I switched from DTV from Uverse, but only for financial reasons...
Like you, I had internet services from AT&T and they bundled everything for $92 a month...
I was paying $66 a month for internet and $140 for DTV, so that effectively was saving me over $100 a month...
Once the final acquisition of DTV by AT&T goes through, I'm going to inquire about moving back to DTV...
I LOVED DTV. Uverse is OK. I'll point out some deficiencies of Uverse...
- Interface is a quirky
- Can only record three shows at once
- Live TV is automatically interrupted by scheduled events. DTV asks you if you want to to that. This is a big issue with me because if you had paused or rewound a "live" show for a good bit (like a football game), when you over ride the recording and go back to the live show, it is now live and you lose the ability to rewind back where you were
- Screen saver kicks in WAY too fast and it is bright blue. If you watch TV in bed and fall asleep, that bright blue lights up the room
- Remote sux
- No fully backlit remote available
- Tech support is CLUELESS
The only reason I stay with them is because of the great price they are giving me...