I’ve been drinking whiteclaws lately. Looking trim and fit. Ready to throw my hat in at LDEI’m going out for more beer, anyone want anything?
The only problem I have with Tank is his refusal to get surgery. The rest will be taken care of one way or another.
You know scientists figured out how the statues on Easter Island got to where they ended being "sitcheeated"?You forgot:
Dead to me...
The hate towards this player who isn’t doing what some “fans” want when it comes to his contract is hilarious.
He is a selfish dude.
Bulldogs are cool.My sister used to have an English Bulldog named Tank, he was a great dog. He looked a lot like this dog, slept with his tongue out, slobber everywhere, he'd fart right next to you then leave the room......
He started it? Well if hes not careful he might slip even further down the depth chart and have to give up his hotboyz chain to kerry hyder.Taco started it.
Aw, yes. Contract negotiation in the off-season is now "selfish." Please.
+1 for the new thread. Loljust wanted to get in on the 300k open ended threads about DLaw. State your opinion here
Hot Boyz disappeared in the playoffs vs the Rams. Jerry, go out and find the very best offensive and defensive coaches. Over pay them!!! They don’t count against the salary cap like the players do.Hot Boyz!