drew henson video update

rcaldw said:
I can't agree with you here. What I'm seeing out of Henson in NFLE comfirms to me that Bill DOESN'T know what he is doing. (I only mean with this particular player) It reminds me of how Aikman began to take off when Norv Turner arrived in Dallas. It was like, why didn't they have someone like this working with Troy before? I like Logan and how he is working with Henson and to me it seems that he is getting something with this team that he ISN'T getting in Dallas, and I don't JUST mean playing time.

I would love to see Logan in Dallas as QB's coach.

...you may get criticized for supporting a baby like Henson who needs a special coach to coddle him.
rcaldw said:
I can't agree with you here. What I'm seeing out of Henson in NFLE comfirms to me that Bill DOESN'T know what he is doing. (I only mean with this particular player) It reminds me of how Aikman began to take off when Norv Turner arrived in Dallas. It was like, why didn't they have someone like this working with Troy before? I like Logan and how he is working with Henson and to me it seems that he is getting something with this team that he ISN'T getting in Dallas, and I don't JUST mean playing time.

I would love to see Logan in Dallas as QB's coach.

ask yourself this, would Henson be having this same success in NFLE, if he was sent there his 1st year in Dallas, after the 3-year layoff from football, after only starting 19 games since high school? in my mind, no, and which is why I'm saying that Bill does in fact know what he's doing, the coaching staff prepared him so that he could play, and do as well as he's had so far in Europe, Logan is just merely re-enforcing the things he was already learning his 2 years from the Dallas coaches

btw, it does seem that Logan is a heck of a QB coach, and I too would like to see him in Dallas in the same position

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