ESPN Chris Mortensen 10/31 Chat Wrap... 2 'boys


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Chris Mortensen: (11:04 AM ET ) Good morning... some prettty good games this week, besides the Colts and Patriots...let's see what's on your minds.

SprungOnSports (Long Island): Mort, do you agree with the Commanders being angry that they got the score ran up on them, or should they have taken it like men?

Chris Mortensen: (11:05 AM ET ) If I had been in their shoes, I would have taken like men publicly (which most of them did) and seethed privately for about 24 hours.

Chad (Savannah, GA): Hey Mort, Gary Horton thought I was dreaming believing that especially with their remaining schedule that the Saints could get to 8-8 or even 9-7, what are your thoughts?

Chris Mortensen: (11:06 AM ET ) Well, maybe if you had asked me a couple of weeks ago, I might have said you were dreaming....but, no, I think they can win the NFC South.

Todd (Birmingham, AL): Mort, what do you think of the year Roddy White is having? It's mid-season, and he's already set career marks for catches and yards in a season.

Chris Mortensen: (11:07 AM ET ) The Falcons are very happy with White's progress. I think Paul Petrino, who was one of the best receivers coaches at Louisville, has done a great job getting the best out of White. That's Paul Petrino, Bobby's brother.

Joe (Norton, MA): As a fan, I could care less what people think about the Pats running up the score. However, from even my small scale experiences, when people run up the score on my team, I get angry... people get angry. I think it's stupid to risk getting anyone hurt, esp Brady over all this. Just take your guys out when the game is in hand. You agree?

Chris Mortensen: (11:09 AM ET ) I agree. The risk to your starters increases. Now, in the Dolphins game, I thought Belichick was appropriate in his response to Matt Cassel's interception. This past Sunday, i thought he put his team - and Brady - at risk.

Andrew (Indianapolis): During the pats/skins game, the sideline reporter mentioned that the Commanders lost all booth communication for most of the first half. Is this just more conspiracy theories aimed at the top team or are there some serious cheatings going on in NE?

Chris Mortensen: (11:10 AM ET ) The Patriots have had more complaints directed at them for this problem but this was a limited breakdown that did not affect any communication with the quarterback. The Commanders and Bears had more severe problems in Green Bay./ The league continues to look into the causes but they do not connect it to conspiracy theories.

brad (atlanta GA): Is the Seattle game Sunday the biggest game for Crennel since he became coach of the Browns?

Chris Mortensen: (11:12 AM ET ) It's pretty big but I thought the game this past Sunday was big. It was on the road, where the Browns had lost this season. It was against a desperate but still somewhat talented Rams team with some key players back in the lineup. In a dome, where the Browns seldom play. But I would like to measure them against the 4-3 Seahawks coming off a bye.

Mike (Dallas): My buddy said that not only is Roy Williams the most overrated player in the NFL, he's no better than the 6th best safety in his own division, behind Dawkins, Considine, Landry, Taylor, and Wilson. Is he nuts?

Chris Mortensen: (11:14 AM ET ) No, he's not nuts. The consensus of coaches and personnel men around the NFL is that Williams is not a Pro Bowl-caliber safety. They say he is a liability in pass coverage and that he too frequently misses his "gap" reponsibilites in the running game. He is a physical player, he does bring energy to the team, so I wouldn't denigrate him too much. But I would definitely take Sean Taylor and Adrian Wilson over him and a healthy Brian Dawkins.

Tony (Cornish): While the Pats lost their 1st rounder for next year, they still have the 49ers, currently 5th overall. Should they take Jake Long if he's available?

Chris Mortensen: (11:16 AM ET ) That's the scary part about their situation...and it will be a part that brings criticism to the commissioner, I believe. Many think he should have docked a first round pick - whichever was highest, his own or the 49ers. However, Jake Long is absolutely a top five pick. I could see that happening but I could also see them simply taking the best defensive player or trading it to - ta da! - gather two first round picks for the draft.

Tim (Cleveland): Everyone in Cleveland is talking about Derek Anderson. I know he's been good, but I think the real success has been coming from the respect defenses show for Jamal Lewis. Do you agree?

Chris Mortensen: (11:17 AM ET ) No, teams are worried about Anderson, Edwards and Winslow, then Lewis. The O-line also is protecting exteremly well - LT Joe Thomas really does deserve mention with Adrian Peterson as the rookie of the year.

Mike (Boca Raton): Haven't seen much of Troy Polamalu this year. Is he making plays or has he fallen off a bit this year?

Chris Mortensen: (11:19 AM ET ) Good question. He was injured so maybe he's not as healthy as we were led to believe. The scheme may be asking him to do a few different things. But a lot of teams would love to have him.

