Email the commish...


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Hey Roger I was just wondering how in the world you can have such double standards? I mean in one hand you have Adam Jones. A man who simply KNEW a criminal... He has not be proven to have any first hand experience in the issue at hand yet he has been suspended for over a year. In the other is Bill Bellichick and the entire New England Patriots team past and present. I mean if you honestly think that your lies or anyone else's are going to fool any of us you are sadly mistaken and are really to dumb for the position you retain.
We all know that there had been cheating during the Rams superbowl. We know that you have been covering this up since the beginning and you have continued to do so. The sad thing is the lack of respect you have for the teams players and coaches that really did bust their buts and played the game fairly. But the toper is how you can try to be the long arm of the law with players like Pacman and Tank yet in the same breathe you don't think twice about screwing over the fans and players the NFL.
Also I and the rest of the NFL fans around the world would greatly appreiciate it if stopped treating us like mindless children. Basically STOP LYING TO US!!!!!!
You really have only two options here.
1. Reinstate Pacman and stop the holier then thou act.
2. Man the hell up and dish out the right punishment to that pack of scumbag cheaters.

PS: I hope the senate nails your *** to the wall because by covering up what the Patriots have done you are just as much scum as they and will never fill the shoes of Paul.


Messenger to the football Gods
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Dear Mr. Goodell,

How can you even consider letting Adam Jones wear a uniform representing the NFL? He beats women, mames men and has zero respect for anything outside his little world. The only thing he should be allowed to do is care for the man who now resides in a wheelchair, on Mr. Jones' behalf.

Where do I send it again?

Take this effort and write a senator or congressman or a friend for that matter. Why waste time for the likes of Jones? I personally don't get it.