DMN: Romo sighting at Timberlake concert

BrAinPaiNt;1413092 said:
Shoot me now...get it over with.

We post the same thing at the same time.

Goodbye cruel world.

I could have been a contender.

- BP Jumps off of Gimme's radio tower with no suspenders to save him-


You asked for it. Consider it a mercy killing. Your "schtick" is tired, brain. ;)
LittleRed212;1413099 said:
I think it's funny how people get all bent out of shape over music in these forums. I remember the whole Prince halftime show thread - sheesh.

I'm going to his concert in Charlottesville. I'm also 23 and I do believe a good portion in my age group likes Timberlake. So I think Tony would've had a selection ABOVE the 14-year-old age group, but like someone else said, I don't think he has to go to a concert to get the ladies.

Hey! Do you need a job? I hear Romo is looking for someone to cut his grass! I heard it over the "radio waves" coming from some rusty 50 foot radio tower with a body dangling from it by the suspenders it was wearing...

LittleRed212;1413099 said:
I think it's funny how people get all bent out of shape over music in these forums. I remember the whole Prince halftime show thread - sheesh.

I'm going to his concert in Charlottesville. I'm also 23 and I do believe a good portion in my age group likes Timberlake. So I think Tony would've had a selection ABOVE the 14-year-old age group, but like someone else said, I don't think he has to go to a concert to get the ladies.

Not only do I get shot and killed and fall off a 500 foot tower.

Now I have to have you come in and disrespect me with this timberlake music situation.

Thanks...thanks for that one last barb...such a lack of humanity on these boards.

And to think I used to like reading your posts...but I can tell you now I will not read them beyond the grave now.

So there...take that.

:laugh2: :p: ;)
LittleRed212;1413099 said:
So I think Tony would've had a selection ABOVE the 14-year-old age group, but like someone else said, I don't think he has to go to a concert to get the ladies.

Seriously...Tony could snag me off a dingy bar, Timberlake on the jukebox or otherwise.

But I've got a monster nose.

superpunk;1413109 said:
Seriously...Tony could snag me off a dingy bar, Timberlake on the jukebox or otherwise.

But I've got a monster nose.


I miss you Big Nose Kate.

stealth;1413125 said:
did tony and justin have a dance off?

that woulda be hot!

Yeah, and gimmietheballs would be right there taking pictures with his cell phone and handing out applications to the kids to cut Romo's grass...

superpunk;1413128 said:

Your taxes are ready.





I have wiped out your bank accounts.

this thread is kinda gay.

too much laughing going on.

every thread has a smilie face:eek::
cowboys19;1413172 said:
this thread is kinda gay.

too much laughing going on.

every thread has a smilie face:eek::

Yes, we dedicated this thread to Jeff Garcia...

cowboys19;1413172 said:
this thread is kinda gay.

too much laughing going on.

every thread has a smilie face:eek::

BrAinPaiNt;1412729 said:
+1 :laugh2:

Note to tony..Ok to like Journey and sing it...not ok to like Timberlake. :laugh2:
:laugh1: +2

If he wants some good music to dance to, he should start embracing his mexican heritage and listen to some Mexican music!!!

Man those gurls in that video are HOT!!!
BrAinPaiNt;1413092 said:
Shoot me now...get it over with.

We post the same thing at the same time.

Goodbye cruel world.

I could have been a contender.

- BP Jumps off of Gimme's radio tower with no suspenders to save him-

I tell you what, i will shoot you. No cost. No thanks need it.:)
theebs;1412701 said:
no kidding.

How do guys go to a justin timberlake concert.

Well it is a veritable meat market if you are Tony Romo.
5Stars;1413136 said:
Yeah, and gimmietheballs would be right there taking pictures with his cell phone and handing out applications to the kids to cut Romo's grass...


Your sister dragged me out to that concert and then ditched me to have some quality time with the Timberlake roadies. next morning she comes around again all like "I lost you in the crowd." "Yeah, right" I told her. "You can't be eating my cereal and sleeping on my couch no more. Go off with them roadies or go stay in the double-wide with your brother and his 12 kids and live-in girlfriend." swear to god i tolt her that.
Life is just not fay-ah, like Jimma Carter used to say.:cool:
theebs;1412701 said:
no kidding.

How do guys go to a justin timberlake concert.

My girl asked me to go to a concert with her one time. it was some band i had never heard of so i assumed it was some indie set or something. I pick her up and go.

How on Earth am i supposed to know who Bowling For Soup is? Dear lord I thought i was at an NKOTB concert as many adolescents were running around but hey if it keep s the woman happy I guess..... :bang2:

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