Don't want to hear anybody whine or cry about Dak again

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Sorry for the language in previous post... Lemar played like crap and the Baltimore defense gave them a chance. If we hold GB to 24 we win... Yet all I hear is Dak...Dak...Dak... Get me a defense like the Chiefs or Ravens then watch what happens. And a DC worth talking about.....Quinn ain't it...from a family member. Get a defense and we will win many playoff games. Don't get one!! Don't cry about the quarterback either...NO DEFENSE!!!! NO RINGS!!!!!! Jackson was way worse then, Dak. Yet, still had a chance in the end....


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Sorry for the language in previous post... Lemar played like crap and the Baltimore defense gave them a chance. If we hold GB to 24 we win... Yet all I hear is Dak...Dak...Dak... Get me a defense like the Chiefs or Ravens then watch what happens. And a DC worth talking about.....Quinn ain't it...from a family member. Get a defense and we will win many playoff games. Don't get one!! Don't cry about the quarterback either...NO DEFENSE!!!! NO RINGS!!!!!! Jackson was way worse then, Dak. Yet, still had a chance in the end....
honestly man? No one cares. Dak is public enemy #1 right now. Even tomorrow he will be the subjective of choking somehow. They use him to deflect off guys like Allen, Watson, Herbert, etc.


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Sorry for the language in previous post... Lemar played like crap and the Baltimore defense gave them a chance. If we hold GB to 24 we win... Yet all I hear is Dak...Dak...Dak... Get me a defense like the Chiefs or Ravens then watch what happens. And a DC worth talking about.....Quinn ain't it...from a family member. Get a defense and we will win many playoff games. Don't get one!! Don't cry about the quarterback either...NO DEFENSE!!!! NO RINGS!!!!!! Jackson was way worse then, Dak. Yet, still had a chance in the end....
Then you don't want to be on this site!!!! Or in public.


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Like I said before in your other thread before it got deleted. Get a defense? We had one the last two years against the niners. Where was Dak? Was this before or after Dak gave them 14pts? We could have got out of the first half down a score or 10pts if Dak doesn't give them those 14pts or takes them out of FG range tacking an unnecessary sack since he never throws the ball away.

Both of them haven't stepped up in the playoffs so who cares. Weird flex but you do you
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