is all on coaching.