Video: Demarcus Ware talks clearly about why the Cowboys failed but Broncos didn't


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If you haven't seen this it's great stuff by Demarcus ware! The video is a little long and it lags, but Demarcus goes into reasons why his Cowboys despite having all the pieces couldn't break through and get it done while the Broncos could. He alludes to the Cowboys having way too many chiefs and not nearly enough Indians. He also talks about they were more worried about stats and td's as opposed to each other. He said the Broncos would hang out together in locker room play video games, bring the family to just be around everyone during practices. He said the Cowboys lacked that team and the closeness.

Does this surprise anyone? Check the vid out, it's long and pool quality, but relevant content.

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If you haven't seen this it's great stuff by Demarcus ware! The video is a little long and it lags, but Demarcus goes into reasons why his Cowboys despite having all the pieces couldn't break through and get it done while the Broncos could. He alludes to the Cowboys having way too many chiefs and not nearly enough Indians. He also talks about they were more worried about stats and td's as opposed to each other. He said the Broncos would hang out together in locker room play video games, bring the family to just be around everyone during practices. He said the Cowboys lacked that team and the closeness.

Does this surprise anyone? Check the vid out, it's long and pool quality, but relevant content.


so coaching matters?


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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If you haven't seen this it's great stuff by Demarcus ware! The video is a little long and it lags, but Demarcus goes into reasons why his Cowboys despite having all the pieces couldn't break through and get it done while the Broncos could. He alludes to the Cowboys having way too many chiefs and not nearly enough Indians. He also talks about they were more worried about stats and td's as opposed to each other. He said the Broncos would hang out together in locker room play video games, bring the family to just be around everyone during practices. He said the Cowboys lacked that team and the closeness.

Does this surprise anyone? Check the vid out, it's long and pool quality, but relevant content.

I don't mind a few likes if you decide to check it out-- Thanks guys..


This just confirms to me that coaching was the primary problem. Ware recognizes that the team had the talent. He feels the camaraderie was missing, and it might have been, but to me, if your team has the talent, it's up to the coach to pull it together.


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Coaches don’t make players come in hang out with each other.

For every Ware type player we have there is a Witten right behind him.

The players come in, do their job and clock out. That’s a problem far beyond a coach can solve.


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Not only does Ware's comments point out to the leadership from the top on down, it also has to do with the type of character issues some of the players we draft and sign have. I dont mind a couple of players JJ likes to take a chance with , but character With Skill wins championships.
Something the Dallas Cowboys havent done for almost Three decades now.


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If you haven't seen this it's great stuff by Demarcus ware! The video is a little long and it lags, but Demarcus goes into reasons why his Cowboys despite having all the pieces couldn't break through and get it done while the Broncos could. He alludes to the Cowboys having way too many chiefs and not nearly enough Indians. He also talks about they were more worried about stats and td's as opposed to each other. He said the Broncos would hang out together in locker room play video games, bring the family to just be around everyone during practices. He said the Cowboys lacked that team and the closeness.

Does this surprise anyone? Check the vid out, it's long and pool quality, but relevant content.

A great GM , great Defense , and a Great QB , a good enough coach , a winning recipe . We had none .


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Good thing we got guys like Zeke...he’s all about the team :rolleyes: While his teammates are getting ready in the pre season he’s holding out in Cabo shopping for purses and demanding to be paid the most ever for his position with 2 years left on his contract but I’ve been told by other posters that his holdout never effected the team.

What does Ware know about winning championships?!


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Hearing this strengthens my belief that our biggest issue in the last 20 years or so has not been talent, it has been the weak coaches that have been brought in so that Jerry could be the guy in charge.

I hope MM changes that.

100%. And just look at what a REAL HC does instantly. In 10 years that Garrett has been here the DT, safety positions have NEVER been properly addressed. MM comes in and its the first thing he does!!! LOL


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Coaches don’t make players come in hang out with each other.

For every Ware type player we have there is a Witten right behind him.

The players come in, do their job and clock out. That’s a problem far beyond a coach can solve.

The coach sets the tone for the environment and the atmosphere. That is 100% the job of the HC. Now if you are a puppet?


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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100%. And just look at what a REAL HC does instantly. In 10 years that Garrett has been here the DT, safety positions have NEVER been properly addressed. MM comes in and its the first thing he does!!! LOL
No disagreement here.
I'm just waiting for the first time a player goes straight to Jerry.
We won't hear about it, but we'll see the effects.
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