If this is the wrong place for this, please accept my apologies and feel free to move it if necessary.
I had a strange encounter with a Steelers fan this morning. It was with a fellow I have dealings with through my job. I knew he was a big Steelers fan, but I usually don't talk a lot of smack. Even though I really don't care for them or their strange uniforms that look like a cross between a Bumblebee and a prison uniform.
But lo and behold, he started in on me this morning. First, he was glad Romo was gone, calling him "homo Romo". Then he proceeded to say he hated the Cowboys and always would. I just looked at him and grinned. He must have thought I was going to reply because he then made sure I knew which team had won the most Super Bowls.
At that point, my dander was getting elevated just a little. But because of my work, I said very little. Just that I was looking forward to next season. That set him off even worse. I heard all about how the Cowboys had the third easiest schedule in the NFL last year. And how this year was going to be a lot different. He even said the rest of the league wouldn't be caught off guard by our quarterback and would be ready for Prescott next season. He predicts Dallas will be lucky to win eight games.
By now, I realized that nothing I said was going to help clear the air, so I just grinned again and said we would see.
It's been a few years since I followed football in detail. I guess I had lost the zeal for it. But I seem to have forgotten how radical some of the fans are. In reality, I don't like the Steelers. Or Green Bay, New England, and any team in the NFC East, but that doesn't keep me from acknowledging that some of those teams are good, possibly even great teams. Is it too much to ask that Dallas receives respect as a decent, good, great team, even if they want us to lose every game?
Am I that far out of touch with reality? I was a little shocked by how vehemently he declared his hatred of the Dallas Cowboys.