Dr. Death dies

What he did was right.

The people he helped wanted it and basically pulled the switch themselves.

I've worked in the Medical Field for 26 years...and I've seen things you never want to see...and I've had people say to me...help me end this.

You wouldn't believe how many times I've scanned people who say...please just let me die...I don't want this test...but the Doctor or Family will insist on it...just to cover their *** or make themselves feel good.

Sometimes...people just want to die with dignity.
ConcordCowboy;3966206 said:
What he did was right.

The people he helped wanted it and basically pulled the switch themselves.

I've worked in the Medical Field for 26 years...and I've seen things you never want to see...and I've had people say to me...help me end this.

You wouldn't believe how many times I've scanned people who say...please just let me die...I don't want this test...but the Doctor or Family will insist on it...just to cover their *** or make themselves feel good.

Sometimes...people just want to die with dignity.
you dont know jack did a great job of telling the story from his point of view
rkell87;3966221 said:
you dont know jack did a great job of telling the story from his point of view

I agree. I wonder how much he charged them to "help" them and how much influence he had in convincing them. He was kinda like his own personal death panel. I don't feel bad that he is gone from this earth. I did notice that he himself hung on as long as he could. He didn't punch his own ticket.
Cajuncowboy;3966269 said:
I agree. I wonder how much he charged them to "help" them and how much influence he had in convincing them. He was kinda like his own personal death panel. I don't feel bad that he is gone from this earth. I did notice that he himself hung on as long as he could. He didn't punch his own ticket.

when a dog or a horse is hurting and you take it to the Vet he may say the most humane thing we can do is put the dog/horse to sleep...but when it comes to people we are no longer humane we make them suffer and suffer and suffer...:(
Cajuncowboy;3966269 said:
I agree. I wonder how much he charged them to "help" them and how much influence he had in convincing them. He was kinda like his own personal death panel. I don't feel bad that he is gone from this earth. I did notice that he himself hung on as long as he could. He didn't punch his own ticket.

As I recall, he was not paid for those services.

I watched for 3 years as my father slowly died in the one of the most humiliating ways possible.

People ought to have the right to be able to die with dignity, and the medical profession ought to be allowed to help them if so desired.
Zaxor;3966271 said:
when a dog or a horse is hurting and you take it to the Vet he may say the most humane thing we can do is put the dog/horse to sleep...but when it comes to people we are no longer humane we make them suffer and suffer and suffer...:(

So now we are dogs or sheep? Great.
Cajuncowboy;3966587 said:
So now we are dogs or sheep? Great.

<sigh:mad: I beg your pardon... I had thought you more intelligent than that and I am truly sorry to have gotten into this conversation with you and will avoid your posts in the future.
Zaxor;3966659 said:
<sigh:mad: I beg your pardon... I had thought you more intelligent than that and I am truly sorry to have gotten into this conversation with you and will avoid your posts in the future.

rkell87;3966221 said:
you dont know jack did a great job of telling the story from his point of view

Agreed, Pacino did a really nice job in that role.

One of Kevorkians close friends said "It's a rare human being who can single-handedly take on an entire society by the scruff of its neck and force it to focus on the suffering of other human beings."
I don't know where I stand on this.

I just got back from visiting my mother in the hospital (looks like it is nothing too serious, at least I hope) and the movie "Awakenings" was playing.

I have seen this movie before but giving what I have gone through and my mother's recent ailments, it touched me a little bit more.

But anywho, I was kind of thinking to myself, if I was Robert DeNiro's character, I might have considered asking Robin Williams' character to assist in a suicide under those conditions.

That was just an awful way to live and I am not sure I would want to do it.

Dang that movie was depressing.
Maikeru-sama;3966840 said:
I don't know where I stand on this.

I just got back from visiting my mother in the hospital (looks like it is nothing too serious, at least I hope) and the movie "Awakenings" was playing.

I have seen this movie before but giving what I have gone through and my mother's recent ailments, it touched me a little bit more.

