DFW media carrying no torches for Cowboy fans

Switch accounts??? I’ve been here almost since the beginning homey. In the history of the board, there’s only a handful of people who everyone hated more than you. There’s only two I can think of that people would call a worse fan than you. And that’s not me talking, that’s this entire community.
Is that right?

When did you get voted the voice of this site?
East coast media is stronger. The NY media can do whatever they want and then everyone sees it as the norm because that's just how things work. They don't need the approval or good relationship with a team's ownership. It's the opposite here...Jerry even hosts a party for the media during training camp every year :thumbdown:
East coast media is judged by how harsh they can be.
If this was Chicago, Philly, NY, or Boston, there would be article after article written inquiring why in the hell are there negotiations going on between Booger and Corky....especially given the Green Bay game, and the 3-7 start WITH Dim as QB....there has been nothing written or said in the electronic media here in the DFW area that would give Booger even the slightest bit of cause for concern. Sad and pathetic....everybody acting like scared little mice, after seeing the way The Fan 105.3 had their privates removed six (6) weeks ago....do better!!!!!!
And give up a 3x3 cubicle and free popcorn at the Star?!……..

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