Dr. Z's Sports Illustrated Power Ranking - Cowboys 9


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Rankings kick off with Dolphins, 49ers in top half
Posted: Wednesday September 14, 2005 11:57AM; Updated: Wednesday September 14, 2005 11:57AM

NFL Power Rankings
Rank LW Team

1 -- New England Patriots
New England Patriots (1-0)
Defending Super Bowl champs automatically go to the top of the class. This is etched in stone and I've been told not to mess with this directive if I value my job. If I don't work, the Flaming Redhead doesn't eat, which usually makes her cranky.

2 -- Indianapolis Colts
Indianapolis Colts (1-0)
Deefense! Deefense! My player of the Ravens game (well, one of them) ... Cato June, No. 59, weakside linebacker. More about this and other intriguing topics in tomorrow's column.

3 -- Pittsburgh Steelers
Pittsburgh Steelers (1-0)
Here's the deal on Fast Willie Parker, the third stringer who ran for 161 yards against Tennessee. In his senior year at North Carolina, he rode the bench. "I really didn't take any hits in college, so my career's just beginning" he said. Which reminds me of something Tom Keating once told me when he was playing for the Steelers and Tony Dorsett was a rookie, I mean a freshman, at Pitt. "They've got a kid here who's a freshman who could play in the NFL right now. If I were him, I'd go hide in a cave for three years and save my legs."

4 -- Atlanta Falcons
Atlanta Falcons (1-0)
I liked the defense on Monday night. I mean how could you help but like it, the way DeAngelo Hall took it upon himself to go mango a mango with T.O., etc. What I didn't like, though, was what T.J. Duckett has turned into. At one time I thought this guy could bring it. Monday night he looked like a reincarnation of Jackie Gleason. What's the deal? Too many cream pies or what?

5 -- Kansas City Chiefs
Kansas City Chiefs (1-0)
Here's the book on KC's two new outside linebackers. Kendrell Bell: Explosive and dynamic with the Steelers. Then he got hurt. And got hurt some more. Pretty soon people got tired of hearing that he might play, or maybe he might not. A gamble. Derrick Johnson: Fastest rookie linebacker of the current class. Only criticism was not too sturdy at the point. On Sunday against the Jets these two guys were flying all over the field. I mean really serious speed that juiced up the whole defense. A work in progress.

6 -- New Orleans Saints
New Orleans Saints (1-0)
Courageous team, huh? Here's what I like about them. Paul Tagliabue wanted to address them Saturday night. They said no thanks and chose, instead, C. Ray Nagin, the mayor of New Orleans, who spoke so powerfully about his city and the failure of the administration and the relief efforts and FEMA ... straight from the shoulder, pow!

7 -- Philadelphia Eagles
Philadelphia Eagles (0-1)
So Jeremiah Trotter gets tossed pregame, and Atlanta loses a nickelback. That gave the Falcons a lead even before the kickoff. Here's the way we used to play it. Arm your reserve kicker with all sorts of filthy and vicious insults for the enemy quarterback, and then have him unleash this load of degradation during the warm-ups. A fight ensues and both players are dejected ... I mean ejected. Brilliant, huh? "Don't tell me this actually worked?" the Redhead asks. Well, no, but it's brilliant in its conception, is it not?

8 -- Carolina Panthers
Carolina Panthers (0-1)
Faces have been appearing at my window all day. Boobs. Loonies. Townies, sticking their tongues out. "Hey, what happened to your Super Bowl champ, ha ha ha?" I quote the immortal words of Panthers center Jeff Mitchell -- "It's not college. We didn't lose the national championship today."

9 -- Dallas Cowboys
Dallas Cowboys (1-0)
Drew Bledsoe, 143.4 QB rating after one game. Three TD passes, no picks. Sure I like it. He's a good guy.

10 -- Jacksonville Jaguars
Jacksonville Jaguars (1-0)
The Matt Jones file says the following: What the hell ... ? He's 6-6, 240, runs a 4.37, lines up at his normal wideout position, or he might show up as an option quarterback, or a second tight end. Carried the ball twice for 28 yards, completed a pass, caught a pair. Nickname is Big Slash. I've got this game on the tape. Can't wait to watch it.

11 -- Miami Dolphins
Miami Dolphins (1-0)
This is what the new era means. The Fish are sitting on a 20-10 lead in the fourth quarter. In the old days they'd run twice, throw a safe pass that falls short of the first down, punt and buckle up to play defense and make a game of it. Nick Saban's new era Dolphins instruct Gus Frerotte to go deep on the first snap, which he does, hitting Marty Booker for a 60-yard TD. Game over. Drive safely on your way home. I mean do I ever love this kind of football.