Brian (Secaucus, NJ): Hi Chris, Do you see McNabb reuniting with Childress in MN next year? Could he be the savior the Vikes need next year?

Chris Mortensen: (11:20 AM ET ) I see McNabb in Philly and nowhere else.

Brittany (Indiana): How do you like the Buccaneers at home against the Cardinals this weekend? Think they'll be playing with a little more aggression after that tough home loss to the Jags?

Chris Mortensen: (11:22 AM ET ) I'm not sure how I'm going to pick hat game. Everybody who plays the Jaguars are generally beat up because they're so physical. The Cardinals are rested off a bye week. It's pick-em for me but I haven't decided, yet.

Mike (Boston): So Goodell will catch grief if the Pats acquisition of the 49ers pick is a high pick? That makes no sense. I think people's hatred of Belichick is clouding their judgement.

Chris Mortensen: (11:23 AM ET ) Maybe. But I heard the criticism at the time the decision was made.

JC, Winnipeg: re: McNabb....really? You don't see the hometown Bears making a push to bring him over in the offseason?

Chris Mortensen: (11:24 AM ET ) The Eagles are not going to let him go. You can see as he's getting healthier that he is one of the six or seven best quarterbacks in the league. Philly is not going to let him go.

Jason Chicago: When PacMan Jones comes back does Tennessee have the best secondary in the league?

Chris Mortensen: (11:25 AM ET ) He won't be playing for the Titans ever again,in my opinion. But they do have a good secondary. Cortland Finnegan has terrific ability at CB and that has allowed them to move top pick Michael Griffin to safety. I just don't think there is a mindset to let Pacman return.

Joey (Rochester, New York): Ben Troupe dropped a TD pass and Quinton Ganther & Roydell Williams dropped TD Passes on the same drive otherwise Vince Young's stats would have been better. However, how come Kerry Collins can have more success with the same receivers against the Texans than Vince Young had all season?

Chris Mortensen: (11:27 AM ET ) Well, Vince is till a young quarterback and quarterbacks of all age need a lot of repetitions in practice. Vince got 'em during the week but missed 'em the previous week. Kerry Collins is more gifted than people give him credit for and he's an ideal backup because he's a good guy, too. But, yes, if they had made those catches for Vince, it wouldn't have been as big a deal.

Dave (CT): Does the John Beck era begin against Buffalo in two weeks? Or is Cameron sticking with Lemon?

Chris Mortensen: (11:29 AM ET ) Any time a coach hesitates, as Cameron did in answering that question this week, i suspect the answer is Beck may go when they come back from the bye. But it could be that he simply wants to see him in practice this week to see if he's ready.

Eric (Sioux City, IA): Are you impressed by all the young offensive tackles? It seemed like for the last decade there were Ogden, Pace, Jones and noone else; but the last two drafts have produced McNeil, D'Brick, Thomas, Winston, Trueblood, and Levi. Are any of the guys pro-bowl caliber?

Chris Mortensen: (11:31 AM ET ) Of thosre guys, I'd rank put Joe Thomas (Browns) and Marcus McNeill (Chargers) as Pro Bowl-caliber potential. McNeill already played in one as a rookie.

Randy (LA, ca): Mort, my 49ers have to be one of the most disappointing teams in the league this year. All the offseason moves and high hopes have turned into a team that I can hardly stand to watch. It's just mind numbing to watch them play! The offense is beyond horrible and the defense is killed because the offense can't hold the ball for more than 45 seconds. If you're the GM, what do you do? What are the problems? Do you need more talent or better coaching? Is Alex Smith the answer?

Chris Mortensen: (11:33 AM ET ) I would find me an offensive coordinator and address the O-line. I'd bring in a younger, skilled quarterback just in case Smith falters next year. Oh, another receiver wouldn't hurt. Mike Nolan, the coach, can do these things with the help of his personnel guy, Scott McCloughan.

Dustin (Dayton,OH): Probability of the Bengals winning 9 in a row?

Chris Mortensen: (11:34 AM ET ) What's theprobability of the Dolphins being the Patriots in new England?
I know Bengals' fans think the schedule is easier but that doesn't look like a team that is close to jelling.

JR (NJ): Given the Pats tendency to run up the score and his dislike of Mangenius, what's your prediction for the Jets -Pats later this year, 77-3??

Chris Mortensen: (11:35 AM ET ) I thought 74-0 might be the score. that would see the record. The Patriots seem to be into establishing a lot of historic firsts this year.

John, Austin: Are the Texans this bad? I was so hopeful..then Andre Johnson got hurt and it was all down hill from there. Now there's talk down here of Kubiak leaving to take the A&M job. What's going on?

