I think the girl that played Rita in Dexter is on that new show. The family that has super powers and the guy that played thing from the Fantastic four movies is her husband.
I thought she was pretty, her character was kind of annoying to me due to going from too much of a mouse to too much of a nagging lion.
Although she did look sexy in the one episode where she was dressed up as Croft from the tomb raider games.
On to other things.
I think lithgow (sp?) was by far the best villian in the show. I have liked all seasons although the one with Jimmy Smits (sp?) was the weakest. I think he is a great actor but the character kind of bored me.
I kind of wished they would have kept Lila (I think that was her character name) on for another season. There was some interesting possibilities with her character and Dexter.