12 -- New York Giants
New York Giants (1-0)
Unsung hero of the Cardinals game -- DT William Joseph. First round draft two years ago. At one time regarded by some as a bust. I keep telling people, with these big guys, sometimes it takes a year or two before they get their sea legs. Right now he's hell on wheels.

13 -- Buffalo Bills
Buffalo Bills (1-0)
I was guilty of a flippancy and I wish to apologize. I wrote that J.P. Losman's job is just not to screw it up for the defense. This is not true. Against the Texans, they emptied the backfield on the first play of the game, spread the field with five receivers, and he completed a pass. He hit his first five tosses on the drive, which set up a field goal. Next possession he accounted for all the yards, 47 passing, eight running, to set up another fielder. Sam Wyche, the 60-year old QB coach, says he worked harder with Losman than he had with any other guy under his command, and it sure showed, no matter what some wiseguy journalist might write. "Fielder," incidentally, was a term I read in a Walter Camp book at the turn of the century. I kinda like it.

14 -- Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Tampa Bay Buccaneers (1-0)
Last week Jon Gruden showed Cadillac Williams a tape of Warrick Dunn as a rookie in 1997, breaking a 52-yard TD run to clinch the Minnesota game. The message was: that's how we expect rookies to run. So on Sunday Cadillac clinched the game against -- right, the Vikings again -- with a 71-yard TD scamper. "How was that?" he asked the coach. "Not bad, you're getting the hang of it, " replied Gruden. (OK, I cannot tell a lie. The last two quotes were piped. But they might have said it, right?)

15 -- San Francisco 49ers
San Francisco 49ers (1-0)
Outside linebacker Julian Peterson isn't all the way back from his torn Achilles, so they told him to just line up as an end and do a little pass rushing. The result was 2 1/2 sacks, a career high. What happens if next week they tell him, "Drop back and see how many balls you can intercept, just for fun?"

16 -- Detroit Lions
Detroit Lions (1-0)
Three No. 1 draft choices, two Williamses and a Rogers, representing almost a billion dollars worth of coin of the realm, lined up at wide receiver against the Packers last Sunday. When the day was done they had registered, amongst them, five catches for 54 yards. OK, so it's not a billion. But at least I got the other numbers right.

17 -- Cincinnati Bengals
Cincinnati Bengals (1-0)
The last two seasons began at 1-4 and ended at 8-8. But the schedules were not as soft as this year's. The first six games offer teams with a combined 38-58 mark from last season. Which means that ... which means ... . "that even if those teams were easy last year, it doesn't mean they're gonna be just as easy this year," interrupts my wife avec les cheveaux rouge. How'd you learn so much football, Linda? My God, I've created a Finkelstein Monster.

18 -- San Diego Chargers
San Diego Chargers (0-1)
Game plan magic. LaDainian Tomlinson, one of pro football's great weapons, was written out of the attack during crunch time Sunday. He ended the day with not one catch. And this is a guy who had 100 two years ago.

19 -- Baltimore Ravens
Baltimore Ravens (0-1)
You know what I'm sick of? The artificial tackles and assists numbers the stat crew, which is composed of employees of the home team, in this case the Ravens, awards to Ray Lewis. They appeared in the Indy game stat sheet as 8-2 T&A. I watched this oh so carefully. Not only was Ray hardly a factor against the Colts, but there's no way he could have made 10 tackles, even if they would have awarded some for merely yelling at the ball cariers. It's shameful, but every home team boosts its superstars this way. I command you, my readers, not to pay attention to these statistics.

20 -- Seattle Seahawks
Seattle Seahawks (0-1)
If I weren't so tired Sunday night, when I did my handicapping column, I would have made Atlanta my upset special No. 5 against the 'Hawks, playing in Seattle. I have a feeling a lot of honest investors will be cursing this Hawkeye bunch by season's end.

21 -- Minnesota Vikings
Minnesota Vikings (0-1)
Never judge anything by what happens in the exhibition season. Minny was 3-1. Then they stunk it up against the Bucs. It means nothing, less than nothing, minus nothing, actually, because many times coaches desperate to hang onto their jobs attempt to fool their owners by going for victories in the preseason.

