Eagles steal from the kettle **merged**

Instead of theatrics such as jumping in and breaking down the door why don't they decree a donation or drop a check in when they get in the end zone instead of silly stunts, that would go further than the current clown show of celebrations they subject everyone to.

For the record I know many football players donate to allot of different organizations but that is not the point here.
Yes. It was a bit of a tasteless show by the Philly players. However, I still would like to know if Jerry is leasing the kettles and the space in the end zone to the Salvation Army by the month. He has a business to run.

Salvation Army has said some interesting things in the recent past, so I have no allegiance to them.
Again, if you don't have a problem with lamb's celebration, don't complain about theirs

So what exactly are you saying Lamb's celebration is supposed to represent? Anyway, besides looking classless and many people taking it as a bunch of greedy ogres stealing from the donation pot, meaning it was not well thought out, I don't have much problem with the celebration. They do deserve to get fined for it since we got fined for ours.
I noticed one thing about the celebration that hasn't been mentioned yet.
It's the only celebration all year that wasn't replayed. So, apparently, the
NFL and/or the broadcast didn't appreciate it.
They needed a better interpretive dance because I don't think anyone got that.

I would think the Salvation Army would be applauding any of these celebrations since they bring attention to them.
Not to mention the fact one of them pretending to run away with a bag in each hand. Anyways, weird celebration.
What are you talking about?
If you think their celebration was classless, then you should feel the same about Lamb's "wipe your nose" celebration. All I'm saying is people should be consistent, I have no issue with either

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