Dez Bryant: There is nothing diva about me..


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“It’s crazy how I’m getting ripped up, and I just don’t get it,” Bryant said

Thats the problem, he doesnt get it. I am afraid when he gets the money, he still wont get it. Hard to think some of the family who would be local, would be a plus either. Biggest boom/ bust guy on the board.


Lost in the Woods
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TheCount;3361612 said:
Absolutely over the line. Period. Whoever asked that should be fired.

It's in poor taste, sure, but I can understand why the question was asked: if you're going to invest a high pick and millions of dollars in a player with his background you want to see how he is going to react to the type of questions that he will undoubtedly face once he is drafted.


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CATCH17;3361629 said:
And Bill is the type of guy that if Dez would've got up and threw punches he probably would've moved him to the top of their draft board.

Punches are ok, but throwing a towel in his face gets you removed from the draft board.


Zone Scribe
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Roughly 20 hours before the start of the NFL draft, Bryant, a former Oklahoma State wideout likely to be selected in Thursday night’s first round, wasn’t projecting the anxious excitement you’d expect of a young man about to realize a longtime dream. During a long conversation at the expansive home of his advisor, David Wells, Bryant sounded beaten down by a process that has seen him repeatedly cast in a negative light.

Uh-oh... thought that name sounded familiar.


Michael Crabtree's Adviser Has Quite The Shady History
Remember when we said Michael Crabtree shouldn't be listening to his cousin? He might not be the best guy to get advice from. When the local alt-weekly has done a 5000-word investigative piece on you, you're probably not squeaky clean.

Crabtree's cousin/advisor/miscellaneous hanger-on, David Wells, has been advising the 49ers draftee to hold out, all season if need be. Here's an article Crabtree needs to read.

The first thing you need to know about Wells is that he made his name as a bail bondsman. But if a man whose company's motto is "U Ring, We Spring," isn't enough to turn you off, back in 2002 the Dallas Observer did a story that makes you wonder why he isn't in jail, let alone advising a top young athlete.

A partial list of curious episodes before and during Wells's time as head of David's Bail Bonds:

•Arrested for stealing boxing gloves from the Dallas Police Athletic League.

•Banned for life by USA Boxing over allegations of misuse of funds.

•Served as the omnipresent bodyguard shoving reporters out of the way for Michael Irvin after his arrest for possession.

•Indicted for serving as a private investigator with a license that had lapsed four years earlier, but exonerated after a dubious receipt appeared showing he had renewed it.

•Let off the hook for $50,000 when one of his clients skipped town, after a dubious document appeared showing he had warned the county.

•Started a security company with a court bailiff, which is illegal due to conflict-of-interest rules.

So, Michael Crabtree, when this man tells you $23 million guaranteed isn't enough money for you, you really ought to get a second opinion.

Here's the Dallas Observer story.


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Can't Deion shed some light on this kid for anyone that wonders about him?


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Sasquatch;3361634 said:
It's in poor taste, sure, but I can understand why the question was asked: if you're going to invest a high pick and millions of dollars in a player with his background you want to see how he is going to react to the type of questions that he will undoubtedly face once he is drafted.

Also it asks what kind of people he's going to have around him in his life and influencing him and in his ear.

From all accounts he's a really sweet, good natured kid. That could actually be a problem ... he could be taken advantage of and influenced by people in his life in a non-positive way. He's already got Deion hanging around him whispering in his ear. He's got a baby-momma. Now we find out he's got a shady con-artist as an "advisor". He's got a mother who has a long history of drug issues and criminal background. You wonder if he can seperate himself from these people if they start dragging him down.


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InmanRoshi;3361622 said:
He took a visit to Miami. Parcells probably has he nads to ask something like that. He probably prefaced it with "Lookit....."

Remember when he said something along the lines on ESPN, I think, of "No offense, but we used to call those Jap plays?" Mercy!


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alancdc;3361677 said:
Remember when he said something along the lines on ESPN, I think, of "No offense, but we used to call those Jap plays?" Mercy!

Nah, if it was Parcells he would have asked him if his mother was a "goomah".


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If I was going to draft this kid and pay him buckets of money I want to know if his mom is a prostitute too.

Ya know why?

Because that way of life is what it is.

Don't try telling me she was a Hollywood madam who would have been in the high class category.

He's a young kid. His mom probably has a huge influence on him. Her decisions affect his well being. If she's making poor decisions with her life then so is he.

Say she lives with him when he signs his big deal. She's the primary care taker of his property while he's away playing ball.

All of that baggage she carries and all of those peope she has been running with are now in his life. Those people see money, not a fairy tale where some kid from the hood made it big.

And if Deion is barking about his time management then something is there.

Deion wants him to succeed. But he's being honest.

I am not saying Dez isn't a huge talent or that he's not worth being chosen in the top ten of this draft.

But when you do draft him you had better be ready to deal with his life.

His life. This entails a mother who has had her problems. This entails a kid who is a great ball player but is going to have to be taught how to be a professional athlete.

This entails you as an organization teaching a boy how to become a man and it's unlikely you are going to get much help from his family because it does not seem like they have the skills to do this.

Money. Risk vs reward. PR. Fans.

It's never just about Sunday folks.


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If most people only knew the types of questions these kids get asked.

The question had nothing to do with his background (they've already checked on that if they've done their due diligence) but rather how he was going to react to it. Agents have prepped them for almost everything, from the 40 and wonderlic to how to answer each question. Sometimes the only way to get around stock answers is to pull a question out of left field to put the kid back on his heels. Plus a lot worse things are going to be said to him on the field......


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I don't understand why this guy is getting such a bad rep. There has to be something more to this right? Because if all he's doing is being tardy then he's getting a unfair shake. Or maybe fair if he falls to us at 27 lol.

Honestly though the best thing that can happen to him is if he falls to the end of the 1st round and gets on a contender. He'll eventually get his money and he'll do it on a good team with a solid quarterback.


Preacher From The Black Lagoon
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Please let him be a Dallas Cowboy in a few hours.

I would trade up for him. Even up to 15 to get him.


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Cajuncowboy;3361760 said:
Please let him be a Dallas Cowboy in a few hours.

I would trade up for him. Even up to 15 to get him.

*pray's with you*