22 -- Arizona Cardinals
Arizona Cardinals (0-1)
If I live to be 100, and right now I'm close, I will never understand why coaches do this: With the score, 42-19, Giants, and about a minute to play, Arizona's Larry Fitzgerald, who has worn himself out catching 12 passes, catches No. 13 down the sideline and takes a kill shot from the cornerback. His helmet flies off and everyone goes oooooh! Why? Tell me why he's still in there, running on tired legs, risking serious disablement? Is it some sort of macho esprit de corps thing that began with King Leonidas at Thermopylae? I'm waiting to find out.

23 -- Washington Commanders
Washington Commanders (1-0)
Wow, Joe Gibbs' quarterback carnival begins early this year. Half a game was all it took. And that was after Patrick Ramsey had been groomed for the job all preseason. As they say in the western films, the argument is just starting, podnah.

24 -- Oakland Raiders
Oakland Raiders (0-1)
Patriots front four destroyed massive, sluggish Raiders forward wall. Somehow I had neglected this team when I drew up my list of 10 worst O-lines in the NFL. Sorry for the omission. It will be corrected immediately.

25 -- St. Louis Rams
St. Louis Rams (0-1)
Special teams were miserable last year. Glad to see the matter was properly addressed. The tally against SF: St.Looie, two punt returns for a 7.0 average. Niners, one for 75 and a TD. St.Looie, four kickoff returns for a 13.8 average. Niners, five for 24.6. Don't forget this was the team that fired Bobby April two years ago ... one of the best special teams coaches in the business.

26 -- Green Bay Packers
Green Bay Packers (0-1)
Wideout Javon Walker was the best young player on the Packers roster. This summer he threatened to hold out because he felt his base salaries for '05 and '06, the last two years of his contract, were too low. Then he gave in and reported on time anyway. His agent argued that a major injury could end his future chances to land a really good deal. On Sunday that's exactly what happened. Torn ACL. Out for the season. So waddya say, folks. Let's not be too hard on every holdout from now on, OK?

27 -- Cleveland Browns
Cleveland Browns (0-1)
New running back Reuben Droughns averaged 6.5 yards on 12 carries against the Bengals. But of their nine third or fourth down short yardage plays (one or two yards to go), the Browns threw the ball eight times. Six of the passes failed to get the first down.

28 -- Chicago Bears
Chicago Bears (0-1)
I know, they shouldn't be this low after they played the Commanders tough, but they were my Upset Special, and I'm bitter, see. At the end, they had the ball in Skins' territory, and I'd already kicked the field goal for them and written down a W on my sheet. So what happens? Three false start penalties and a sack, and they're out in the parking lot, looking at third and 38. I think I'm gonna move 'em down to 32nd.

29 -- Denver Broncos
Denver Broncos (0-1)
Ron Dayne, after establishing himself as one of the most prolific preseason backs, surprise, with 35 carries for 187 yards, a 5.3 average, was inactive Sunday. (If injury was the reason, then I apologize). I'll say this again. More mysterious things happen with this team than in the Denville, NJ, Key Foods parking lot at 4 a.m. Saturday.

30 -- New York Jets
New York Jets (0-1)
Nose tackle James Reed punched MLB Jonathan Vilma on the sidelines during the Chiefs game. Nobody said why, but I can close my eyes and hear the dialogue. Reed, you see, is one of the committee members chosen to replace Jason Ferguson, who did such a good job last year of keeping the blockers off Vilma, who's undersized for a middle man. On Sunday the Jets got overrun by Chief ball carriers. Vilma: "Gotta keep 'em off me, man." Reed: "You do your job, I'll do mine." Vilma: "Well, how about if you start doing it?" Wham!

31 -- Tennessee Titans
Tennessee Titans (0-1)
I really don't want to say much here because this is too depressing. It's a lesson in what happens when the salary cap has been screwed on too tight.

32 -- Houston Texans
Houston Texans (0-1)
Five turnovers, five sacks, 120 yards of offense, the low number in the NFL on Sunday. Waddya think, does that swing it for the cellar spot?


Proud Navy Veteran 1990-1995
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It amazes me how teams like the Vikings are ranked behind the niners and Dolphins because they lost and teams like the Eagles and panthers are ranked ahead of us and they lost. Fact is they both have been touted as sure SB contenders but face it the Eagles lost to a 1 dimensional team, and the panthers lost to a team who has historically been one of the worst teams in the NFL.


I've got moxie
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jksmith269 said:
It amazes me how teams like the Vikings are ranked behind the niners and Dolphins because they lost and teams like the Eagles and panthers are ranked ahead of us and they lost. Fact is they both have been touted as sure SB contenders but face it the Eagles lost to a 1 dimensional team, and the panthers lost to a team who has historically been one of the worst teams in the NFL.

