embarrassing for the cheatriots........


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lewpac;1828566 said:
But to sit there and declare that the body of work that this team under Bilicheck has produced is the COMPLETE product of CHEATING and CHEATING ONLY..........................hogwash!!!

Uh, when you win 3 Super Bowls by a combined less than 10 points, and your QB is pretty much undefeated in overtime, then yes, you question their legitimacy...


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skinsfunguy;1828422 said:
You know Jimmy Johnson admitted to taping other teams signals as well right? I'm not trying to be that Commanders fan trying to shake things up, I'm just saying that if you think the Pats legacy is tarnished then what do you think about the Boys in the 90's? Thats just a double standard.

NOTE* I am not personally saying the 90's Cowboys legacy is tarnished, in fact i do not think it is at all.
the 'boys of the 90's?.....several high profile coaches admitted to jerry jones that they knew every offensive signal the cowboys gave: they knew the play that was coming, & STILL couldn't stop 'em. if what you are saying is true......then why would jimmy johnson refuse to make adjustments to his OWN signals; if he is trying to decipher other team's signals? doesn't make one bit of sense.......

secondly, wade wilson (our qb coach) received a $100,000 fine, and suspension for 5 games this season. why? because he used some nfl prohibited steroids in chicago......in an attempt to help his diabetes. goodell claimed the harsh sentence was justified because coaches are held to a higher standard, & accountability. goodell proved himself a hypocrite (and possibly too close to kraft) by refusing to suspend belicheat.......higher accountability my (foot)......


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lewpac;1828566 said:
Hey, I'm in no way justifying "cheating" or any other underhanded means toward success in ANY field.
I just find it comical and even absurd that, the slightest HINT of skull-duggery or bending the rules, and a lot of folks immediately conclude that ALL of the Pats success is attributed to SOMETHING besides BEING THAT GOOD!!!!
If you, or anyone can come to the conclusion that this Patriot team and decade-long run is the result of cheating and cheating ONLY, you're burying your head in sand and living in the land of OZ.
And that's the buzz I get whenever this subject rears it's ugly head. The way people discuss it. Even here, right here and right now. To read the "Patriots are Cheaters" folk, you'd swear that if not for "cheating", they'd be just another .500, middle of the pack-team. And THAT'S simply absurd and ridiculous.
I don't know what your thoughts are about this or if you think this. If you give them all the credit they deserve, and THEN throw in the caveat or "liner note" that they may have cheated a little (like everyone else does, but they got caught), then the conversation would become a little easier to swallow. But to sit there and declare that the body of work that this team under Bilicheck has produced is the COMPLETE product of CHEATING and CHEATING ONLY..........................hogwash!!!
they obviously are a talented team......but make no mistake: you bed yourself down with the devil; then you can hardly kick when people label you as shady......kinda like a harlot whining about her reputation......

were the results of the 3 close superbowl victories truly tarnished by cheating? the evidence is gone; however, i would be a fool to rule it out....you seem to forget: since they were caught cheating, the onus is on THEM to prove their previous superbowl victory integrity. it's NOT on ME to DISPROVE it......my suspicion remains.


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As a Colts/Cowboys fan, find this thread extremely amusing. As a Colts fan I’ve had the displeasure of watching the Patriots CHEAT more than any person should have to endure. They play dirty, dirty football. Cowboys fans only have the game from earlier this season upon which to base your hopes for their demise.

Admittedly, I don’t watch the Patsies much. I can only stomach these a-holes if they’re playing a team a I really care about. For what it’s worth here is the short list of my grievances with the Patsies:

Roidney “steroid loving/face mask grabbing” Harrison is their current dirtiest player.

You gotta give some credit to Matt “cute little whip kick” Light and Vince “shot to the knees” Wilfork.

Oh, and let’s not forget Willie “I have a knee injury” McGinest.

I loathe this team for the above plus, but I won’t bore you. The dirty play has been going on for years – IT IS NOT HOGWASH! Yes, I do believe this reflects on all their so called "achievements". Belichick encourages this behavior. I truly believe he thrives on it!

I’m not jealous that they’re winning. I just loathe them for how they win – DIRTY or CHEATING, however you wish to spin it. I loathe them for the refs who let them get away with this crap and then some, while handing them the win.

