Meh I don't see it w/ this group. One of the biggest misconceptions on this forum is that solely winning leads to chemistry. I mentioned it on here before but Moose was on with Babe 2 years ago and he mentioned how the team started bonding during the '89 1-15 season. He said the team was very close knit before all the winning.
I believe him.
I'm just saying that if that 1-15 season was followed by 6-10, 6-10, 6-10, 8-8, and 5 more years of that mess. That close bond would evaporate right away, and maybe even after 2-3 years.
Fwiw, I do think because free agency and the cap were not what they are today, teams had a chance to get closer back then. The point about the new staff and how galvanizing Jimmy could be is valid too.
But still, all championship teams look back on their time together with fond memories. That was a special group, but I don't think for a second that they would be selfless or sacrificial (for them anyway) if they were on a perpetual JAG team.
I'm just so glad we don't have to know that answer.