How can racism be a non issue if it exists in your area?
There may be an isolated occurance here or there. But it's not a national obsession.
There are no street demonstrations.
Cops aren't gunning down black youth.
Black youth aren't gunning down cops in retaliation.
Race isn't on CNN every other day. In fact, it is barely ever talked aboutup here.
We never has a Civil Rights Act here because we always treated blacks (and all minorities) in a civil manner for centuries.
There was never slavery here. In fact, ancestors of our black Canadians crossed the border from th US to get away from slavery. And they blended in just like everybody else.
We've taken in over 30,000 Muslim refugees over the past year and not a word of opposition has been said about it. The only controversy is whether or not we should take in more on an annual basis. I won't talk about the guy who is running for President and what he thinks of Muslims.
We aren't perfect. Not even close. But it's all relative. And compared to the US, race is an non-issue.
Anyway, this is a football forum and I'm done with this discussion.