Face it folks, Spygate was just the tree topper to an already dubious past.


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JustMeFromIndy;1828926 said:
As a Colts/Cowboys fan, find this thread extremely amusing. As a Colts fan I’ve had the displeasure of watching the Patriots CHEAT more than any person should have to endure. They play dirty, dirty football. Cowboys fans only have the game from earlier this season upon which to base your hopes for their demise.

Admittedly, I don’t watch the Patsies much. I can only stomach these a-holes if they’re playing a team a I really care about. For what it’s worth here is the short list of my grievances with the Patsies:

Roidney “steroid loving/face mask grabbing” Harrison is their current dirtiest player.

You gotta give some credit to Matt “cute little whip kick” Light and Vince “shot to the knees” Wilfork.

Oh, and let’s not forget Willie “I have a knee injury” McGinest.

I loathe this team for the above plus, but I won’t bore you. The dirty play has been going on for years – IT IS NOT HOGWASH! Yes, I do believe this reflects on all their so called "achievements". Belichick encourages this behavior. I truly believe he thrives on it!

I’m not jealous that they’re winning. I just loathe them for how they win – DIRTY or CHEATING, however you wish to spin it. I loathe them for the refs who let them get away with this crap and then some, while handing them the win.

Face it folks, Spygate was just the tree topper to an already dubious past.

don't forget harrison's classy act vs. the ravens......trash-talking the raven's head coach; and making a fool of himself while doing it. just say 'no' to 'roids, folks; and don't forget to floss every day......


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JustMeFromIndy;1828926 said:
As a Colts/Cowboys fan, find this thread extremely amusing. As a Colts fan I’ve had the displeasure of watching the Patriots CHEAT more than any person should have to endure. They play dirty, dirty football. Cowboys fans only have the game from earlier this season upon which to base your hopes for their demise.

Admittedly, I don’t watch the Patsies much. I can only stomach these a-holes if they’re playing a team a I really care about. For what it’s worth here is the short list of my grievances with the Patsies:

Roidney “steroid loving/face mask grabbing” Harrison is their current dirtiest player.

You gotta give some credit to Matt “cute little whip kick” Light and Vince “shot to the knees” Wilfork.

Oh, and let’s not forget Willie “I have a knee injury” McGinest.

I loathe this team for the above plus, but I won’t bore you. The dirty play has been going on for years – IT IS NOT HOGWASH! Yes, I do believe this reflects on all their so called "achievements". Belichick encourages this behavior. I truly believe he thrives on it!

I’m not jealous that they’re winning. I just loathe them for how they win – DIRTY or CHEATING, however you wish to spin it. I loathe them for the refs who let them get away with this crap and then some, while handing them the win.

Face it folks, Spygate was just the tree topper to an already dubious past.

First of all, I don't know what a "Colt/Cowboy" fan is. Sounds to me like a "double dipper"; just in case one of your "teams" flames out, you could always say "SO WHAT? I'm a fan of (the other team)....). No disrespect, whatever fry's your eggs I guess. But most of us LIVE and DIE with one team and one team only...........no fire-escapes "just in case"............
Personally, for me, it's Dallas and DALLAS ONLY! Other teams, I like or hate in varying levels, but I'm not a "fan" of any other team. Just FYI.........

Back to the subject.................Colt fans, you know, the ones who's Stadium (on many occasions) has been suspected of "piping" in crowd and other noise's............is this the Colts that your speaking of????????

See.............you could come up with almost every franchise being "accused" of something, or trading around the edges in shady territory in many regards that smell of cheating. The Pats got caught........sort of. Because I'll NEVER BELIEVE that they needed ANY help at all in beating the Jets. Does "everyone does it" make it right? Of course not. But the Patriots get a TON more grief because of what I said before............simple jealousy of their success. It that were the Falcons or the Bills getting caught in that act, the story would've vanished the Tuesday after the game..................and you know it.


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Anbody that thinks they have not cheated should look at Belicheat's record with the Browns.....


