DMN: Blog: Horn: Going Inside Tony Romo


The Grand Poobah
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Going Inside Tony Romo

5:17 PM Wed, Dec 10, 2008 | Permalink | Yahoo! Buzz
Barry Horn

Given the circumstances of the Cowboys loss in Pittsburgh and Sunday Night's big game against the Giants, the network studio shows are going to be filled with Tony Romo talk on Sunday.

Showtime's Inside the NFL gets a jump on the yakking tonight at 8. Through the magic of blogging sources, here's what Cris Collinsworth, Phil Simms and Warren Sapp will have to say about Romo:


Thread Killer
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Cris Collinsworth: "I wonder if it's in Tony's head now, that's my question. That he lost another significant game when they had the lead. They could not possibly lose that game to the Pittsburgh Steelers. In 19 seconds they give up two touchdowns, one of them his...You just have to wonder how he reacts emotionally to this one. Because now you have the World Champion Giants coming in. Now you have the Baltimore Ravens and that "D" and then you have to go play the Philadelphia Eagles on the road in order to get into the playoffs. If he loses any one of those games, that label is going to start to stick."

Phil Simms: "Let me say this about Tony Romo, and I watch all these quarterbacks, Ben Roethlisberger to me has done one of the best jobs in the NFL this year of pulling back and quit trying to be that guy that is the playmaker. And when Tony Romo is out on that field sometimes, I saw it against the Steelers, when he is trying to be Tony Romo that is not good. You have to see the big picture, what is best for the football team and sometimes, truly not losing the game is more important and better than trying to win it. You have to know when to be extremely careful. He hasn't done that yet in his career."

Warren Sapp: "I have to ask you all, where is this guy's signature game; his signature performance that we talk about? The Cowboys haven't won a playoff game since 1996."

Simms: "Can't win the big game! You want to get me fired up? Start saying that phrase, because that is one of the worst things that can ever be labeled on a quarterback. They said that about Peyton Manning, they said that about Dan Marino, they said it about John Elway, until the last couple of years. Tony Romo has only been a full-time starter for two years. Let's give him a little time to see what happens in his career before we label him the guy that can't get it done in a big spot."


Kane Ala
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This is what I've ineptly tried to say.

Phil Simms: "Let me say this about Tony Romo, and I watch all these quarterbacks, Ben Roethlisberger to me has done one of the best jobs in the NFL this year of pulling back and quit trying to be that guy that is the playmaker. And when Tony Romo is out on that field sometimes, I saw it against the Steelers, when he is trying to be Tony Romo that is not good. You have to see the big picture, what is best for the football team and sometimes, truly not losing the game is more important and better than trying to win it. You have to know when to be extremely careful. He hasn't done that yet in his career."

That is the truth. Tony was going to win that game. And so was Garrett. Instead of playing more conservatively he throws into the teeth of that defense. On a day when he had not thrown well. Against the number one defense in the league.

That is where Tony needs to learn something. I don't know if he can. This is one aspect of being a 'celebrity' comes to mind. It's not just who he hangs with. He is celebrity. He needs to care for the ball better to take that next step. Esp on your end of the field.


Through Pain Comes Clarity
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jobberone;2479869 said:
This is what I've ineptly tried to say.

Phil Simms: "Let me say this about Tony Romo, and I watch all these quarterbacks, Ben Roethlisberger to me has done one of the best jobs in the NFL this year of pulling back and quit trying to be that guy that is the playmaker. And when Tony Romo is out on that field sometimes, I saw it against the Steelers, when he is trying to be Tony Romo that is not good. You have to see the big picture, what is best for the football team and sometimes, truly not losing the game is more important and better than trying to win it. You have to know when to be extremely careful. He hasn't done that yet in his career."

That is the truth. Tony was going to win that game. And so was Garrett. Instead of playing more conservatively he throws into the teeth of that defense. On a day when he had not thrown well. Against the number one defense in the league.

That is where Tony needs to learn something. I don't know if he can. This is one aspect of being a 'celebrity' comes to mind. It's not just who he hangs with. He is celebrity. He needs to care for the ball better to take that next step. Esp on your end of the field.

When you have one of the top QBs in the NFL, you have to trust him to throw the ball against any defense, even if he is having a bad day.


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jobberone;2479869 said:
That is where Tony needs to learn something. I don't know if he can. This is one aspect of being a 'celebrity' comes to mind. It's not just who he hangs with. He is celebrity. He needs to care for the ball better to take that next step. Esp on your end of the field.
Throwing a curl route on 2nd and 8 to Jason Witten is risky? Even after we'd realized we weren't going to be able to move the ball on the ground?

You people that look for "big picture" answers to everything are kind of frustrating. He doesn't need to take care of the ball better. He's not too much of a risk taker. He just needed Witten to run the right route there.

He's got every tool he needs to take us to the Super Bowl. His decision making is fine. We just have to have things break our way. There are 31 teams every year that don't have things go their way. That doesn't mean they can't.


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theogt;2479874 said:
Throwing a curl route on 2nd and 8 to Jason Witten is risky? Even after we'd realized we weren't going to be able to move the ball on the ground?

You people that look for "big picture" answers to everything are kind of frustrating. He doesn't need to take care of the ball better. He's not too much of a risk taker. He just needed Witten to run the right route there.

He's got every tool he needs to take us to the Super Bowl. His decision making is fine. We just have to have things break our way. There are 31 teams every year that don't have things go their way. That doesn't mean they can't.
:lmao: even Tony himself doesn't believe this crap.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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I am a little bit afraid of what Collinsworth said, that Romo himself will start to hear all the naysayers and doubt himself a little. What makes Tony Tony is his fearlessness and his willingness to turn it loose on instinct. So I hope he never changes.

