Defiance series premier on tonight


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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For those that like science fiction shows. The premier of the shoe Defiance starts tonight at 9 est on SYFY channel.
Just checked and it is tonight. I read somewhere else it was on the 16th. Anyway, thanks for the heads up!
Thanks BrainPaint. I set my series recording up already. Now if it will just stay on the air for awhile.
Was Ok.

Will give it a few more episodes to see if it grows on me.
Rats, I missed it. I'm sure it'll be re-re-repeated though
I thought is was OK. Some of the special effects were not that good. Will give it a few more episodes to see if it gets better.
Yeah, it needs to get better. The cgi was so bad in the downed space ship it looked like they walked into a cartoon. The script didn't impress me either. Way too similar to tera nova for my taste also. (despite the aliens) The main actresses are the best thing about it at this point.
Background info on the plot that apparently you get from playing the video game.

In the near future, seven alien races collectively known as the Votans traveled thousands of years to Earth, not knowing it was inhabited. While some colonists were allowed to settle, the bulk of the refugees remained in stasis on their ships while humans and Votans negotiated for their settlement. When the ships were mysteriously destroyed, the Pale Wars broke out and alien terraforming technology was chaotically unleashed upon the planet, reshaping the landscape and introducing dangerously altered creatures from the Votans home worlds.
Give it a couple of episodes to see what it's really made of. The problem with season opening pilot shows is that they are heavily reviewed by the studio execs, who get to add their wonderful 'suggestions'....

It still may not be any good, but sometimes it does take a bit to hit stride. I found the game to be a pretty fun little third person PVE shooter, but not worth the $60 on PC. The Karl Von Bach character was pretty dang funny. Got to fight alongside the main characters of the show for one little battle too.
DVR'ed it last night. Still haven't watched. And for those of you you saying Stargate Universe, your show wrecked that series.
Hate to bring up a dead horse, but have watched 3 episodes now. The story lines aren't bad, but none of these characters have sold me on the show. That's what I loved about Battlestar Galactica(Starbuck could be annoying though), Stargate SG 1, and Warehouse 13. You loved the characters on those shows. I just haven't seen any character like that yet on Defiance. Figured 3 shows is enough time. I'll keep watching it, but don't see it lasting.
muck4doo;5072101 said:
Hate to bring up a dead horse, but have watched 3 episodes now. The story lines aren't bad, but none of these characters have sold me on the show. That's what I loved about Battlestar Galactica(Starbuck could be annoying though), Stargate SG 1, and Warehouse 13. You loved the characters on those shows. I just haven't seen any character like that yet on Defiance. Figured 3 shows is enough time. I'll keep watching it, but don't see it lasting.

Kind of feel the same way.

Will keep watching as not much else on but if I missed it it would not kill me and I don't see it lasting too long unless it really changes some.
BrAinPaiNt;5072419 said:
Kind of feel the same way.

Will keep watching as not much else on but if I missed it it would not kill me and I don't see it lasting too long unless it really changes some.

It will be one and done. Caprica was the last big thing SYFY tried, and only lasted a season. However, the characters in Caprica were much more likable. It was a better show. So sad to see Defiance fail so far. Falling Skies is not a SYFY show, but does a much better job as far as story and character development go. I heard "Being Human" is pretty good, but can't watch it. I was already following the original BBC version, and will keep watching that till it's cancelled. After that I will see what the American version is like. From what I was told the story lines aren't the same at all.
muck4doo;5073074 said:
It will be one and done. Caprica was the last big thing SYFY tried, and only lasted a season. However, the characters in Caprica were much more likable. It was a better show. So sad to see Defiance fail so far. Falling Skies is not a SYFY show, but does a much better job as far as story and character development go. I heard "Being Human" is pretty good, but can't watch it. I was already following the original BBC version, and will keep watching that till it's cancelled. After that I will see what the American version is like. From what I was told the story lines aren't the same at all.

BBC version still one. Kind of figured it was cancelled after the last season with all new characters and it seems it has been off for some time now.

US. Version is a little different. Some ways better some worse.

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