Do you play any online MMORPGs?

CowboyMcCoy;3723157 said:
On a mac?

I play City of Heroes mostly (and it does have a mac client). Also played Age of Conan and Vanguard a little bit. Liked them both, though Vanguard has problems with population. Played Lord of the Rings Online once, but liked it less than I thought I would. Probably didn't get involved enough for the good stuff.
I think everyone here playing LOTRO should start a kin on a server we can all play on.

I'd be interested. If ever Zrin tickes me off, I can refuse to heal him during battle and watch him die.


BUT.....Zrin's a good guy ;)
Dallas;3723816 said:
I think everyone here playing LOTRO should start a kin on a server we can all play on.

I'd be interested. If ever Zrin tickes me off, I can refuse to heal him during battle and watch him die.


BUT.....Zrin's a good guy ;)

Man, sounds like fun. I'd like to join you but it might interfere with my rabid WoW addiction and the new xpac comes out in 8 days.
Dallas;3723816 said:
I think everyone here playing LOTRO should start a kin on a server we can all play on.

I'd be interested. If ever Zrin tickes me off, I can refuse to heal him during battle and watch him die.


BUT.....Zrin's a good guy ;)

Or we could do like I did in MajorMUD and just randomly attack anyone for the hell of it. Friend or not! :lmao2:
AmarilloCowboyFan;3723824 said:
Man, sounds like fun. I'd like to join you but it might interfere with my rabid WoW addiction and the new xpac comes out in 8 days.

Cataclysm rolls out in 8 days? WoW!! Ive been hearing a TON about it and all of the changes the zones have been through the past week.

I played wow for 6 years. I am so wow'd out atm, I just can't bring myself to return.

Left my loaded 80 Bear tank when I left.

Brontor of Lightbringer :D

What a fantastic class. My 2nd class was my Resto Shaman.

I think I will sit w/ Lotro atm until Diable 3 launches. Im also looking for a different type of mmo lately, something sci-fi. I played Eve and that was cool but....meh. The City of Heroes looks cool.

I just don't know.

There are so many MMO's out on the market. You almost have to kick the tires and do a ton of research just to figure out which one you want to try, and then there is no guarantee you will like it.

For example....

The new Final Fantasy MMO that just launched. They are still in free trial period. They have extended the free trial 2 more months so far because the game was never ready "really" at launch.

Dallas;3723836 said:
Cataclysm rolls out in 8 days? WoW!! Ive been hearing a TON about it and all of the changes the zones have been through the past week.

I played wow for 6 years. I am so wow'd out atm, I just can't bring myself to return.

Left my loaded 80 Bear tank when I left.

Brontor of Lightbringer :D

What a fantastic class. My 2nd class was my Resto Shaman.

I think I will sit w/ Lotro atm until Diable 3 launches. Im also looking for a different type of mmo lately, something sci-fi. I played Eve and that was cool but....meh. The City of Heroes looks cool.

I just don't know.

There are so many MMO's out on the market. You almost have to kick the tires and do a ton of research just to figure out which one you want to try, and then there is no guarantee you will like it.

For example....

The new Final Fantasy MMO that just launched. They are still in free trial period. They have extended the free trial 2 more months so far because the game was never ready "really" at launch.


Yep, most of the old zones look completely different. The maps are new and the quests are new. They have even revamped most of the old school instances. New bosses and such. For someone like me, I have 6 80's and I can't count the number of high levels I've deleted, the game was getting real stale. The changes make me wanna roll another toon to see all the new quests and such.

My main was a Paladin but Blizz really screwed with the pally mechanics so I'll be taking my Bear tank into Cataclysm first. I had 2 80 pallys and deleted one just the other day because I dislike so much what has been done to them. Plus I needed the room to roll a Worgen Warlock.

I will have to set it all aside though once D3 comes out. If it ever comes out.
AmarilloCowboyFan;3723877 said:
Yep, most of the old zones look completely different. The maps are new and the quests are new. They have even revamped most of the old school instances. New bosses and such. For someone like me, I have 6 80's and I can't count the number of high levels I've deleted, the game was getting real stale. The changes make me wanna roll another toon to see all the new quests and such.

My main was a Paladin but Blizz really screwed with the pally mechanics so I'll be taking my Bear tank into Cataclysm first. I had 2 80 pallys and deleted one just the other day because I dislike so much what has been done to them. Plus I needed the room to roll a Worgen Warlock.

I will have to set it all aside though once D3 comes out. If it ever comes out.
How do you like the tanking changes?

I don't like the longer cool downs on swipe and maul. That and the DPS/Leader of the Pack nerfs have me upset as well.
Duane;3723917 said:
How do you like the tanking changes?

I don't like the longer cool downs on swipe and maul. That and the DPS/Leader of the Pack nerfs have me upset as well.

Getting used to Tab/Lacerate to get multiples. I'm hoping the Thrash will pick up from the nerf to Swipe. I really haven't had too many problems yet except when I first hit 80 and started heroics with people who with 2600 gear scores and such but you have to expect that. I'm really liking the Druid tank.
Dallas;3721066 said:
Excellent game, Zrin. I am playing LOTRO now w/ my girl. We are having a very fun time w/ the game.

Wait. You play LOTRO and you have a gf?

Ozzu;3721714 said:
Ah. A fellow LoL player? What's your name in-game? I'll add you to my friend's list. Mine's Ozzu.

Tanerian is my LoL name. Look me up, always lookin' for more people to play with.

I played Everquest for about 10 years. We did beta testing for WoW and Lineage 2 and Vanguard but never got into any of them.

I haven't played anything for a few years because I don't have the time to commit, but I have been considering playing a little on this EQ Emulator just for fun and nostalgia.

EQ, the good ol days. I remember meeting you in Austin I think it was for that EQ get together.

I played on pretty much every one of the popular EQ Emu servers, had a lot of fun there but nothing long lasting. There are some good faster paced solo play servers I liked a lot simply to experience all the old raid content I used to love without having to play with 50 other people.

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