Drew Pearson Glad Cowboys Passed On Bill Belichick, 'Not The Solution'


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I think a lot of Cowboys fans and former players have Stockholm Syndrome. The guy that won 6 championships isn't the guy, but the guy that could only win 1 with the greatest qb of all time is?

We have to act like Harbaugh or Bellichick would be a bad fit because we know Jerry would never get them. Instead, we get Jerry Jones homeboys who keep producing soft team after soft team.


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Now we just need another ex player to say Bellichick is the answer and it would be just like the forums.


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Drew is right about BB not being the answer. Not for why he said, though. But because it's still true - no head coach has won a SB with 2 different teams.
Not Parcells, Johnson, McCarthy, Lombardi, Holmgren, Ditka, Gruden, et al. Though a few have come close.

And the vast majority of SB winning coaches did so in their early years with the team. Shula won 2 in his first 11 years and never again despite coaching another 22 years!

Coaches are like anybody else, they repeat things that worked for them, because they know how to do those things. The NFL changes, coaches get too old to adapt to the new rules, player attitudes, etc.

Get a young, up and coming assistant. Not a Kellen Moore, too green, need more seasoning.

If it were up to me, I'm targeting somebody like Slowik from Houston, he's been a coach in the NFL for 12 years, learning under 4 current or just hired head coaches.

But please, no retreads like Bill....


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Excellent interview. He says Jerry doesn't come to the old guard for advice. What a shame. That's like being constipated for two weeks and not asking a doctor for advice.


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Excellent interview. He says Jerry doesn't come to the old guard for advice. What a shame. That's like being constipated for two weeks and not asking a doctor for advice.
I'd have to agree with Jerry on this one. The NFL is far different than in the 1970's when Drew played. Those guys didn't make the money they do these days, for one thing, most everybody played for the love of the game, and maybe the glory. I suspect 75% of the players these days play for the money, the minimum salary for a rookie NFL player now is $750,000. In 1977, it was $20,000. And before anyone brings up inflation, etc. in 1977 the average U.S. income was $13,750. Meaning NFL players made about 45% more than the average Joe.

Today the average income in 2023 was about $63,000. Meaning a rookie NFL player makes just under 1200% more than the average Joe.

Look, I love Drew Pearson as a former Dallas Cowboy. But he's been out of the game way too long to offer much advice for today's Cowboys.


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I'd have to agree with Jerry on this one. The NFL is far different than in the 1970's when Drew played. Those guys didn't make the money they do these days, for one thing, most everybody played for the love of the game, and maybe the glory. I suspect 75% of the players these days play for the money, the minimum salary for a rookie NFL player now is $750,000. In 1977, it was $20,000. And before anyone brings up inflation, etc. in 1977 the average U.S. income was $13,750. Meaning NFL players made about 45% more than the average Joe.

Today the average income in 2023 was about $63,000. Meaning a rookie NFL player makes just under 1200% more than the average Joe.

Look, I love Drew Pearson as a former Dallas Cowboy. But he's been out of the game way too long to offer much advice for today's Cowboys.
In the 1970's, my father supported a stay-at-home wife and 5 kids on a salary of around $6,000 per year. Staubach earning $125K per year back then was about 20 times what my father earned - still a big chunk of money in comparison to the every day Joe.


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Belechic (s/p?) History will show he's one of the best to ever do it. History says he's too old. Please stop with the Groupie love for the man. Patriots won with him, that's over and done with

If he still had it wouldn't he be in New England ?

Vrable same thing. Didn't he get fired from Tenn ? Isn't he 54-45? Big Mike is 42-25 What am I missing Here ??????

This Cannibalistic Fanbase, You'd Truly eat your young

PA Cowboy Fan

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There is really no answer while Jerry's here. Need a great coach and an elite QB and even that might be enough. I know one thing bringing everyone back is not the answer. This won't end well.


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I think BB is overrated however I'm always in favor of trying something new instead of just doing the same thing and expecting different results, and he's a great defensive coach which we need.

I wanted Harbough, everywhere he's gone he's made his team better. Instead they turn McCarthy into a lame duck coach and pass on BB Harbough and Vrabel. Not sure what the point is.


Junior College Transfer
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Drew forgets that today's Dallas players are vastly different than those of the '60s and '70s.
Drugs? Fights outside of nightclubs? Baby mamas. PEDs, racing cars, bling for comic relief...
Lots has changed, Drew, you could (and do) cry me a river. But you played in an eta when most players were good citizens as opposed to Most Wanted.
Belichick would not put up with this new breed of player coddled by Jerald.


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How would he know what's best for the 2024 Cowboys, in his days coaching meant something, these days they're controlled by a owner who doesn't want to win
Isn’t it hilarious when a 10 year veteran, SB champion Hall of Famer thinks he understands winning football more than Internet forum fans?

Drew is embarrassing himself.


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For three years MM said he would fix the penalties…he didn’t.

For three years MM said he would fix the run vulnerabilities on D…he didn’t.

For three years MM said he wanted a more balanced attack on offense…they’ve never been more one dimensional.

These issues have not been addressed since long before MM got here, and I don’t think it’ll change in my lifetime (I’m almost 60).

In an organization fraught with nepotism, there will never be accountability. Same for any organization that has that structure.


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In the 1970's, my father supported a stay-at-home wife and 5 kids on a salary of around $6,000 per year. Staubach earning $125K per year back then was about 20 times what my father earned - still a big chunk of money in comparison to the every day Joe.
My first job out of college was $10,900 per year. So myself and your father were both under the U.S. average.

EVERY NFL player gets at least $750,000; your father's salary was less than half the national average. Staubach was a top player, most NFL players got far less than $125,000.

Respects to your dad for providing for his family on such low pay, but it doesn't relate to my post that much....


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For three years MM said he would fix the penalties…he didn’t.

For three years MM said he would fix the run vulnerabilities on D…he didn’t.

For three years MM said he wanted a more balanced attack on offense…they’ve never been more one dimensional.

These issues have not been addressed since long before MM got here, and I don’t think it’ll change in my lifetime (I’m almost 60).

In an organization fraught with nepotism, there will never be accountability. Same for any organization that has that structure.
Truth, truth, and truth

CT Dal Fan

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Bill Belichick as coach of the Browns in the 1990's- 36-44.

Bill Belichick's record since Tom Brady left the Patriots: 29-38.

I don't know why people can't see this. With the greatest quarterback in NFL history, Jason Garrett would have won all those Super Bowls Belichick did.


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Bill Belichick as coach of the Browns in the 1990's- 36-44.

Bill Belichick's record since Tom Brady left the Patriots: 29-38.

I don't know why people can't see this. With the greatest quarterback in NFL history, Jason Garrett would have won all those Super Bowls Belichick did.
truly the dumbest post of the day


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I'd have to agree with Jerry on this one. The NFL is far different than in the 1970's when Drew played. Those guys didn't make the money they do these days, for one thing, most everybody played for the love of the game, and maybe the glory. I suspect 75% of the players these days play for the money, the minimum salary for a rookie NFL player now is $750,000. In 1977, it was $20,000. And before anyone brings up inflation, etc. in 1977 the average U.S. income was $13,750. Meaning NFL players made about 45% more than the average Joe.

Today the average income in 2023 was about $63,000. Meaning a rookie NFL player makes just under 1200% more than the average Joe.

Look, I love Drew Pearson as a former Dallas Cowboy. But he's been out of the game way too long to offer much advice for today's Cowboys.
Yeah clearly Jerry is getting great advice with all the SBs he has won over the last 28 years...
oh wait....