Encounter with a Steelers fan

I just had to inform one Steeler fan that Dan Rooney died - "who is Dan Rooney" he replies.

I shook my head and walked away

That would come in handy the next time that idiot would talk smack. Just say something along the lines, in front of other co workers and steeler fans, dude..you don't even know who Rooney was so why should I listen to what else you have to say.
Definitely not strange to run into a rabid fan from another successful franchise. Many opposing fans would describe Cowboys fans the same way :)

As for the Steelers coworker, remind him the last 2 times the Cowboys beat them. Roethlisberger chocked in Dallas by throwing a late INT. Last year a pair of rookies beat them in their own house. And Zeke trucked the Steelers defense. Oh and since he brought up Super Bowls remind him Dallas beat them the last time they played.
If this is the wrong place for this, please accept my apologies and feel free to move it if necessary.

I had a strange encounter with a Steelers fan this morning. It was with a fellow I have dealings with through my job. I knew he was a big Steelers fan, but I usually don't talk a lot of smack. Even though I really don't care for them or their strange uniforms that look like a cross between a Bumblebee and a prison uniform.

But lo and behold, he started in on me this morning. First, he was glad Romo was gone, calling him "homo Romo". Then he proceeded to say he hated the Cowboys and always would. I just looked at him and grinned. He must have thought I was going to reply because he then made sure I knew which team had won the most Super Bowls.

At that point, my dander was getting elevated just a little. But because of my work, I said very little. Just that I was looking forward to next season. That set him off even worse. I heard all about how the Cowboys had the third easiest schedule in the NFL last year. And how this year was going to be a lot different. He even said the rest of the league wouldn't be caught off guard by our quarterback and would be ready for Prescott next season. He predicts Dallas will be lucky to win eight games.

By now, I realized that nothing I said was going to help clear the air, so I just grinned again and said we would see.

It's been a few years since I followed football in detail. I guess I had lost the zeal for it. But I seem to have forgotten how radical some of the fans are. In reality, I don't like the Steelers. Or Green Bay, New England, and any team in the NFC East, but that doesn't keep me from acknowledging that some of those teams are good, possibly even great teams. Is it too much to ask that Dallas receives respect as a decent, good, great team, even if they want us to lose every game?

Am I that far out of touch with reality? I was a little shocked by how vehemently he declared his hatred of the Dallas Cowboys.

All I can say is, you are lucky it wasn't a Philly Fan. You'd be posting from a holding cell...

Being from NJ, I have been to probably 15 Dallas/Giants games and 2 Dallas/Jets games. I always start out looking for a fun time and by the end I want to kill someone. Not worth the trip anymore. Years ago the Giants fans were an older, football savvy bunch and it was fun to talk some smack and also bounce some football history back and forth, but now it is a younger douchier crowd that just wants to play tough guy. They generally don't bother me because I am a big guy, but I usually chime in when they are harassing any small guy or girl wearing a Dallas jersey. The Jets fans at the games were animals back then and still are. The last game I went to was that week one Dal/Jets game 9/11 2011, ten year anniversary of 9/11 game and there must gave been 25 fights. All I could think was, if these losers can't act like normal people on THIS night, they never can. haven't been back. Don't miss it.
You're out of touch. I honestly believe if you ask any fan in the NFL their 3 most hated teams...the Cowboys will be in that top-3. Even if you're a freaking Colts fan...the Cowboys will make the top-3.

And football really brings out the intense hatred of fans. No other American sport like it. To the point it carries out to the media and they love to make the Cowboys the butt of the joke or mention how some retired player that gets in trouble with the law was a 'former Cowboy' even if he played 10% of his career with the team.

I remember a few years ago reading Football Outsiders Football Almanac and they had Mike Tanier do the review for the Cowboys. Football Outsiders is a statistically based group and is supposed to go by the numbers. But Tanier, usually a level headed 'go-by-the-numbers' guy, did nothing but bash the Cowboys without basing it on any statistical information. I wrote FO.com about how I didn't appreciate waiting that long for their book to have an Eagles fanboy spewing his hatred for the Cowboys and they agreed with me and stopped having Tanier write about the Cowboys because he simply couldn't keep his emotions in check.

I tend to embrace the hatred. Sorta like being a heel in wrestling. And the victories (like the one in Pittsburgh this past season) become even sweeter. And I have no problem pointing out the frauds that so many of the people in the NFL media are these days.

It's all part of being a fan of this team.

It goes both ways, the past two Cowboys/Gnats games I went to with my roommate who happens to be a Gnats fan. He was wearing a Strahan jersey and I was wearing a Witten jersey. I couldn't believe the things that some people were saying to him. Some of it was the old fashioned trash talking which he and I both laughed at, after all you are in the opposing teams stadium, but there were several incidents of people/"fans" being straight up jerks.

