Did you play football?

Hostile;4652529 said:
Yes, and I miss it so bad I can taste it. It was probably the first thing in my life that I ever really loved other than family or a pet. In a lot of ways the game saved me. Mostly from myself.

Hostile;4652529 said:
Yes, and I miss it so bad I can taste it. It was probably the first thing in my life that I ever really loved other than family or a pet. In a lot of ways the game saved me. Mostly from myself.

I feel this way about football and basketball.
Hostile;4652529 said:
Yes, and I miss it so bad I can taste it. It was probably the first thing in my life that I ever really loved other than family or a pet. In a lot of ways the game saved me. Mostly from myself.

Hear! Hear! Football has done a lot for many. We hear of the tiny number of bad apples and miss or take for granted the 10s of thousands it salvages and strengthens.
My response to the same topic in a thread back in March

I played in middle school and then some city leagues later...not sure how much that counts, but anyway I played TE, sometimes a WR which, when I think about it now, seems ridiculous. I was athletic, but not really 'football' athletic. Most of the guys I played with were bigger and better athletes than I was and ran a LOT faster.

But, for whatever reason, I just managed to get open, and I didn't drop the ball. Even when they doubled me. To this day I have no idea what I was doing right because we didn't get much coaching that I can remember, but I loved it anyway.

I really wanted to play in HS and maybe beyond, but my knees were handed down to me by Joe Namath himself. Everytime I played football or basketball...whatever...sooner or later I would hurt one of my knees for a few months. I doubt I would have made it through a full HS season.

Yes, I was injury prone...lol.

Still, one time I seriously thought about trying out as a walk-on at UNM. But then I met some of the players....who were huge. What was I thinking? They would rip me apart...if they didn't laugh first. I was only 6' 180 lbs. That might have been okay if I ran a 4.5 40, but I didn't. And I was never any good at kicking.

I would have loved to play TE in college. I think I had the mentality for that position, just not the body...for ANY position really.
Hostile;4652529 said:
Yes, and I miss it so bad I can taste it. It was probably the first thing in my life that I ever really loved other than family or a pet. In a lot of ways the game saved me. Mostly from myself.

You and many others. Football keeps thousands of kids out of trouble every year and allows many of them to go to college when they otherwise would not be able to. Organized sports in general save a lot of lives.
I played through high school and went with baseball route in college.

Was a two way player all four years. Qb freshman and soph seasons, wasn't good and played te position last two years. I played S/Lb on D all four yrs, was much better on that side of the ball.

I remember my first td as qb (rushing!) and spiked the ball. All I got after that was a heated conversation from the coach to act like I've been there before. :D

I loved playing football but I do regret not focusing all my time on baseball. I was so much better in baseball but loved football more. Wasted scholarship offers to Clem and SC to play baseball and played at a smaller school for a season before all focus towards academics.
Hostile;4652529 said:
Yes, and I miss it so bad I can taste it. It was probably the first thing in my life that I ever really loved other than family or a pet. In a lot of ways the game saved me. Mostly from myself.

...I see this every year.

Big kids who were once discounted due to being too big and too slow and last to be selected on a pick up team are valued for their size in football.

So many of the big kids I have worked with since I first talked to you years ago about getting into coaching have stuck with football and developed in themselves a sense of self worth and dignity.

This year is the first year of my first ever freshmen class of pee wees to hit their senior year in football. I'm not sure how many will make it onto college, but it has been an absolute pleasure to see them do everything they could with their football dreams.

If you thought this was a great game from the playing aspect, it's even better from the coaching sidelines.
SkinsandTerps;4652757 said:
David, I don't know that Hos has the patience to coach.


...I guess we just have to put him off in the corner of the practice field with the kickers until he figures it out.
My baseball coach in HS suggested we all play 2 sports, so he pretty much made me try out for football my Junior year. On the first day of tryouts, coach Schultz said "stew, go catch balls over the middle, 10 yds deep". After my 4th catch and being made into a football tackling dummy for them to practice on, my baseball coach pulled me and said I could play one sport :)
I played it for about a week in 7th grade. Didn't like getting up 2 hours before school started :laugh2:

If I could go back I would have played all through high school, after that who knows?
My combination of being too thin and uncoordinated made football a bad idea. That and I worked all summer and some after school with my family so I didn't have a lot of free time.
I played until my jr. year of high school. I started in modified playing deep safety and tight end. My junior year I was probably going to start some games but in the summer before school started, when we had 'optional' practices, I had to miss a weekend of practice to help my sister move into college. The coach told me that if I missed the weekend to not bother showing up on Monday because he wasn't going to play me for the entire year.

So that was the end of my football playing days.

SkinsandTerps;4652757 said:
David, I don't know that Hos has the patience to coach.

I've already been one at the HS and NCAA level, and am being asked again to come back to coaching at the HS level.

However, you are right about my patience. I am a screamer out there.
davidyee;4652755 said:
...I see this every year.

Big kids who were once discounted due to being too big and too slow and last to be selected on a pick up team are valued for their size in football.

So many of the big kids I have worked with since I first talked to you years ago about getting into coaching have stuck with football and developed in themselves a sense of self worth and dignity.

This year is the first year of my first ever freshmen class of pee wees to hit their senior year in football. I'm not sure how many will make it onto college, but it has been an absolute pleasure to see them do everything they could with their football dreams.

If you thought this was a great game from the playing aspect, it's even better from the coaching sidelines.
You have no idea how much I loved reading that.
i played all my life until i was 17 i was out with a broken leg... i was fishing and tried reeling in a 20 pounder and put my shoulder out lol
Played RB through 5 years of college. Small NAIA school in South Dakota, but we went to the playoffs for the first time in school history while I was there. Also had an undefeated season that year.

Fondest memory - Scoring 5 TDs in my second to last game in college.

Worst memory - Blowing out my ACL and MCL in my second year of college.

I should have played defense, probably could have went D1 if I had.
I played from 3rd grade through my Junior year in high school. I tore my rotator cuff during spring training when I landed on my elbow. Game -set - match for my football career.

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