jrumann59 Well-Known Member Messages 15,037 Reaction score 8,791 Jul 28, 2014 #1 I just started getting an error loading page message on certain sub forums. I cannot access the Fan Zone or newszone but other sub forums I can.
I just started getting an error loading page message on certain sub forums. I cannot access the Fan Zone or newszone but other sub forums I can.
jrumann59 Well-Known Member Messages 15,037 Reaction score 8,791 Jul 28, 2014 #2 address bar shows this: http://cowboyszone.com/fan-zone.59/ Here is a partial screen shot http://i203.***BLOCKED***/albums/aa162/jrumann59/screenshot_zps0eb840d8.jpg
address bar shows this: http://cowboyszone.com/fan-zone.59/ Here is a partial screen shot http://i203.***BLOCKED***/albums/aa162/jrumann59/screenshot_zps0eb840d8.jpg
Idgit Fattening up Staff member Messages 58,971 Reaction score 60,826 Jul 28, 2014 #3 Did this problem persist? Or did it resolve itself?
jobberone Kane Ala Messages 54,219 Reaction score 19,659 Jul 29, 2014 #4 I just forwarded a problem of a member not being allowed into the Newsfeed forum to the admins. Give them some time to sort it out and I'll post the problem to them. Thanks.
I just forwarded a problem of a member not being allowed into the Newsfeed forum to the admins. Give them some time to sort it out and I'll post the problem to them. Thanks.
Proximo Well-Known Member Messages 4,697 Reaction score 9,117 Jul 29, 2014 #5 Same problem here. Can't access the Fan Zone. Getting the same error message as in the above poster's screen shot. I need my Tuesday morning fan zone! Things about to get ugly up in here.......
Same problem here. Can't access the Fan Zone. Getting the same error message as in the above poster's screen shot. I need my Tuesday morning fan zone! Things about to get ugly up in here.......
Reality Staff member Messages 31,425 Reaction score 73,902 Jul 29, 2014 #6 http://cowboyszone.com/threads/if-you-are-having-trouble-accessing-a-forum-read-this.294317/
jrumann59 Well-Known Member Messages 15,037 Reaction score 8,791 Jul 29, 2014 #7 Hmm recleared the cache that fixed it.