On at least three occasions, someone literally got in his face and started yelling and saying some really inappropriate things. It was so bad I had to intervene because I thought it was going to lead to a fight. I have never been more embarrassed to be a Cowboys fan. I get that not every Cowboys fan isn't like that but you would have had a hard time making me believe it after it happened not once but twice. Not even just one group of people, random people from the parking lot, to beer lines, walking around in the stadium, etc. It actually ticks me off the more I remember it. I hope fans of other teams aren't all treated like that, division rivals or not.

Every team has good and bad fans. I thought I would be murdered in Philly just mentioning the Cowboys at a bar, turns out a bunch of guys I met had a good laugh and bought me a few rounds, I returned the favor of course.

Sucks to hear the Steelers fan was like that. I used to go to a Steelers bar in Plano every now and then (can't remember the name of it now, it burned down I believe) with a co worker to watch games and they were always nice to me.
Well, he's a Giants fan. He's lucky he didn't get beat up in the parking lot. I've seen it happen.
Exactly and that's embarrassing but it doesn't seem to bother you too much.
Nope. I'm from South Irving. I grew up with someone on death row currently. I hung out with a guy currently in prison for armed robbery in high school, and a good friend of mine (that I took to a Cowboys game in 2013), robbed a bank a few years ago. I'm not bragging about that, but those are the people I grew up with, so no... someone getting beat up for acting stupid doesn't bother me. It actually pisses me off when opposing fans can yell "Tony Homo" at our stadium, and nobody says anything.
Nope. I'm from South Irving. I grew up with someone on death row currently. I hung out with a guy currently in prison for armed robbery in high school, and a good friend of mine (that I took to a Cowboys game in 2013), robbed a bank a few years ago. I'm not bragging about that, but those are the people I grew up with, so no... someone getting beat up for acting stupid doesn't bother me. It actually pisses me off when opposing fans can yell "Tony Homo" at our stadium, and nobody says anything.
Gangsta! Who ever said my roommate was acting stupid? Even if someone is acting that way it doesn't give you an excuse to use violence. I would hope you would learn from your friends mistakes instead of stooping to their level and keeping the cycle going.
Gangsta! Who ever said my roommate was acting stupid? Even if someone is acting that way it doesn't give you an excuse to use violence. I would hope you would learn from your friends mistakes instead of stooping to their level and keeping the cycle going.
No, I'm not that way. I actually went to college and got a degree. That's just the environment I grew up in. And no, your roommate probably didn't deserve that, but you have to expect those type of things at away games.
No, I'm not that way. I actually went to college and got a degree. That's just the environment I grew up in. And no, your roommate probably didn't deserve that, but you have to expect those type of things at away games.
Ah, good for you man. I fully understand catching hell from other fans when in an opposing teams stadium but being a complete jerk o to someone minding their own business just because they are wearing another teams jersey is bs.

He actually enjoyed and laughed about some of the things most people said, as did I, but the aggressive punks were over the top and made not only us, but everyone nearby, uncomfortable.

What's even more frustrating is I used to have quite the temper myself, still do to a degree, and myself nor my roomate are exactly small. No weapons, my younger self would have taken these chumps down in a heartbeat along with a trip to jail. Lessons learned from the past...can't do that anymore nor is it worth it or prove anything.
Ah, good for you man. I fully understand catching hell from other fans when in an opposing teams stadium but being a complete jerk o to someone minding their own business just because they are wearing another teams jersey is bs.

He actually enjoyed and laughed about some of the things most people said, as did I, but the aggressive punks were over the top and made not only us, but everyone nearby, uncomfortable.
We have a large Hispanic fanbase, and they're the ones that cause the most trouble. Before anyone wants to get full snowflake and be offended, facts don't care about your feelings.
We have a large Hispanic fanbase, and they're the ones that cause the most trouble. Before anyone wants to get full snowflake and be offended, facts don't care about your feelings.
Caught my quote before my ninja edit. I won't agree or disagree with you but I'll say one group was white and the other wasn't. What that means to me? Nothing. They were all POS.
I'm more interested in the facts. I'd honestly like to know if there are any statistics or facts that support his statement.
Just look at any YouTube videos of any fights that have happened at the new stadium. All Hispanics. All the fights I've personally witnessed, all Hispanics.
I avoid the trash talking at games...often times it's more the alcohol talking, in this instance it was plan arrogance...It's not like the steelers are the Yankees that are so far ahead in World Series titles or the Montreal Canadians who are also way ahead in championships.

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