Early Game Thread

I switched over to the philly game to see Wentz struggle, yet to see him on the field this whole qtr :cool:

Unfortunately he is playing in front of a green screen so they can graphically (CGI) insert blocking offensive linemen. Buit since he is wearing green you can't see him.
Taking the main tv from my son, I CANT STAND the delay of the ST app for iPad. Horrible

It does have an easy switch back and fourth feature, and I can have a game on one team while I watch another on the big screen. My boy will have to do with cable in his room or his computer (the PS4 is in the living room)
For those of you lovely folks who gave me a ton of likes I took names (in the form of my alerts) and will pay it forward, you fine folk, you

I usually repay ten fold (the dallasdave rule) lol :)

For those that care for such things. The vanity feature of CZ lol

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