Derek Jeter

nyc;3561848 said:
Cheating isn't "part of the game". It's a low class thing to do which is what really surprises me that Jeter did it. Now, I would fully expect it from A-Rod.

No one ever makes a big stink when a punter or kicker does the same thing right? How about flopping in basketball? I see no difference.
jimmy40;3561899 said:
the next time a fielder traps a fly ball and then holds his glove up like he caught it will you call them a loser, the next time a catcher pulls in a pitch out of the strike zone will you call them a loser?

If I cared even a little bit about baseball, I would tell you that you've just made an excellent point.
laythewood28;3562080 said:
No one ever makes a big stink when a punter or kicker does the same thing right? How about flopping in basketball? I see no difference.

I do. Ask my wife how much I hate flopping. (We met at a Dallas Mavericks game)

Don't try to justify your cheating by saying everyone does it. ;)
nyc;3562120 said:
I do. Ask my wife how much I hate flopping. (We met at a Dallas Mavericks game)

Don't try to justify your cheating by saying everyone does it. ;)

I think that there is a fine line. As I said earlier, we don't teach this to our kids but in the area of Pro Sports, they are getting paid to win and so, this is not only considered acceptable but it's coached.
I hate the Yankees,, but I can't help but being a big fan of Jeter. Always been a class act to me. In my mind he is the baseball equivalent of a gym rat - lives and breaths the game and does things the right way.

However, on the surface I don't care for this. I didn't see it though, so it's hard for me to comment. If the umpire signaled that he had been hit, and he just kind of went along with it, that's one thing. Nobody does, or should, try to change the umpire's mind about a call that went in their favor. But if the umpire didn't think the ball hit him and Jeter tried to convince him it did, that's different, and kind of a busch league move.
Mike and Mike played it quite a few times.It's actually kind
of funny.Yeah,he cheated but Karma;they still lost.
I'm just glad he won't hurt for real in the middle of the pennant race.
I just looked at the replay. I'm a little disappointed in Jeter, but in the context of his entire career it doesn't amount to much.
Who cares. If any of us were in that same spot, fighting for the division lead in the toughest division in baseball in a one run game, we would do the same thing.

I'm a die hard Twins fan and not a fan of the Yankees. I see no problem with this. It's not Jeter's fault, the umps have to hear/see that.
yesfan;3562431 said:
Mike and Mike played it quite a few times.It's actually kind
of funny.Yeah,he cheated but Karma;they still lost.
That, and he'll get one in the earhole for real next time.
I imagine having a bat knocked out of your hand the way his was would hurt your hands. I think anyone would've acted the same way he did and would've taken the base when the ump told them to.
nyc;3561879 said:
No, cheating is NOT a part of baseball and it's completely asinine to say as much. Show me where in a book of rules it says cheating is part of the game. It's not and never has been. It's what loser do when they are having trouble competing.

Gaylord Perry thinks you're a little *****!

my question is, since the ball hit the bat, is the play live?
rkell87;3565269 said:

my question is, since the ball hit the bat, is the play live?

I thought it hit him in the hip after the bat. If that's the case, it's a dead ball.
nyc;3561879 said:
No, cheating is NOT a part of baseball and it's completely asinine to say as much. Show me where in a book of rules it says cheating is part of the game. It's not and never has been. It's what loser do when they are having trouble competing.

Cheating is a part of the game.

I can't believe you would say it isn't.

Corked bats, roids, scuffing the ball.

It's not encouraged but it is still a very big part of baseball no matter who wants to believe it or not.

And this isn't cheating. It's just cowardice. Jeter's a sissy for playing it out that much. Even if it hit him, he'd look like a major wuss for taking that long to roll around on the ground.
Cheating!!! Did you expect Derek Jeter to turn around and say I'm sorry the ball did not hit me. Is it cheating when a runner is called safe, but he knows he was out and the umpire got the call wrong. How about when a defensive back is called for pass interference and the replay shows he did not touch the receiver. Should the receiver immediately jump up and tell the referee there was no pass interference.

Umpires and referees make the wrong call in a lot of situations. Kickers over react when they are hit to draw a roughing flag. Some things are just part of the game. If Derek Jeter was wrong then all baseball players are probably cheats since they have all taken advantage of a bad call in their life.
nyc;3561848 said:
Cheating isn't "part of the game". It's a low class thing to do which is what really surprises me that Jeter did it. Now, I would fully expect it from A-Rod.

says the poster who has never said or done anything wrong, unlawful, unethical, or immoral in his/her life......
It's no different than a flop in hockey. They do it all the time. And...doesn't the catcher always try to pull his glove in to get the ump to call a strike on a ball?

Big whoop

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