Eli Manning

You might recognize that football games are won by teams, and not by QBs alone.

ESPN and the likes push the notion that the QB's alone win or lose Super Bowls. Because of this, there's fans here that actually believe it.
Eli turns average TE's into guys who sign for big bucks in the offseason based on what they did with Eli Manning. You guys already mentioned what he has done in the postseason. And he is a pretty good 4th quarter QB. That trade that Accorsi made is something I will remember forever and am thankful he did every day for the past 10 years. Hate on Eli all you want, in the end, in the NFL Super Bowls are what matters and so far he has 2.
Eli is not a class act. He whined his way out of playing in San Diego because his daddy played on a bad team and he is too precious to do that. Of course, his brother went to a team that was the definition of mediocrity and made it into a contender for over a decade.
Eli turns it on when it counts OP, he is the anti-Peyton. Don't worry about him now or in week 1...come December...

Those two Super Bowl runs were great.
His other payoff appearances....some of the worst in NFL history.
So, sometimes he plays well in the playoffs. I'm sure Giant fans will take those two Lombardies though.
Was he as inconsistent as Eli?

Nah ... He flat out sucked the last four years of his career.

I know I'm going to take heat for the statement above. But it is the double truth!
there is luck then there is the helmet catch and Assante dropping a pick right in his hands. Sorry you cannot tell the difference

luck is luck, and we were as lucky to win that Super Bowl as any team ever. period
I don't think Eli is elite because he is too interception prone. And his team makes the playoffs every 3 to 4 years
Yes you can, TO was injured and Glenn was running on half a leg.

That's what happen you when don't develop dependable backups through your draft... Jerry never did , he believed in signing flashy free agents and going or high risk skill positions in draft , more miss than hits.
Eli Manning is an above average quarterback that has won Super Bowls on teams that have gotten hot at the right time. Bottom line. The Giants with Eli are WINLESS in the playoffs when the opponent scores over 21 points. Is this the sign of an elite quarterback, or a team that had an elite defense? I'm so tired of reading "Manning beat this, Manning beat that". It's all garbage. That's like saying Troy Aikman only won Super Bowls in Dallas. Emmitt, Irvin, the Moose, Novacek, the o-line, and the defense had nothing to do with it, right?

Grill me for saying so, but if I'm starting a team from scratch and could pick Romo or Eli as my QB, give me Romo.
Eli is not a class act. He whined his way out of playing in San Diego because his daddy played on a bad team and he is too precious to do that. Of course, his brother went to a team that was the definition of mediocrity and made it into a contender for over a decade.

Payton Manning is just the same. He stayed in college an extra year to avoid any possibility of being drafted by the Saints. That was the year they picked Ricky Williams.
Payton Manning is just the same. He stayed in college an extra year to avoid any possibility of being drafted by the Saints. That was the year they picked Ricky Williams.

Even if that's true, Peyton had a right to stay in college for another year. He had no obligation to the Saints. Eli on the other hand should have manned up and played for the team that drafted him. To compare what Peyton did to what Eli did isn't right.
The Giants with Eli are WINLESS in the playoffs when the opponent scores over 21 points. Is this the sign of an elite quarterback, or a team that had an elite defense?

The Giants and Eli are WINLESS in the playoffs when Eli has turned the ball over multiple times. Eli's TD to turnover ratio is 2-6 in his 3 playoff losses. He had passer ratings of 35.0, 85.6 and 40.7 in those losses. His turnovers put his defense back on the field forcing them in some cases to have to defend a short field. How a QB performs can effect how their defense performs. Eli's turnovers and erratic play resulted in the Giants getting behind and kept their defense on the field. He never completed 60% of his passes in any of his playoff losses. During the Giants SB runs under Eli in 07 and 2011 his TD to turnover ratio was 15-2. Eli's efficiency enabled the Giants to sustain drives which kept their defense fresh.

If you go back and take a close look at the Giants regular seasons in 07 and 2011 their defense got shredded in some games and part of the reason was having to defend Eli's 47 turnovers. The 07 team only managed 10 wins and the 2011 team only managed 9 wins. Eli's frequent turnovers were part of the reason. Neither the 07 or 2011 Giants teams looked very impressive until Eli settled down and stopped turning the ball. He started replacing turnovers with TD passes. Had the same stumbling, bumbling turnover prone Eli showed up in the playoffs those 2 seasons the Giants would have never even reached the SB in 07 and 2011.

If any defense is left on the field all day due to their offense not be able to move the football and their QB is suffering one turnover after another that team is going to get beat especially in the playoffs. Joe Flacco had better defenses in 08 and 09 than he did last season but Baltimore couldn't reach the SB because Flacco kept turning the ball over repeatedly in back to back title games. Any defense will break if they have to defend a short field all day.
You know the wounds are deep when Eli is being trashed for a bad performance in a preseason game.

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