Did something this morning...


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casmith07;3665147 said:
Agree. I'd be right there cheering loud and proud, and taking my lumps like a man in defeat.

Congrats on wussing out, OP.

i second this....casmith07 is on my "good guy, good loyal fan list"

we could use more fans like you.

personally, I keep those tickets, tailgate proudly, drink my beer, and cheer my cowboys on thru thick-n-thin.


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WoodysGirl;3665142 said:
I'd still go because I made the investment. Say he spent $450 on a pair of tix, sold them for $200 total. That's wasting money to me.

I'd suck it up just to get value out of process.

Or maybe he breaks even when you figure he now doesn't have to wast an entire weekend day on something meaningless, nor does he waste all that extra money buying beer and food ar rediculously inflated prices.


1st Round Pick
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SupermanXx;3665378 said:

didn't you fly in from NY too?

No but I drove from Oklahoma. Only took me a couple of hours and I saw a car wreck happen about 20 yards behind me on the trip down.

I will say this. Going to the new stadium is muuuuch better than the old one.

The traffic was fine. The walk to the stadium was pleasant. Even the parking costs were reasonable.

Then I got in that stadium and watched the crapola on the field.


1st Round Pick
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WoodysGirl;3665400 said:
Well considering I would only go to home games, my costs would just be the tix. I don't pay for parking, food, or drinks at the stadium. A coat and other warm attire, and I'm fine.

I'm not knocking the guy for selling them. I just don't believe in taking a significant loss like he said he did in this case.

Shoot, I went to games during the Campo years. This would be no different in my eyes.

It's not just about the record though.

This team has QUIT. Why would you spend hundreds of dollars on a team that has quit.

It's not worth it.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
CATCH17;3665571 said:
It's not just about the record though.

This team has QUIT. Why would you spend hundreds of dollars on a team that has quit.

It's not worth it.
If I've already paid my money, then I would go. I'm not gonna sell the tix for a loss.

If I haven't and was just considering it, then I prolly wouldn't. And even then, that's predicated on the cost of the tix. If I could get a great deal, then yeah, I'd consider it.


A Plastic Container
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Just because you sell your tickets doesn't mean you're selling your fandom. You just refuse to watch a loser on the field who shows no emotion or will. If say, someone was selling their fan card I could understand the criticism. The point is to enjoy the game. There is an entertainment value in all of sports. We're not blind followers who want to just watch every single moment because if we don't, we're not "real men" or "real fans". It's more like being smart with your money and investing it in something more worthwhile, like toilet paper.


The Actualist
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tupperware;3665691 said:
Just because you sell your tickets doesn't mean you're selling your fandom. You just refuse to watch a loser on the field who shows no emotion or will. If say, someone was selling their fan card I could understand the criticism. The point is to enjoy the game. There is an entertainment value in all of sports. We're not blind followers who want to just watch every single moment because if we don't, we're not "real men" or "real fans". It's more like being smart with your money and investing it in something more worthwhile, like toilet paper.

Or some nice handy wipes.



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WoodysGirl;3665142 said:
I'd still go because I made the investment. Say he spent $450 on a pair of tix, sold them for $200 total. That's wasting money to me.

I'd suck it up just to get value out of process.

How would you get value out of the process by watching these 2010 Cowboys?

They just got David Garrard inducted into the HOF, for crying out loud.

Stautner;3665646 said:
We say this based on the 9 he put up yesterday?

Have you seen what David Garrard or Jay Cutler have done all year?

Contrast that with what they did against us.

I rest my case.


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HoleInTheRoof;3665748 said:
Have you seen what David Garrard or Jay Cutler have done all year?

Contrast that with what they did against us.

I rest my case.

Hey, I expect the Packers to score on us - just not 50. 30 is probably a given.


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HowAboutThemCowboys;3664975 said:
that I thought I'd never do.

Sold my tickets to the Packer Cowboys game :( This will be the first Packer Cowboy game I will miss at Lambeau Field since Steve Walsh rolled into town and got smacked around in 89 with an injured rookie named Aikman prowling the sidelines.

Took a massive loss on the tickets too.:mad:

As a fellow wisconsinite i echo your feelings. The texts that I will be receiving after and during this romping....


Wide Right
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ajk23az;3665391 said:

So the OP went to GB in 2004 when Vinny Testaverde was QB but can't "suffer" thru this game? Please...

That team was just a below average team, but they still played football every Sunday. This is a good team that has quit and it sickens me. That's why I got rid of the tickets.


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Stautner;3665646 said:
We say this based on the 9 he put up yesterday?

I think he says this based on the fact that teams that the Cowboys have become the remedy for winning when your team is on a downslide.

The Jaguars got it handed to them just a week ago by the Chiefs. Then Garrard comes into Dallas and looks like the next coming of Joe Montana. He had a perfect passer rating. And Green Bay has a better defense.

This game will be ugly.


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WoodysGirl;3665142 said:
I'd still go because I made the investment. Say he spent $450 on a pair of tix, sold them for $200 total. That's wasting money to me.

I'd suck it up just to get value out of process.

I'm selling my Saintsgiving tickets. I don't care how much I lose. Not that I'm a fairweather fan, but why should Jerry get any more of my money when he flat out REFUSES to fix the problems? I am not buying anything else until next season, that is IF we get what we need to be successful.


Junior College Transfer
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HoleInTheRoof;3665083 said:
I'd rather my wife take me to go watch Sex in the City in a crowded theatre than to go to a Cowboys game now.

The fans there looked absolutely miserable.

And who could blame them.

Which SITC? The 1st or 2nd?

Dude, those places are crammed with honeys!

Hang out at the popcorn counter, crying into a tissue. When a gal axs you why you cry, tell her that the emotional burden of Carrie is too overpowering for you. That you know how the heart works and maybe you should be home, instead, building that gazebo you were building for your girl before she left you for that gambler. "The memories are often, I fear, too powerful for me to build. But I am working toward building my heart back up to look for that special girl" you say to her as you blow your nose and take out that book of poems by the gal Emily Brauntea from your pocket.

It's gold. Gold! I tell you. Them gals will practically swoon before you as you catch her while winking at the camera.


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Hey it could be worse, you could have tickets to the Giants game in a couple weeks.

I'm not selling them though, forget that. Even though we are awful and I will be made fun of and cursed out like no other, I'll still be there.