News: DMN: Despite a win at Lambeau in the regular season, Cowboys fans should want no part of


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For this fan, bring on either...let the Dallas offense or secondary prove it's value, up front.

I think the Cowboys will run against the Giants and defend effectively against the Pack passing game.

Mix in Claiborne, Scandrick, Carr, Brown, Jones, and Church...yea, I think Dallas controls that game as well.
PREACH IT BROTHER! I dont care who shows up. I want this team to finish the season right!


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We literally ran them over. We took their will. They looked good against sloppy teams offensively and defense still looks the same to me. Bring on GB!

The only thing that has changed since the first meeting is that we've discovered a formation that may be their kryptonite and our pass rush has improved. Also, the timing with Dez is getting better and he wasn't even on the field the first time.


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The opponents the Packers beat during their win streak wasn't exactly murderers row....I think the Giants win tomorrow and we beat the Giants next Sunday. The media underestimates how good the Cowboys really are.

I hadn't looked at who they beat. Considering where the games were played, beating Detroit in Detroit may be their most impressive win.

I had predicted GB tomorrow, but I think I'll change to NJ.


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We handled Green Bay alright in 2014, in their house, when Rodgers was playing well. This team is better than that one, and this game is at home. There isn't a team in the NFC we should fear right now, not that any of them can't beat us.

Just take the penalties away...and I'm ready for kickoff.


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They act like the Packers don't have to play defense at some point, Rodgers is going to have to score as much as possible.


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As much as i love our team, playing the Giants is the worst case scenario.

We do not match up well with them at all.

I want the packers.


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True, GB is better now but so is Dallas. If NY beats GB then I welcome that matchup too. I want that challenge, I want our win to mean something. To be the best, beat the best mentality. This is only the first playoff step for our Cowboys. Finish the Fight!


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I think the Boys could care less who they have to play. And neither do I. Bring on the Packers and that crappy defence which Zeke and the O-Line will obliterate. Or bring on the Giants and their one-note offence of Odell or bust. This Cowboys team is one of destiny. Too much firepower, too confident, and with a defence that is a lot better than given credit for. Screw the worry warts and the bedwetters.


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I think I want GB, though my opinion keeps changing. Our offense can score a ton of points on that banged up secondary. And I think our defense can hold Rodgers and co more than their defense can hold us.


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I want a part of their defense, not their offense.

Can we play the Giants O and Packers D? And then the Seahawks O and Falcons D? Finally, Houston's O and...hmm Pittsburg's D?

You left out the


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I think I want GB, though my opinion keeps changing. Our offense can score a ton of points on that banged up secondary. And I think our defense can hold Rodgers and co more than their defense can hold us.

Me too. But again, we should be fresh and ready for either team. Here's hoping they beat the crap outta each other later today.


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I think based on what I've been reading lately from the "Papers" we have no chance of beating anyone we face next week. This is right out of "Chicken Little".


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I think based on what I've been reading lately from the "Papers" we have no chance of beating anyone we face next week. This is right out of "Chicken Little".

It's amazing. Because we wrapped up so early and lost an exhibition game with our backups, the boys are suddenly garbage.

There was a stat during the game last night that showed the last 10 super bowl champions were a combined 21-19 in their last 4 games. So much for needing momentum from the last game(s). Facts never derail the "everyone knows this" narratives.

Reverend Conehead

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It's not like the Cowboys choose their opponent. We get who we get. Find out who we're playing and make a good game plan. It's win and advance, lose and go home time, so make it a good one. I don't care who we play. I just want to win.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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Jon Machota, Cowboys beat writer for and The Dallas Morning News, answered your questions about the team in a live chat recently. Here are some highlights:

Question: Assuming Seattle beats Detroit, do you think the Giants or Packers represents the biggest divisional round threat to the Cowboys?

Jon Machota: Packers. If I'm the Cowboys I don't want any part of seeing Aaron Rodgers again. He wasn't playing at an MVP level when they saw him earlier this year. He's playing that way now. I also think a game against the Packers would be in the 30s. Giants/Cowboys would be in the high-teens, low 20s. I think the Cowboys would prefer a lower scoring game.

Question: Will Morris Claiborne move right back into a starting role if he's healthy enough to play? He's been out for quite a while.

Jon Machota: That remains to be seen. It really depends on how much he's able to do in practice next week. He returned to practice Thursday. Did mostly individual drills. Both Claiborne and Jason Garrett said it was a good day for the veteran CB. Sounds like they'll see if he can do a little more Friday. If he's a full-go in practice next week, he could be in the starting lineup. If not, I still expect him to get at least some playing time.

Question: What does a team with a first-round bye try to accomplish in that week, not knowing who their opponent is going to be?

Jon Machota: A lot of work against themselves. Thursday was a padded practice, so they basically worked on their own offense and defense. The coaching staff has watched some film on Detroit, New York and Green Bay but none of that is being shared with the team. They'll begin on that next week. They've already played each team so they should have a good feel about how they want to play all three.

Question: Do you think Jaylon Smith will be a legitimate contributor for the Cowboys in 2017?

Jon Machota: I do. I don't know if he'll be all the way back to pre-injury form but I expect him to be playing. If he gets anywhere near the level he played at in college the Cowboys got a steal in the second round.


Click here to view the full chat.

Twitter: @jonmachota

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Well, it doesn't matter what the fans wanted so we're playing the Packers. Dallas should've won at Lambeau 2 years ago, so there's no reason to be scared.

Respect them? Of course. But the #1 seed shouldn't "fear" anyone. Play our game and let them worry about us.