DMN Blog: Wade Phillips won't be fired (this week)


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Even if he doesn't plan on firing him this week, he should let him go on thinking his job may be in jeopardy.


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nake;2354798 said:
I would like to see Stewart go. This team used to at least be able to stop the run.

Wade runs the D, Stewart just does what Wade tells him to do


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Ren;2354849 said:
Wade runs the D, Stewart just does what Wade tells him to do

It's not as simple as you make it sound. Stewart is also there to input on adjustments and implement based on what he and Wade collectively see in conjunction with the player on the field reports.

Stewart is also very involved in getting the players real game ready, ensuring crisp and minimal error free practices. Stewart has strong input on who is playing effectively and who is not and what more they are apt to do or not do against opposing players.

Stewart also has to post-mortem the games played and provide input to Wade in preparation of the next or upcoming game.

So in my opinion he is an integral part of running the defense and scheming the upcoming opponent successfully. There must have been some talk about augmenting Stewar'ts capabilities last year because Dom Capers was being considered in a consultant or assistant role and Stewart indicated he would be uncomfortable with that. Dom has a strong reputation as a highly effective 3-4 coordinator.


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CrazyMonster;2354714 said:
I think Wade should be fired immediately.

Another bad decision by Jerry.

who will be the defensive coordinator for the rest of the season? New defensive scheme for the our super star payers to adjust to now during the season?

I hope jerry brings a firey coach like Cowher. Genius offensive/defensive coordinators don't win super bowls


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cowboyed;2354989 said:
It's not as simple as you make it sound. Stewart is also there to input on adjustments and implement based on what he and Wade collectively see in conjunction with the player on the field reports.

Stewart is also very involved in getting the players real game ready, ensuring crisp and minimal error free practices. Stewart has strong input on who is playing effectively and who is not and what more they are apt to do or not do against opposing players.

Stewart also has to post-mortem the games played and provide input to Wade in preparation of the next or upcoming game.

So in my opinion he is an integral part of running the defense and scheming the upcoming opponent successfully. There must have been some talk about augmenting Stewar'ts capabilities last year because Dom Capers was being considered in a consultant or assistant role and Stewart indicated he would be uncomfortable with that. Dom has a strong reputation as a highly effective 3-4 coordinator.

Without Wade Stewart would seem even more lost out there and that's pretty sad considering just how lost Wade looks out there
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WoodysGirl;2354584 said:
4:07 PM Sun, Oct 19, 2008 | Permalink | Yahoo! Buzz
Tim MacMahon E-mail News tips

Jerry Jones isn't getting itchy with his trigger finger when it comes to his head coach despite three losses in four games. Jerry made that clear in a somber Cowboys locker room, even managing to make a joke about canning coaches after Super Bowl wins.

"I think there can be a change in effort, intensity, those kind of things on each individual basis," Jerry said after the 34-14 loss to the Rams. "But I'm not talking about the kind of change with coach or coaches or philosophy or some of the stuff we're doing scheme-wise generally.

"But it certainly for me sobers me up more than at any point this year about the job we've got to do to get a good team, hopefully a healthier team, to get in the position where we can compete at the end of the year. This is not the same feeling that I had with our other two losses."

Phillips didn't try to pump any sunshine about winning the fourth quarter, and he didn't make any whiny excuses. He accurately called this the Cowboys' worst performance of his tenure.

"There certainly aren't any positives right now," Phillips said. "I think the only positive is that we've got nine more games to get it turned around. We certainly didn't look like the kind of team that's going to get it turned around today."

There will be fans who want a knee-jerk firing, even though Jason Garrett hasn't exactly done anything recently to indicate that the Cowboys would be better off as the interim coach. Jerry doesn't have the desire to make such a drastic move, much less the energy.

"I've had all the fire knocked out of my butt tonight," Jerry said. "That doesn't mean it's gone for good."

Wade will be the coach next week. That doesn't mean he's at the helm for good.

Thin ice for a heavy guy, bad situation.


"You want some?"
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
As much as I dislike Phillips, Jerry won't fire him until after the Cowboys are mathematically eliminated from the postseason.


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Dam Jerry, what else do you need to see???

Tubby cant get the job done, can his arse!!!

How in the hell do you lose back-to-back games to the Cardinals and Rams when you have arguably the most talent in the enitre freaking NFL???


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cowboyed;2354989 said:
So in my opinion he is an integral part of running the defense and scheming the upcoming opponent successfully. There must have been some talk about augmenting Stewar'ts capabilities last year because Dom Capers was being considered in a consultant or assistant role and Stewart indicated he would be uncomfortable with that. Dom has a strong reputation as a highly effective 3-4 coordinator.

Does anyone know what Dom Capers is doing right now?

Not suggesting anything, just wondering.


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Kolemmitt;2355349 said:
Does anyone know what Dom Capers is doing right now?

Not suggesting anything, just wondering.

he's an asst on the Patriots.

He would have been an assistant here, but Brian pusskatore Stewart was worried about his job security.


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utrunner07;2354602 said:
Screw you Jerry. Fire the GM.

Couldn't agree more

We've changed QB's
We've changed players
We've changed Coaches
Hell we are even going to change Stadiums soon

The only thing that hasn't changed since our 3 Super Bowl glory days is our GM....

JJ take a long hard look at Al Davis...

Zimmy Lives

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utrunner07;2354602 said:
Screw you Jerry. Fire the GM.

You may not be far off base.

The one constant since Barry brought home the last Super Bowl trophy in 95 has been Jerry. Coaches (some with skins on the wall) have come and gone but this team continues to perform the same regardless of the talent level.

Maybe Jerry is too close to the team. Maybe the players know Jerry calls all the shots and the coach is irrelevant. Why listen to the coach when Jerry is always going to have the final say.

Hell, Wade should be the only authority figure addressing the team concerning their poor performance. Jerry just needs to back off and stop coddling these superstars, IMO.


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Ren;2355049 said:
Without Wade Stewart would seem even more lost out there and that's pretty sad considering just how lost Wade looks out there

It sure appears that way Ren as the old expression goes 'the blind leading the blind'. Some of our players are culpable too. There is a call now for Jerry to replace Wade. I can understand that but with whom from a defensive oriented head coach standpoint.

We are encroaching mid-season and who could jump in and somehow fix it. No one. Whoever would come in would have to contend with a resentful group of assistant coaches that Wade picked and in some cases protected.

It would also be hard for players to switch gears. That is why Jerry stated that if changes had to be considered it wouldn't be until the end of the season.


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Beast_from_East;2355313 said:
Dam Jerry, what else do you need to see???

Tubby cant get the job done, can his arse!!!

How in the hell do you lose back-to-back games to the Cardinals and Rams when you have arguably the most talent in the enitre freaking NFL???

It is not a matter of what else you need to see but what you can realistically do.

Fire Wade, who replaces him? Stewart? No, thank you I'd rather have a hemorrhoid transplant.

If there was an available or willing coach how much earnest cooperation would he get from Wade's assistant coaching staff who would most readily undermine the new coach in order to vindicate Wade. If he acquired a new staff how long would that take including gelling with each other and the players.

How about the near impossible challenge of implementing a variation of this scheme or changing it completely and having our cadre of not very bright players contending with this while we are encroaching mid-season.

That is why Jones is stating coaching changes come at the end of a season.

In the immortal words of Edward Albee "we are flucked."


Mick Green 58
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Jerry Jones has never fired a Coach during the season and I gurantee you he won't start doing it this year.

What exactly do you guys think will change by firing Wade Phillips?

Any coach who inherits this team is still going to have the same old players with no heart and no leadership.