And all he really needs is one big win for his confidence to get sky-high. These upcoming games are like playoff games themselves, and we're playing the world champs this week and two very tough defenses after that. Who knows, maybe the breakthrough Sapp talks about happens in the next three weeks. And if that happens, I guarantee you no one will want to play us.


Have a Good Day Pilgrims
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Tony Romo has only been a full-time starter for two years. Let's give him a little time to see what happens in his career.:hammer::hammer::hammer:


Dr. Freakasaurus
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Is he perfect? No. Is he better than almost any other QB in the league? Absolutely. Everyone overplays the "He won or lost this game" thing. The difference between him winning that Seattle playoff game is replay taking away Witten's 1st down. Last year Crayton's drop (great, clutch play by Romo) or Fasano's for that matter. Romo makes numerous great passes in those games and does more than enough to win, but he can't catch his own passes and he can't prevent Glenn from fumbling in his own endzone.
Eli leads his team to a whopping 10 points 'til late in the 4th quarter aganst NE. Then he throws 2 game losing picks on that final drive. Thing is, the DBs dropped them and Tyree ended up having glue on his helmet. Now that guy who led the league in turnovers last year is a "playoff hero". Whatever. Tarkenton, Kelly and Marino were great but sometimes things just don't fall your way. And sometimes a Hostetler, Dilfer, Williams and Johnson end up being SB QBs. Simms quote about giving Romo some time is the first time I've seen that kind of commom sense statement regarding Romo by a mediot.

The Panch

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Chocolate Lab;2480068 said:
I am a little bit afraid of what Collinsworth said, that Romo himself will start to hear all the naysayers and doubt himself a little. What makes Tony Tony is his fearlessness and his willingness to turn it loose on instinct. So I hope he never changes.
You cant be serious. Every QB reacts bad when they make bad plays late in the game, but Romo's always looking like he wants to cry. What he did against Pitt was the same thing he did at home against Philly last year. He just looked shaky and showed no confidence in any throw he made. The Steelers D made some plays, but most of the time they were average in coverage and average in getting a rush on him. You dont show "fearlessness" in a tie game with a minute to go. That's foolishness that loses you games. You never play the same in a tie game that you do when you're trailing. Especially when you've been stinking it up in a bad weather game.


NFL Historian
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The Panch;2480097 said:
You cant be serious. Every QB reacts bad when they make bad plays late in the game, but Romo's always looking like he wants to cry. What he did against Pitt was the same thing he did at home against Philly last year. He just looked shaky and showed no confidence in any throw he made. The Steelers D made some plays, but most of the time they were average in coverage and average in getting a rush on him. You dont show "fearlessness" in a tie game with a minute to go. That's foolishness that loses you games. You never play the same in a tie game that you do when you're trailing. Especially when you've been stinking it up in a bad weather game.
You ever see Eli or Peyton after they throw a pick?

The Panch

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windward;2480102 said:
You ever see Eli or Peyton after they throw a pick?
Eli is not a great QB.

And Peyton has that pissed look and when his line is healthy, he doesnt throw alot of picks. Remember, 6 of his 14 INTs last year came in one game with a banged up O-line and no safety net in Clark. His INTs have dropped greatly since the first half of his career. And let's remember, he himself had a history of choking and as big a fan as I am of Peyton, he single handedly lost those games against New England cause of his selfishness and refusal to to run a balanced offense and constantly forcing the deep ball and he paid for it.


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The Panch;2480113 said:
Eli is not a great QB.

And Peyton has that pissed look and when his line is healthy, he doesnt throw alot of picks. Remember, 6 of his 14 INTs last year came in one game with a banged up O-line and no safety net in Clark. His INTs have dropped greatly since the first half of his career. And let's remember, he himself had a history of choking and as big a fan as I am of Peyton, he single handedly lost those games against New England cause of his selfishness and refusal to to run a balanced offense and constantly forcing the deep ball and he paid for it.

You didn't answer his question.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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The Panch;2480097 said:
You cant be serious. Every QB reacts bad when they make bad plays late in the game, but Romo's always looking like he wants to cry. What he did against Pitt was the same thing he did at home against Philly last year. He just looked shaky and showed no confidence in any throw he made. The Steelers D made some plays, but most of the time they were average in coverage and average in getting a rush on him. You dont show "fearlessness" in a tie game with a minute to go. That's foolishness that loses you games. You never play the same in a tie game that you do when you're trailing. Especially when you've been stinking it up in a bad weather game.

Your post barely made sense.

You don't show "fearlessness" in a tie game with a minute to go? So you want him to be scared?

As for last year vs. Philly and three days ago, yes, they were bad days. All QBs have them.

The Panch

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Chocolate Lab;2480169 said:
Your post barely made sense.

You don't show "fearlessness" in a tie game with a minute to go? So you want him to be scared?

As for last year vs. Philly and three days ago, yes, they were bad days. All QBs have them.
My post made plenty sense. Romo was too concerned with winning the game and not concerned enough with not losing it. We werent trailing. We were in a tie game. Atleast if things dont work out, you punt and rely more than likely on OT. A turnover on that part of the field is pretty much game over and that's exactly what happened.


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It was a curl route to Jason Witten. For heaven's sake, it's not like he threw a bomb into triple coverage (though he's known to do that). It doesn't take fearlessness or overcaution to make that play. It just takes the receiver running the right route.