Did the Cowboys appear on the final season of Hard Knocks?


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its exactly how i typed it..Hard Knock's is being released THIS season with the colts..

this place lost its collectives mind when they heard the Cowboys were doing hard knock IN preseason and called jerry a media monger and said it was stupid and was a dsictration..do search i know comprehension and reading skills arent your strong suit but its fact..

now a team is doing it in the regulars season and i bet their fan base doesn't have the same stupid reactions..

HN was not distraction to us i mean we came out game 1 looking prepared and focused so its just another one of the hundred narratives that get busted around this place..

well what you typed was garbled mess of spelling errors and nonsense that didn’t seem to really make a coherent point.

But to this I’ll say

The fans didn’t like HN being here because they thought Jerry was doing a cash grab and it would keep the players from focusing on winning.

the Colts suck, are lame and have no national presence. They would welcome HN, hoping it motivates the players to not suck, and bring some brand recognition to them.

The Cowboys are very different from the Colts, and the fan bases have different expectations and trauma. After all the colts have not failed miserably for over 25 years

so….I guess what I’m saying is



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Hard Knocks was pretty much BORING this year. Didn't get to watch any players sweating it out to see if they made the club. There just wasn't enough **** in this year's camp.


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well what you typed was garbled mess of spelling errors and nonsense that didn’t seem to really make a coherent point.

But to this I’ll say

The fans didn’t like HN being here because they thought Jerry was doing a cash grab and it would keep the players from focusing on winning.

the Colts suck, are lame and have no national presence. They would welcome HN, hoping it motivates the players to not suck, and bring some brand recognition to them.

The Cowboys are very different from the Colts, and the fan bases have different expectations and trauma. After all the colts have not failed miserably for over 25 years

so….I guess what I’m saying is

see you are the first backtracker!!

I knew it sad sorry azz fans around here cant leave it be...

Jerry doing a cash grab but colts oh but they suk..lmao

no its neither teams does this and its not distraction not cash grab and not for publicity the league wanted them to do it jerry agreed..that's that..

i knew the first fan to see that would backtrack all over the place on the difference between the colts and cowboys..last i checked we haven't been to playoff in 2 straight seasons and that why we were up for HN , the colts i believe went to the playoffs last season maybe my memory's bad but they suk and well Jerry had other reasons. He did not ! that tired busted narrative like most here with tired busted opinions..

NO they are 100% the same.

The league and HN come to you and ask rhetorically would you like to be on HN..they agree and move forward..now go back to the cave where you find your opinions and those narratives, they are busted..


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Here are the announcement possibilities:
  • HBO will be cancelling “Hard Knocks” (not likely)
  • The Dallas Cowboys will become the permanent team for HK in all future seasons.
  • Jerry Jones will appear as a player/coach/GM next season for the Cowboys during training camp. He will sell tickets for fans to get their photo made with him in full gear.
  • HBO will doing a “Hard Knocks, Midseason” version, featuring of course the Cowboys, with Jerry as the narrator.
Oh great, that's what everyone wants to see. Jerry doing interviews as he's stepping out of the shower...


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see you are the first backtracker!!

I knew it sad sorry azz fans around here cant leave it be...

Jerry doing a cash grab but colts oh but they suk..lmao

no its neither teams does this and its not distraction not cash grab and not for publicity the league wanted them to do it jerry agreed..that's that..

i knew the first fan to see that would backtrack all over the place on the difference between the colts and cowboys..last i checked we haven't been to playoff in 2 straight seasons and that why we were up for HN , the colts i believe went to the playoffs last season maybe my memory's bad but they suk and well Jerry had other reasons. He did not ! that tired busted narrative like most here with tired busted opinions..

NO they are 100% the same.

The league and HN come to you and ask rhetorically would you like to be on HN..they agree and move forward..now go back to the cave where you find your opinions and those narratives, they are busted..

Umm i didn't care about HN covering the cowboys. The only people i thought it would have bothered would have been the coaches, who don't like having gameplans and speeches, etc recorded for TV. But i didn't think it would affect the team at all, still don't care about them covering the colts. So save your huff and puff for someone else.


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I did because I was desperate for something Cowboys. You didn't miss much at all. If it was featuring another team, I wouldn't have watched it all.
That's why I don't watch. It's probably scripted to a degree to try to keep fans interested.