But anywho, I was kind of thinking to myself, if I was Robert DeNiro's character, I might have considered asking Robin Williams' character to assist in a suicide under those conditions.

That was just an awful way to live and I am not sure I would want to do it.

Dang that movie was depressing.

Sorry to hear about your Mom Mick.
If killing an unborn baby is protected under law then killing yourself should be too. The problem comes in when there is another party or organization, that is predisposed in that direction, encouraging you and influencing your decision.
Cajuncowboy;3966269 said:
I agree. I wonder how much he charged them to "help" them and how much influence he had in convincing them. He was kinda like his own personal death panel. I don't feel bad that he is gone from this earth. I did notice that he himself hung on as long as he could. He didn't punch his own ticket.

People contacted him first I believe. (not that I'm supporting him or what he did here)

As for when / how he himself died is completely irrelevant.

I will say this, I watched my mother wither away over the course of a year suffering the entire time. I want no part of that. Neither did my grandfather. He too had cancer. They said being 89 years old, the treatment would be rough and they weren't sure how long he would survive. He told them he had no intention on fighting it. He refused treatment and passed away about 2 months rather than suffering for another year.

I will take a quick painless death over a a long drawn out suffering death.
Cajuncowboy;3966587 said:
So now we are dogs or sheep? Great.

You missed his point completely. (probably intentionally) Your scope of view on this subject is so small that you refuse to see the other side of things. Even if you disagree with them.
I watched my sister fight brain Cancer for 5 years.

She never stopped fighting until she was no longer able to communicate.

I used to be sure about my position on this .... now I no longer am.

If she had told me she wanted it to be over ...... I think I would have understood ........ but she was a fighter and wanted to watch her so grow up.

I do know one thing ....... the decision should always be with the person who is going through it.

Not the "experts" ........ Not a Death Panel...... Not the spouse ...... Not the parents ....... the person.

And if there is no way of knowing for sure what they wanted ...... then they need to be kept alive as long as possible.

because you never know what Gods plan is.

As far as "Dr. Death" ...... I think he was a dangerous self promoting con man who wanted to get famous off the agony of others.
LeonDixson;3967132 said:
If killing an unborn baby is protected under law then killing yourself should be too. The problem comes in when there is another party or organization, that is predisposed in that direction, encouraging you and influencing your decision.

The unborn have no voice. I have stood on a battlefield and seen people that were dead but didn't know it yet... I held a guys guts in while he screamed in pain... We both knew he wasn't going to make it and I came very close to putting a bullet in him to help him out as he asked me to do but being the coward that I am I did nothing and let him scream himself to death for what seemed like days but was in reality another 30 - 45 minutes... Was that a humane thing of me to do? My commander was shot in the head and as he fell toward me...he gave off a funny/weird jerk of his entire body and was more dead than alive...but a real funny thing about the brain while a good chuck was gone the part needed to keep his body alive was still functioning... later on he went completely brain dead and was kept on life support (my question is for what) if he had ever managed to come to some form of consciousness he would have been a total vegetable.. he would have hated living that way and would have been a tremendous burden on a family that was already terribly burdened. Had another that was hit with a Scud missile she/he was completely burnt up could hardly recognize it as human... begging to be released from the pain and here I may have helped as he/she broke apart as I tried to carry he/she out of the rubble... Than there was my Mom who was dieing of Lung Cancer my Dad worked at the hospital and it was a wonder that they actually gave him the option of pulling the plug on life support for her he didn't hesitate and I am 100% certain She will forever be thankful my Dad was strong enough to not let her suffer any longer...she was hurting badly for over a month at the hospital it was an awful time in her and my life. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy let alone one whom I love.
I've always thought it was pretty stupid that our society allows for the murder of unborn children without any sort of consent from the dying party but it is illegal for the same doctor to help a terminally ill patient who is willing to die do so with dignity and without pain. Just more proof that our laws are formed not on any moral or ethnical grounds but by the agendas of those in power.

I have no real opinion on Kevorkian because I have no idea what went on behind the scenes, however I have no problem with someone who wants to die being allowed to so long as they are of sound mind.

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