speedkilz88;2759491 said:
I know Hodge was listed as running a 4.57 at the combine, but I saw on the nfln coverage that his first time was listed as 4.49. It might have been an unofficial hand held time, but I also remember Mayock claiming there had to be some problems with the electronic timing this year because he talked to the guys that do the hand helds and they know they got good times and the differential with the electronic was too drastic.
That sounds more like it, because I remember being extremely impressed with his 40 at the combine and thinking that he was faster than a lot of corners.
Even if it was a 4.57, he just *looked* fast, if you know what I mean. Some guys chug along pretty fast, but Hodge looked like a real athlete that ran well naturally. For instance, Jason Phillips I think did a 4.59, but didn't look that athletic. In contrast, Hodge looked like a sprinter out there, only with huge shoulders and arms.
Obviously if you get there in x amount of time, it doesn't matter what you look like. Just saying that I was surprised at how smooth and natural he looked.