DVD Player Question


Mick Green 58
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Anybody ever have a problem playing a DVD on one DVD Player but able to play it on a different DVD Player?

Just curious why some DVDs (16 DVD set) I brought will play on one DVD Player but not another.
Most likely the region, DVDs have 2 sets - NTSC (North American based) and PAL (Pretty much everyone else). Normally you see this problems with DVDs you download, this is the first I've heard over DVDs purchased, did you buy them overseas?
GTaylor said:
Most likely the region, DVDs have 2 sets - NTSC (North American based) and PAL (Pretty much everyone else). Normally you see this problems with DVDs you download, this is the first I've heard over DVDs purchased, did you buy them overseas?

See it cant be that though.

Yes, it was a Rare Japanese Animation 16 Box Set from China.

1-9 would play in my Playstation 2 and my new DVD Recorder, but 10-11 wont (havent checked 12-16) play in the above DVD players, but I can walk to the other room and it will play in my Sanyo DVD player which is NTSC player like the other 2 DVD Players.

If they were PAL, they wouldnt play in the Sanyo either.


- Mike G.
mickgreen58 said:
See it cant be that though.

Yes, it was a Rare Japanese Animation 16 Box Set from China.

1-9 would play in my Playstation 2 and my new DVD Recorder, but 10-11 wont (havent checked 12-16) play in the above DVD players, but I can walk to the other room and it will play in my Sanyo DVD player which is NTSC player like the other 2 DVD Players.

If they were PAL, they wouldnt play in the Sanyo either.


- Mike G.

Mike if you use dvd shrink you can re rip a copy that is region free just an FYI for you
Kang, I was really thinking about doing that. I am not sure if it is that though, but I may try it.
Weird thing is...

I looked at both the Sanyo and Panasonic DVD Recorder

Both are marked Region 1 and both say they can play Region 1 Discs or "All", but some of the discs, only the Sanyo DVD can play.

So they both have the same specs, but 1 can read the DVD and the other one cant.

- Mike G.
Maybe the laser is dirty in one of them and it can not read the DVD correctly. Just a thought....
I have had the same problem.

A few years ago I got a nice DVD surround sound system...paid too much for it but it was new at the time.

Years later I thought it was just DVDs that I recorded that would not play.

Then it turned out that some DVDs I bought would not load...some would load but after playing so long would just lock up.

I used the dvd cleaning disc and tried some things, but some would just not load or play all the way through.

If it was a long DVD (say one of the lord of the rings movies) it would flat out not play after a certain point...IF it loaded at all.

It got to the point that I actually went out and bought a cheap DVD from wally world because I was so frustrated and all of the DVDs play fine on them.

Now if you are just having trouble with that one DVD set...I bet money it is a region thing....Region 1 or 2...I was reading something that some overseas DVDs will not play unless you have the other region settings on the DVD as someone mentioned.

However I have also read that you can either get dvd players that have that option and in SOME cases I thought I read you can download and record software on a DVD and put it in the dvd player and somehow change the settings on the player to allow it to read the DVDs...can not remember where I read that or if it even works or not.

But if you are in doubt...see if someone has a real cheap wally world dvd player and borrow it or take the DVDs to their house...if they play then just go buy one of the cheap ones....heck I think I got mine for $30-40.
mickgreen58 said:
Weird thing is...

I looked at both the Sanyo and Panasonic DVD Recorder

Both are marked Region 1 and both say they can play Region 1 Discs or "All", but some of the discs, only the Sanyo DVD can play.

So they both have the same specs, but 1 can read the DVD and the other one cant.

- Mike G.

Any chance you could post the model numbers because I'm sticking with my original thought that it's the DVD format. You could burn a DVD with region-free but if it's still a PAL-format DVD than it will not play on most US DVD players. Only ones I've seen are those than can play Divx.with this one being the most popular.

Here's how you can tell, download IFOEdit, then after installing, open file VIDEO_TS.IFO (Should be in your VIDEO_TS folder of the DVD). From here you should be able to see on about the 5th-6th line what format your DVD is, either PAL or NTSC

Here's a screenshot of what it may look like:

I grabbed the image from here - but be warned whenever I edited to NTSC the picture became choppy and unwatchable. Hopefully I'm wrong because then your only option would be to buy a different DVD player (Albeit it the one mentioned above is around $60)....
I think have IFOEDit already and will do and come back and report.

My Sanyo DVD Player will play all the DVDs, 1-16

My Panasonic DVD Recorder and Playstation 2 will only play DVDs 1-9

As stated, I pulled out the manual for both the Sanyo DVD Player in my bedroom and the Panasonic DVD Recorder both had the same specs:

Region 1
Region All

Me thesis is, So if they have the same specs, they both should play the same DVDs.

ALL I was trying to say was If it were a Region problem, I would think DVDs 10-16 would not play in the Sanyo DVD Player either.

I will pop the sucker in and let IfoEdit have a look, I think there are 2 more applications that could tell me too.
I'll chime in here on this subject because I had the same problem with a Phillips 5 disc DVD player I had bought.

The problem was some DVD's would play and some wouldn't well I called Phillips and come to find out I had to put the player in certain mode and change the audio output to get the dvd to play and with others I'd have to change it another way. Stranges thing but Phillips blamed it on the production company One DVD I remembe was Atlantis and it took Phillips a week to get me a work around so we could watch the DVD.

I know this doesn't help much but I'd call the maker of the DVD player and explain the problem and see if they have a solution.
jksmith269 said:
I'll chime in here on this subject because I had the same problem with a Phillips 5 disc DVD player I had bought.

The problem was some DVD's would play and some wouldn't well I called Phillips and come to find out I had to put the player in certain mode and change the audio output to get the dvd to play and with others I'd have to change it another way. Stranges thing but Phillips blamed it on the production company One DVD I remembe was Atlantis and it took Phillips a week to get me a work around so we could watch the DVD.

I know this doesn't help much but I'd call the maker of the DVD player and explain the problem and see if they have a solution.

Hmmm...interesting...since Phillips is the DVD home theater system I have and have had trouble with.

I thought it was a matter of formats as all of the older DVDs would play but most of the ones I recorded or some of the newer ones where the ones I had trouble with.
BrAinPaiNt said:
Hmmm...interesting...since Phillips is the DVD home theater system I have and have had trouble with.

I thought it was a matter of formats as all of the older DVDs would play but most of the ones I recorded or some of the newer ones where the ones I had trouble with.
I've since got rid of mine it was part of a home theater system my wife bought me back in 01 from Best Buy. Anyway when I would call Phillips if I had to wait to get a work around to be able to play the disc they would send me a DVD free. I finally got tired of it because if I watched more than one DVD in a row it would over heat and freeze up about half way thru the next movie. Phillips said I could send it in at my own expense about 35.00 shipping and they would "repair" it (the overheating) instead I just use it for music and bought a new single disc player which cost about 40 more than the shipping but atleast I know my DVD's will play and not freeze up.

The dvd player was model DVD 782C
the receiver which I still use is FR 968

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