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lewpac;1828045 said:
I'm all on board for a "Dallas beats Patriots" in the SB.
But, for the life of me..................I can understand "loser" fans piling on the hate for the Patriots................
But Cowboy fans? We, of all people, should know about he piling on and the sheer bitter jealousy that is the root of all this Patriot hate.

I can remember, not that long ago, when this franchise was the "model" and the organization and team that everyone wanted to emulate. Sure doesn't take much success for all the usual suspects to crawl out of the woodwork and start badmouthing them. Talk about "cheats" all you want, but the real reason is jealousy. Maybe they got caught, sort of, perhaps, MAYBE doing something wrong..........against a team (the Jets) that they had NO NEED to be "cheating" to demolish anyway.
I, for one, a Cowboy diehard...............celebrate what the Patriots are doing. If for no other reason than because it fly's in the face of all this parity crap, free agency, etc.........that has watered down the game.
I hope they go undefeated too (until Dallas in the SB of course), if for no other reason than to shut down that joke in Miami we've had to put up with for the last 35 years.

Sorry for the rant. I could understand an Eagle fan hating on the Patriots, but Dallas fans should know better. Theirs a "cottage industry" out there, making up over 50% of NFL football fans that absolutely HATE Dallas.....for no other reason than all the wins and championships. In fact, you either LOVE the Cowboys or HATE 'EM. Period. I Never in my life met a "tweener" when it comes to Dallas or the Yankees. We don't need to "hate" on anyone out of jealousy of winning.

Great post, it's amazing how many Cowboys fans are jealous of the Patriots, just amazing and embarrassing.


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deepBLUE;1828779 said:
they obviously are a talented team......but make no mistake: you bed yourself down with the devil; then you can hardly kick when people label you as shady......kinda like a harlot whining about her reputation......

were the results of the 3 close superbowl victories truly tarnished by cheating? the evidence is gone; however, i would be a fool to rule it out....you seem to forget: since they were caught cheating, the onus is on THEM to prove their previous superbowl victory integrity. it's NOT on ME to DISPROVE it......my suspicion remains.
I don't think their Super Bowls are tarnished at all, of course I'm not jealous of the Patriots.

btw: The onus is on you to prove they cheated in the Super Bowl if you say they did.


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03EBZ06;1828578 said:
Oh look, patsie fan just can't stay away from any of the patsie related topic and come to defend these cheaters. Why are you even here?

As theogt stated, allowing you to post here is the worst idea ever.

Please make a well thought out post on why Patriots at 13-0 are not a totally dominant team.


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jimmy40;1829991 said:
I don't think their Super Bowls are tarnished at all, of course I'm not jealous of the Patriots.

btw: The onus is on you to prove they cheated in the Super Bowl if you say they did.
maybe you should read my previous posts again, before you respond.....let that ol' logic sink in (hint #1: i don't have to prove anything; i'm not the one on the hot-seat. hint #2: a convicted thief is henceforth guilty until proven innocent. hint #3: don't ever trade an ace-in-the-hole for a dance-on-the-hoof. oops, sorry...where were we?)......

by the way, can any of you cheatriots apologists explain why a team (& fanbase) that has enjoyed as much success as the cowboys would be "jealous" of another team (one that has been caught cheating, no less?).....things that make you go "hmmm: you're either smoking too much of that, or not enough...either way, pass it on down the line"......


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Nors;1830154 said:
Please make a well thought out post on why Patriots at 13-0 are not a totally dominant team.

my gut feeling?.....the patriots won't even make it to the superbowl......


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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Idgit;1828298 said:
Nors more than earns his stripes on a Cowboys board. Who cares if his AFC affiliation is to the Pats? With the notable exception of their recent blatant cheating, there's a lot to admire in that team.

First, Nors is my buddy, and I'm sure he knows that was quite tongue in cheek...

Second, I care if his "AFC affiliation" is to a team that cheats... I'm past sick of hearing about that organization...

Any further questions?? Are you on a mission to live down to your online name??