This early in the season, its all guess work really.

I do think Miami is better than people want to give them credit for though. I watched the bulk of Denver/Miami. Taylor and Thomas are going to thrive under Saban. The defense there looked pretty good.

Frerotte is underrated as a QB and he has nice weapons in Booker, Chambers and McMicheal. They have a nice stable of RBs. They added some quality coaches in Linehan and Houck. 8-8 wouldn't surprise me.

The Saints have had talent and still have talent. They have always seemed like an underachieving team to me. I am sure they were jacked up on emotion, but if a coach could ever get them to play to their potential, they are a solid team as well.

Minnesota will never win with Tice as their coach. He needs to be fired before that team can move on. Losing Linehan may have hurt them as well.


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This is the biggest knee-jerk powerrankings I've seen. The top half is every team that won plus Philly and Carolina, and the bottom half is everyone who lost plus the Commanders. I mean, the Jets and Broncos may have looked bad in their openers, but they're not two of the worst teams in the NFL.


I've got moxie
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bobtheflob said:
This is the biggest knee-jerk powerrankings I've seen. The top half is every team that won plus Philly and Carolina, and the bottom half is everyone who lost plus the Commanders. I mean, the Jets and Broncos may have looked bad in their openers, but they're not two of the worst teams in the NFL.

The Jets and Broncos looked terrible in their openers. I'd put them in the bottom third for sure.

The Broncos started Ekuban and Myers.

They might end up with 2 top 10 picks this year though.


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How to negate Clinton Portis ... have some scrub 4th string player start crap with him, and get into a fight. Both players will be tossed.

Advantage: Cowboys.


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Power Rankings: Week 1 is wild, but just wait for Week 2

By Pete Prisco
CBS SportsLine.com Senior Writer
Tell Pete your opinion!
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There is anger these days in Minnesota, Green Bay, St. Louis and Denver, maybe rage being a better word in some cases.

How in the heck can what was supposed to be such a promising NFL season go so wrong in just one week?

Mike Tice's Vikes feel the pain in the opener. (Getty Images) By contrast, fans of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Miami Dolphins think their teams might have playoff chances, fresh off impressive upset victories last week. Fans of the 49ers are even thinking maybe it might not be all that bad after all.

So went the wild and wacky first week of the NFL season, where upsets were the norm and the house in Vegas made a lot of money off the favored players.

But before thinking any of it can be construed as a trend, we bring you a few words of caution:

Watch out for Week 2.

The second week of the NFL season is almost always about getting even -- the highs from the week before many times followed by lows and the downs followed by the ups. That's the greatness of the NFL, which is why it's tough to gauge this league until at least the beginning of October.

Does anybody really think the Bucs will have a better record than the Vikings? Or the Dolphins a better mark than the Broncos?

The first week craziness made for a tough set of CBS SportsLine.com Power Rankings. At least we know one thing's constant in doing the rankings, that the New England Patriots maintain a clear lead at the top.

After that, who knows? And in this league, even that's perilous. Don't the Patriots go to Carolina on Sunday? Don't the Panthers need to win or fall to 0-2 with two home losses to start the season?

It's get-even week in the NFL. Just wait and see how different these rankings are a week from now.

The rankings for Sept. 13:

