defensive schemes


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I saw a post earlier about the WCO is what caused the 46 defense to go away. I don't agree with that. The Bears just could not find players to replace Dent, Hampton, McMichael, Singletary and whomever else on that defense. Any scheme is only as good at the players that run it. The 46 scheme is just one that is more difficult to find the personnel to run it. Some schemes are easier to run than others. It can sometimes be easier to run a Cover 2 scheme than anything else. That is what we hear about the 3-4. That it is easier to find guys that fit it than the 4-3.

If you don't get the right players, then the 46 defense probably has more holes in it than other schemes. It seems like a high risk, high reward type of scheme. When you don't have the players, you end up losing on the risks than winning.

I would say the 46 is one of those schemes that is very difficult to run unless you have the perfect personnel. The 85 Bears had it, but few other teams do. Especially to that level. I think the Flex defense is the same way. It would be difficult to find the right players to run a version of the Flex in today's NFL.

The WCO is the same way on the other side of the ball. Many teams can run it, but few can have the success as a team with Montana and Rice. Or Norv Turner's timing offense with The Triplets and Novacek and that O-line.


"You want some?"
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
It's some scheme but it's mostly the talent.

I remember the Monday night game where Marino was tearing the '85 Bears a new one. He wasn't doing it with 5-yard WCO throws but he was ripping a hole in the Bear's d with longer patterns.


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MichaelWinicki;1251664 said:
It's some scheme but it's mostly the talent.

I remember the Monday night game where Marino was tearing the '85 Bears a new one. He wasn't doing it with 5-yard WCO throws but he was ripping a hole in the Bear's d with longer patterns.

He was also rolling out quite a bit. Often out past the numbers.


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joseephuss;1251657 said:
The WCO is the same way on the other side of the ball. Many teams can run it, but few can have the success as a team with Montana and Rice.

Disagree. Another year in the system and Hutchinson would have made a star out of himself, Ken-Yon Rambo, and James Whalen. We just gave up on it too soon.


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Marino's quick release was just hell on any pressure defense.


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abersonc;1251670 said:
Disagree. Another year in the system and Hutchinson would have made a star out of himself, Ken-Yon Rambo, and James Whalen. We just gave up on it too soon.
Ken-Yon Rambo was once projected as a first round pick believe it or not, back to you Ripley.


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abersonc;1251670 said:
Disagree. Another year in the system and Hutchinson would have made a star out of himself, Ken-Yon Rambo, and James Whalen. We just gave up on it too soon.

That has to be one of the funniest things I have ever read.


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I discussed the 46 pretty exhaustively here:

You have to have a strong safety that can play linebacker, a Will linebacker with db class speed, and 2 great defensive backs. It's a 6-2-3 and can rush 8 without blitzing depending on the coverage.

The 46 confused people. If people had understod at the time it was a variant of the old 6 man line prevalent in the 1940s, they would have had a better chance of attacking it. But it looked weird, when you line up in a 4-3 and move around into the 46 people didn't know what was going on.

The WCO didn't get rid of the 46. The 46 came into vogue _after_ the 49ers were a respectably good team under Bill Walsh.


Yakuza Rich

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That's partially correct. The 46 defense was suceptible to screens and pitchouts. The 46 defense did attack the interior of the O-Line pretty hard, but the zone blocking scheme helps counter that a little bit when they ran. The screen and pitchout play are big parts of the WCO. In reality Marino first exposed it, but it was the WCO's that came along and started to follow Marino's blueprint. Since this was already things the WCO's liked to do, it made the 46 obsolete.