Chris Mortensen: (11:37 AM ET ) Well, it's been a rough skid but Kubiak will not leave for Texas A&M. That rumor has been there for years and it hasn't happened and he's not going to do it now. Getting Andre Johson back and Ahman Green healthy will help. Matt Schaub is starting to learn what it was like to be David Carr. I wouldn't panic.

Kevin (cleveland): Mort, why do the browns rotate tucker at tackle with shaffer?

Chris Mortensen: (11:38 AM ET ) Tucker is a more physical blocker so that gives them some power in the run game.

Mac (Tampa): Tanard Jackson doesn't get mentioned in the DROY conversation but his coverage and intimidating presense are reasons the Buccs D has returned to top form. Where does he rank among recent top ten safeties, Huff, Whitner, and Landry?

Chris Mortensen: (11:40 AM ET ) He's way up there.He shoudl be in the defensive rookie conevrsation. I put him in that class with Whitner and Landry, ahead of Huff.

Rick (Hartford): Logan Mankins -- one of the best OGs in the NFL?

Chris Mortensen: (11:41 AM ET ) I think so. He's a lunch pail guy, just what you want at guard. As you know, that Pats' O-line is one of the most underrated units in football. Daunte Scarnecchia (line coach) is doing his usual great job.

Kelvin (Dayton): Am I the only one who thinks that the Pats are going to make their biggest statement this weekend in blowing out the Colts?

Chris Mortensen: (11:43 AM ET ) I'm sure you have company. I am not among them. I think it willbe close, a swing of three to four points either way. But I kind of believe that if the Patriots have a chance to pile on, they will...for a couple of reasons. One, against the Colts, you never breath easy. Two, I'm sure Belichick didn't appreciate Tony Dungy's remakrs in the wake of Spygate.

JC (Nashville): What do you think about Albert Haynesworth for Defensive Player of the Year?

Chris Mortensen: (11:43 AM ET ) Lot of good candidates and he's one of them, as is Bob Sanders of the Colts.

Rob Cary NC: Mort in your opinion did the bears blow it with trading jones and is team in trouble not only this year but in 08 as well?

Chris Mortensen: (11:45 AM ET ) I wouldn't put them in trouble beyond this year. The trading of Thomas Jones is more complicated than people remember. Their GM, Jerry Angelo, is one of the best personnel men in the league. I think they will rebound at some point and make the corrections at QB and RB that they have to make.

Jon (Detroit): Mort - Aside from his big game how has Antonio Cromartie been playing and will he replace Florence next year?

Chris Mortensen: (11:46 AM ET ) Cromartie has been a disappointment until recently, but I think that's because he really only played one year of college ball. But the Chargers got some big plays out of him, as you know, against the Texans and he's a big corner with a lot of athleticism. I'm sure he will start as soon as they see he's ready.

Mike (Boca Raton): What is your take on Mike Tomlin: fortunate to inherit good team or greatness in the making?

Chris Mortensen: (11:47 AM ET ) I'd say probably both.

Braden (Portland, OR): Mort, love the work buddy! I am wondering, why doesn't the NFL impose a rookie salary cap (similar to the NBA)? seems like this would limit the risk involved with high draft choices, plus it is absolutely rediculous to guarantee a rookie $30 million when they have not played in 'da league! Your thoughts

Chris Mortensen: (11:48 AM ET ) You have a lot of people in management who agree with you. But the players union will never go for it, even though the theory is that the money will end up with vetearn players. the union has done an analysis that believes a steep rise in veteran salaries is due, in part, to the amount of money being paid to rookies.

Nate (MD): I think my Ravens are walking into an inferno on monday night. Pitt will want to make a statement that the North is theirs & to get some payback for the 2 beatdowns we gave them last year. you agree?

Chris Mortensen: (11:49 AM ET ) Well, I'd probably say yes, it's possible, maybe likely but not a lock. I'm anxious to see that game. The Ravens should be as healthy as they've been all year and they have traditionally fared well againstt he Steelers during this stretch.

Tony (Loveland, CO): Will Mike Shanahan ever take the reins off Jay Cutler and tweak his red-zone offensive play calls? Minus the attempted short pass to Marshall I didn't like any of the calls at the end of Monday's game with a chance to win.

Chris Mortensen: (11:51 AM ET ) I don't know. The quarterback draw used to have a lot of sucecss for John Elway. The pass to Marshall was unfortunate (it had to be short by the way because they were at, what, Green Bay's 2 yard line? I thought Marshall may have run his route a hard too deep but I don't know the answer to that.

John: Chicago, IL: Eli is not throwing off his back foot anymore, so why is he missing targets high?