POWER RANKINGSCurrentTeamPrevious1New England Patriots1The beat goes on. The Patriots are still the class of the league for now. The schedule is brutal the next three weeks starting Sunday at Carolina.2Pittsburgh Steelers3So much for all that preseason concern about the offense. One game in and it looked dominant. Willie Parker is the real deal.3Indianapolis Colts7They came darn close to a shutout, which is saying something, no matter how bad the offense they faced. It's a faster defense, which might actually get this team past New England. Might.4Atlanta Falcons5It wasn't quite redemption Monday night, but the Falcons showed they won't be pushed around. The passing game has to get better.5Philadelphia Eagles2Winning on the road on Monday night is tough duty, even for this experienced team. The feeling here is that they are still the class of the NFC.6Jacksonville Jaguars6Now that the offense has come alive, watch out for this team. They have a chance to make a statement against the Colts Sunday on the road.7New Orleans Saints17Kudos to this team for fighting through all the adversity to win on the road. That was special. Watch out for this talented team.8Kansas City Chiefs12If the defense is that improved, the Chiefs are going to be an AFC force. But let's hold off until we see what they do Sunday at Oakland before putting them in the Bowl.9Buffalo Bills15We knew the defense could be dominant, but J.P. Losman answered some questions against the Texans. Now we have to see him do it on the road.10Carolina Panthers4The Panthers not only lost to the Saints, but they lost one of their best players for the season in Kris Jenkins. And now the Patriots come to town. Good luck.11Dallas Cowboys21Bill Parcells gets a big road victory to open the season and the best thing about it is how well Drew Bledsoe played. Dallas could be a playoff team if that continues.12Oakland Raiders8Opening on the road against the Super Bowl champs is tough duty. The Raiders played well for a half, but then fell apart. They have to limit the mistakes.13Baltimore Ravens9The defense can't carry this team to a Super Bowl without some help from the offense. It was terrible against the Colts, who don't exactly have a great defense.14Minnesota Vikings10The Vikings were a big flop on Sunday. You can't take away Randy Moss and think you'll be a better team. You just can't.15New York Giants28Watch out for this team. Tom Coughlin can coach them up and there are some good players on this roster.16Cincinnati Bengals23Carson Palmer and the offense looked good, and the defense seems improved. But that was just the Browns. So temper it a bit.17Tampa Bay Buccaneers26Maybe we all underestimated this group. You know Jon Gruden will have them fighting every week.18Arizona Cardinals11The offense has to find a way to run the ball better or Kurt Warner is going to get killed. The special teams were awful.19San Diego Chargers14They played well against Dallas, but you're supposed to win home games in this league if you're a playoff team. Are they in for a fall?20Detroit Lions24They made the Packers look old and slow. Maybe this defense isn't getting enough attention.21Washington Commanders29As long as that defense plays as it did against the Bears, the Commanders will stay in games. At some point, though, the offense has to do something.22Miami Dolphins30We thought this would be a five-victory team, even with a good coach like Nick Saban. That might have to be revised up.23Seattle Seahawks19The Seahawks are another of those teams that will score a lot of points, but has to play better on defense to be a playoff team. We wonder if they can.24Denver Broncos13We give them a mulligan for their effort in the Florida heat, but if things don't turn around, the heat will be on the Teflon Coach.25New York Jets16We thought this team might be in for a little fall this season, but not anything like what we saw in Kansas City on Sunday. They sure didn't have a playoff look.26San Francisco 49ers31A heck of a job by Mike Nolan and his staff in pulling off the upset of the Rams. They killed a lot of people in those survivor pools.27Chicago Bears22The defense did its part, but the offense has to get points on the board, even with a rookie quarterback.28Green Bay Packers20This is shaping up as a long season, especially with Javon Walker down for the year. Is this the end for Brett Favre?29Houston Texans25If the heat wasn't on this staff before Sunday, it sure is now. The offense was awful. What is wrong with David Carr?30Tennessee Titans27With a young group, there are going to be days like they had against the Steelers. This team is better than it showed.31St. Louis Rams18Losing on the road to the 49ers is inexcusable for this group. The defense will be trouble all year long. Is the coaching staff now officially in trouble?32Cleveland Browns32They thought the 49ers would keep them out of this spot, but then the 49ers go and upset the Rams. Cleveland might stay here awhile.


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TheHustler said:
You know what I'm sick of? The artificial tackles and assists numbers the stat crew, which is composed of employees of the home team, in this case the Ravens, awards to Ray Lewis. They appeared in the Indy game stat sheet as 8-2 T&A. I watched this oh so carefully. Not only was Ray hardly a factor against the Colts, but there's no way he could have made 10 tackles, even if they would have awarded some for merely yelling at the ball cariers. It's shameful, but every home team boosts its superstars this way. I command you, my readers, not to pay attention to these statistics.

Do all stats sources do that? Is that from NFL.com or a central source? What about stats inc. or Yahoo sports?

I've always wondered why the stats seem to vary so much from site to site.

Adam, any help?


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32 -- Houston Texans
Houston Texans (0-1)
Five turnovers, five sacks, 120 yards of offense, the low number in the NFL on Sunday. Waddya think, does that swing it for the cellar spot?

I can't help but love that.\

Some air conditioner company in houston is giving 10% discounts when houston wins and an additional 5% when the Cowboys lose.

Better hold off on that ac purchase this week.


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bobtheflob said:
This is the biggest knee-jerk powerrankings I've seen. The top half is every team that won plus Philly and Carolina, and the bottom half is everyone who lost plus the Commanders. I mean, the Jets and Broncos may have looked bad in their openers, but they're not two of the worst teams in the NFL.

Well, please tell me what else can you base power rankings on in week 1? If you lose, you're bad until you win. I see nothing wrong with it.