DMN: T.O.: I got too big for Philly and Donovan McNabb

TO did a better job of not falling into the medias trap last year but this is the kind of crap that they normally bait him into. He needs to do a better job.
The only thing more annoying than Jessomo is T.O. talking about his tenure in Philadelphia :rolleyes: .

nake;2252502 said:
T.O.'s just trying to help Tony out by moving the trash talking focus away from Jessica Simpson and towards himself...

During the week before the Hawks/Pitt Super Bowl a couple of years back, Joey Porter came out and started talking trash. Ultimately, all the cameras and attention were on him.

Pt being that when all was said and done, it was revealed that NO attention was put on the Steelers' young QB(Big Ben). So if anything, it ended up taking alot of pressure off on their young QB. Cowher knew it, as well as the players.

I'm not saying this is the case here though.
Look at it this way: some people wanted swagger, and now they don't like some of the side effects. They wanted leaders, but they have to fit fans' expectations.

This is the way it is now folks. It's the 21st century, me-generation. Those of us that watched Meredith and Staubach may grit our teeth, but we're in it for the long haul.

If after all these words, the team doesn't beat down the Eagles' maybe they don't deserve the prize. These things do happen, and we're not entitled to anything in Dallas no matter how strongly we may feel about it.


When the beatdown comes, put your hand on the ground, and feel the rumble, because the fun will be just beginning.

Ax yo'self a question: you in, or you out? :eek:
zeromaster;2252566 said:
This is the way it is now folks. It's the 21st century, me-generation. Those of us that watched Meredith and Staubach may grit our teeth, but we're in it for the long haul.
Truer words...

Me generation--> :shoot4: <-- Me
I've never known TO to stick his kneck out and then not deliver.

We'll see what happens.
DallasFanSince86;2252581 said:
I have no problem with what Terrell Owens said.
Neither do I, but I have a problem with him still talking about it years later. T.O. needs to let it go.
The Panch;2252637 said:
Neither do I, but I have a problem with him still talking about it years later. T.O. needs to let it go.
Why? McNabb keeps bringing it up.
I LOVE ME SOME ME!;2252468 said:
Are you a girl or something? Have you ever played a sport before?

Apologize to these people TO. How dare you speak your mind, you're supposed to say no comment because if you speak your mind Donovans life will be affected in a very bad way!:rolleyes:

How the hell is this going to help the team win the Super Bowl!!! Revisting the past ain't going make this team play better come December. You don't think the media going to run with his quote and blow it up into another stupid *** story about T.O being T.O.
DMX690;2252645 said:
How the hell is this going to help the team win the Super Bowl!!! Revisting the past ain't going make this team play better come December. You don't think the media going to run with his quote and blow it up into another stupid *** story about T.O being T.O.
:signmast: :clap2: :thumbup:
The Panch;2252637 said:
Neither do I, but I have a problem with him still talking about it years later. T.O. needs to let it go.

The media has to stop asking him about it.... :banghead:
DMX690;2252645 said:
How the hell is this going to help the team win the Super Bowl!!! Revisting the past ain't going make this team play better come December. You don't think the media going to run with his quote and blow it up into another stupid *** story about T.O being T.O.

:rolleyes: TO talking about Donovan has nothing to do with December or the Super Bowl. Just like Brandon Jacobs and Antonio Pierces talk had nothing to do with them winning the Super Bowl. If you want a quiet team with no media attention go be a Lions fan.
BigDinAZ;2252662 said:
The media has to stop asking him about it.... :banghead:
You're 100% correct. What's also correct is that he doesn't HAVE to provide commentary, just like any other celebrity. It's a two-way street.
I LOVE ME SOME ME!;2252665 said:
:rolleyes: TO talking about Donovan has nothing to do with December or the Super Bowl. Just like Brandon Jacobs and Antonio Pierces talk had nothing to do with them winning the Super Bowl. If you want a quiet team with no media attention go be a Lions fan.

No i want my team to be focus on the task at hand, and that's winning football games. I could careless if they don't have media attention. What has media attention gotten us the last 13th season?
Media's already taken off running with this, nevermind that McNugget was running his mouth about it last month.

Hope he's ready for it.
DMX690;2252673 said:
No i want my team to be focus on the task at hand, and that's winning football games. I could careless if they don't have media attention. What has media attention gotten us the last 13th season?

Excellent point!!!

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