ESPN: Braun's test showed extremely high testosterone levels


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Ryan Braun's positive test for testosterone showed a level that was extremely elevated, and likely the highest that has been recorded in Major League Baseball, according to sources with knowledge of the NL MVP's test.

Braun's voluntary test -- which showed normal testosterone levels -- came a few weeks after his positive test, and is expected to be part of his defense at arbitration. A source suggested that because Braun had passed previous tests and then passed his voluntary test, the fact that the one test produced such an extraordinarily high testosterone level may be used to suggest a problem with the testing or accidental one-time ingestion of a banned substance.

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I keep hearing talking heads say they won't take back his MVP award because there is no precedent for it. I think that is a silly premise. None of the other cases are like his. Take Sammy Sosa for example. A few years passed between the time he won the award and the time they could link him to PEDs. Braun almost literally just got his award. It hasn't even been 3 months. The situation is completely different than Sosa, Bonds or whomever else. You could also say this is a direct link to his improved production for this past season.
Braun was notified of his positive test just prior to him being awarded the MVP award.
The earlier reports said the test indicated synthetic testosterone, for which there is no excuse.

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