Since when did Werder once again become the go-to Cowboys guy? We get news faster and better, and have more insight to everything Cowboys usually wayyyy before Werder starts his yappin. Major news comes our way and all of a sudden people start quoting Werder tweets like its gold.
Every other minute I'm seeing or hearing him. Werder is a Clown and he's almost always wrong!
He wasn't wrong back in 07 with his reliable source, which was either someone talking out of school or planted there to get the information out. These reporters don't uncover these stories, they're handed to them.
Some teams and even the league uses certain people in the media. Ever see a player suspended without it being "leaked" first? Me neither and that always puzzles me and the only reason I can think of is if they leak it, that softens the blow when it really happens.
Werder has the Cowboys as his beat team and it is a symbiotic relationship with just enough not so flattering blurbs to retain credibility for him but it seldom goes too far. He has a long standing relationship with them.
One of my old friends in sports radio in Dallas told me that most of them thought the "reliable source" back then was the son attempting to orchestrate Phillips exit and Garrett's entrance, which is exactly what happened. It was all about Phillips had lost the team and because Booger follows all of that media stuff, he was an easy sale.
Then there is this interesting tidbit. Remember when that mysterious video of Dez in some parking lot was in the news right before his contract was coming up? Same guy told me that they felt Werder knew it was the Cowboys laying that out there and his relationship with the Joneses kept him from exposing that. Everything about that smelled fishy.