Do you think Roger Goodell Will Punish OBD, Bennett, and Harmon like Elliott?

Your point is moot because none of them are accused of domestic violence like Zeke was. If you can't keep up you really ought to stop replying. :rolleyes:
And that was the point and why they won’t be treated as Zeke was.
And that was the point and why they won’t be treated as Zeke was.
So you just can't help yourself from injecting domestic violence into a conversation that isn't about that. You even capitalized it when you introduced it into the conversation as if to bring emphasis to it. :rolleyes:
Then your not understanding the DV policy. A conviction isn’t required to violate the policy.

Right. That’s the point I’m making. It simply takes an unproven accusation to violate the policy. I am unequivocally opposed to DV, but there is something patently wrong with a policy or system that allows such to be.
Right. That’s the point I’m making. It simply takes an unproven accusation to violate the policy. I am unequivocally opposed to DV, but there is something patently wrong with a policy or system that allows such to be.
It’s a company policy. And remember the players union signed off on it.

It’s about protecting the NFL image on a sensitive public issue which with these celebrity type athletes the league can’t depend on the legal system to serve justice to satisfy public concern.

It’s very difficult to find communities that are willing to prosecute their own celebrity athletes then select jurors who will be objective.
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It’s a company policy. And remember the players union signed off on it.

It’s about protecting the NFL image on a sensitive public issue which with these celebrity type athletes the league can’t depend on the legal system to serve justice to satisfy public concern.

It’s very difficult to find communities that are willing to prosecute their own celebrity athletes then select jurors who will be objective.

I understand and agree. However, in this case, if we are to believe what was reported in the media, even the league’s own investigators didn’t find the claimant credible. So essentially, one person (King Roger) meted punishment based not on what he knew, but what he thought he might know different than others. Frankly, King Roger’s credibility is not any better than Zeke’s accuser.

I understand and agree. However, in this case, if we are to believe what was reported in the media, even the league’s own investigators didn’t find the claimant credible. So essentially, one person (King Roger) meted punishment based not on what he knew, but what he thought he might know different than others. Frankly, King Roger’s credibility is not any better than Zeke’s accuser.
Of course...

I’m not really over concerned with protecting the 1% of problem players in the NFL.

I think the lesson for all players is as long as your associated with the NFL .. tread lightly when it comes to women. Once your career is over then you can conduct yourself however you choose and not be held accountable in such a manner. Because as it is now DV is the worse accusation you can face and can place your career in jeopardy.

Again.. I think most players get it much like the drug testing and why the players union signed off on it.
So you just can't help yourself from injecting domestic violence into a conversation that isn't about that. You even capitalized it when you introduced it into the conversation as if to bring emphasis to it. :rolleyes:
Of course because the comparisons were being made as to why those specific players wouldn’t be as severely punished as Elliott was. Which none of them were accused of DV( do u like the abbreviation better?):)
Could Jerry Jones and Dan Snyder working together in a no holds barred cage match vs Roger Goddell, win? I would pay money to see this fight.

I want Jerry to tap out and bring in Zeke to finish the soft boy off.
I think OBJ would have to fail a test to get suspended. I do think this will put him in the program where he will get tested more often.

If Bennet somehow avoids jail time I think he gets a lengthy suspension. I kinda suspect he is done in the NFL.

I don’t know anything about the other guy so no comment.
OBD gets caught with a picture of him and a joint and coke in lines.

Michael Bennett assaulted 3 security guards and two being women and one of the women disabled and trespassing in Houston. Also lying about what happened in Las Vegas with police and trespassing there and fleeing.

Duron Harmon gets caught and arrested going to Costa Rica with multiple drugs.

Do you think Goodell will go after them like he did Ezekiel Elliott? Even where charges were dropped because police believe Elliott but Goodell still went after him.

My guess, if the 3 above were Cowboys he would be all over them,otherwise he will shrug it off . OBD because Goodell is a Giants fan and his 2nd in command stooge Troy Vincent former Eagles will make sure Bennett slides bye because he is now an Eagle.

Well 1st of all picture or not do you know if it was actually a joint or just a rolled up cigarette? and how do you know it was really coke in those lines, How do you know they just didn't post the picture to have some fun with it? It can't be proved at all not even reasonably, not even by the NFL so i don't think he will get suspended for that, of course if he was smoking the joint then it will show up in his system when he gets tested and even that being a 1st offense (if it is) wouldn't get him suspended just put into the drug program the NFL has, so he's not getting suspended for any of that. I Don't know about Bennett i read he was running onto the field and knocked over a woman, is that actually assault or an accident?..i don't know and if there is video of it then that will decide it, so he may get suspended. Harmon got caught with his hand in the cookie jar no way around that so ya he will get suspended

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