Every year, FO puts together a "Draft Report Card Report," summarizing draft grades from around the web. This year's is here:
In the aggregate, the Cowboys came in the middle of the pack: 18th in the NFL, with grades ranging from A- to C-. There are links to each of the report cards used in the compilation.
The best part of this is that it's an archive that lets you look back and see how right or wrong snap draft evaluations have been in the past. The article includes links for the previous reports, going back to 2004. So, for instance, last year the Cowboys' draft came in 25th on average. I think it's safe to say it will look a little better than that in the long run.
Ranks for some other teams:
1. 49ers
2. Browns
3. Commanders
9. Eagles
26. Giants
31. Rams
32. Bears