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deepBLUE;1830169 said:
my gut feeling?.....the patriots won't even make it to the superbowl......
nors would be on suicide watch if that happened


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lewpac: Thanks for your informative response to my post. I apologize for your confusion as to my right to root for two teams. This is not a dubious cause as I was born in your part of the country, that is if you're not truly a Patsy homer. Most of my family is scattered all over Texas and Arkansas as well as a few other parts of the country. So yes, I can root for more than one team. Last time I checked this was a free country. I was raised on the Cowboys and when the Colts came to Indy was fortunate to become a season ticket holder. Therefore, my loyalties swayed more towards the Colts. It's been a rough ride but I've stuck it out and finally was rewarded earlier this year. Lest, not forget these teams play in different divisions AFC/NFC. Why can't I have a favorite team in each division?

FYI - Cowboys fans: If your team should meet the dirty Patsies in the SB - you will be overrun by a fanbase the likes of which you've never seen. They're rude, arrogant and persistant. Much like the team they root for. If they win they will take up residence on every Cowboy MB there is and never leave. Just check out any Colts MB and you'll see what I mean. You've been warned.


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JustMeFromIndy;1830883 said:
lewpac: Thanks for your informative response to my post. I apologize for your confusion as to my right to root for two teams. This is not a dubious cause as I was born in your part of the country, that is if you're not truly a Patsy homer. Most of my family is scattered all over Texas and Arkansas as well as a few other parts of the country. So yes, I can root for more than one team. Last time I checked this was a free country. I was raised on the Cowboys and when the Colts came to Indy was fortunate to become a season ticket holder. Therefore, my loyalties swayed more towards the Colts. It's been a rough ride but I've stuck it out and finally was rewarded earlier this year. Lest, not forget these teams play in different divisions AFC/NFC. Why can't I have a favorite team in each division?

FYI - Cowboys fans: If your team should meet the dirty Patsies in the SB - you will be overrun by a fanbase the likes of which you've never seen. They're rude, arrogant and persistant. Much like the team they root for. If they win they will take up residence on every Cowboy MB there is and never leave. Just check out any Colts MB and you'll see what I mean. You've been warned.

why, perish the thought!.....how could such a classy organization/team/coach/fanbase ever be convicted of such behavior? ;)


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deepBlue: I believe the only reasons you don't have many Patsies on your boards is that they can't lord 3 rings over the Cowboys and the fanbase of the Boys is more knowledgeable regarding the sport of football. They may be scared of Boys fans at this point. But they will come like a horde of locust, if they meet the Cowboys in the SB.

Pats Fan

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JustMeFromIndy;1831076 said:
deepBlue: I believe the only reasons you don't have many Patsies on your boards is that they can't lord 3 rings over the Cowboys and the fanbase of the Boys is more knowledgeable regarding the sport of football. They may be scared of Boys fans at this point. But they will come like a horde of locust, if they meet the Cowboys in the SB.

I am sorry that your life is so totally involved with this.

First off, we are in the AFC East -- not the NFC. That would explain why there are not many Pats fans here. I am here because I have a history with Dallas, but I am still a Pats fan.

I really think you can only be a fan of one team. Me, I made my choice.

But I have to say, fans are important to the game, but the players are the ones playing the game. If you were to say, the Pats are scared of the Boys, well, that would make sense, but not true. But I want you to think, the Pats fans scared of the Boys fans -- think -- does that make one single ounce of sense???? Right, like Pats fans go to bed afraid of Boys fans????

I am sure you probably go to indystar.com. The absolute worst site in this league. I know your history, and it is sorry. Mean, nasty people. Why, I do not have a clue.

When and if it comes down to a Pats and Boys SB, that would be great. I think it would be the most watched game -- EVER. And win or lose, we would not be bums and enjoy every second of it. There is always next year.

I for one know your agenda. Turn the Cowboy fans against the Pats. I am going to give you a heads up -- they already hate us -- so a complete and total waste of your time.


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JustMeFromIndy;1831076 said:
deepBlue: I believe the only reasons you don't have many Patsies on your boards is that they can't lord 3 rings over the Cowboys and the fanbase of the Boys is more knowledgeable regarding the sport of football. They may be scared of Boys fans at this point. But they will come like a horde of locust, if they meet the Cowboys in the SB.
i believe it....i've heard the same from some other people, too. interestingly enough, the colts fans were by far the classiest fans to come on the dcmb, last season. the worst? saints fans......