Chris Mortensen: (11:52 AM ET ) Probably throwing too much off his front foot. First of all, no matter what you hear, a quarterback is better throwing off his back foot than his front foot. It's necessary many times. The ideal is to set you feet with your weight distributed about 60 percent to the back foot. But Sunday, the grass at Wembley field didn't let Manning set his feet.

Jim (DC): Is Gibbs too timid to coach an offense in today's NFL? The rules clearly reward spreading the field with pass-catchers. But Gibbs refuses to send out more than 3 receivers at a time. And this was true even before the injuries on the O-line (which shouldn't matter, because the back-ups we have are better pass blockers than run blockers). I think Gibbs is just too timid to do what he needs to do to compete in this NFL.

Chris Mortensen: (11:55 AM ET ) I wonder if the O-line problems have contributed to this conservative approach. The young quarterback, Jason Campbell, has actually taken a step back. I know a lot of teams - especially the Colts with Peyton Manning and the Patriots with tom Brady - felt the best way to let the young quarterback have success was to spread the field more. He can see things better that way...but if you aren't confident in pass protection it makes you pretty impotent.

Joe (Madison): How impressed were you with Favre Monday night? Not only were the deep balls on the money but he was 21-27 with no picks and going at the corners all night.

Chris Mortensen: (11:56 AM ET ) I feel very good about myself consistently saying that Favre was far from being finished. He is so good, so gifted. I hope he stays healthy, plays another two or three years and wins a Super Bowl. And he just might!

Ted (Houston, tx): How about a halloween question seeing that it is infact, halloween? Who's the scariest, most intimidating player in the NFL?

Chris Mortensen: (11:58 AM ET ) Well, Ray Lewis acts the scariest. So intimdation is part of the gig so i'll pick Ray. A healthy Brian Urlacher would get my vote, too.
Oh, maybe it's Tom Brady.

Murph (Birmingham, MI): Obviously all the attention is going to the Indy v Pats game (as it should) but if you were to look a week ahead how do you see Indy doing in San Diego?

Chris Mortensen: (11:59 AM ET ) It's going to be a tough game for the Colts, coming off a stretch of a MNFgame against the physical Jaguars, a short-week road game in Carolina and this huge game against the Patriots. I would lean toward picking the Chargers right now but reserve the right to change my mind.

Ryan, Ohio: Chris -- what happens to Derek Anderson after the season? Does he remain the Browns starter or get traded ushering in the Quinn era?

Chris Mortensen: (12:01 PM ET ) If he continues reasonably along this pace, he will not get traded next off-season. Remember, the Browns are not financially strapped with Quinn because he was the 22nd pick of the draft, not the third pick. It's a good situation...I think the dilemma will be more pronounced in 2009 - after the Browns make the playoffs!

Kimmel (Buffalo): How is Roscoe Parrish not on the pro-bowl ballot as a returner? He's leading the league with a 22 yd average, which is incredible.

Chris Mortensen: (12:01 PM ET ) I didn't realize that. Ridiculous if it's true.

Jake ( Charlotte): Sicne I am out, who would you start at QB - Carr or Vinny, and why?

Chris Mortensen: (12:02 PM ET ) I think the Panthers are in trouble there. I am beginning to believe that Carr is not better than an average No. 2 quarterback and Vinny is just, well, he'll be 44 in a week or so.

jim (sf): is it just me or does this raiders season remind you of grudens first season? in every game, but can't figure out how to finish games. is that an evolution of a team or a coach?

Chris Mortensen: (12:04 PM ET ) I believed before the season the raiders would be competitive in almost every game. I think it has a chance to be pretty good again, as long as Big Al gives his young coach Lane Kiffin a strong voice in personnel next off-season.

Ed (PA): Mort, All due respect, no one is scared of Ray Lewis anymore, he is a shell of his former self, he is nearing the end and close to being washed up. That D in Balt. is aging around him too, they're still good, but not close to great. There may be 30 more feared players in the league, just on defense. How about Merriman, Freeny, Polomalu, Hampton, Adalius Thomas, on his own D Reed, etc. I think the majority of professional athletes are intimidated not by a guy who tries to intimidate, but by big time players who make big time plays, he isn't one any more.

Chris Mortensen: (12:05 PM ET ) Merriman last year was probably the scariest, now that you mention it. He seems to have changed (hmmm) a little. Paloamalu isa good choice, too, with the ability and the wild mane.

shawn: do you see the buffalo bills making the playoffs

Chris Mortensen: (12:06 PM ET ) I don't think so but I really like the job Dick Jauron is doing for the most part. Defensive coordinator Perry Fewell really deserves a lot of credit - he's playing without a lot of key guys. If the owner would just leave this team alone, the Bills could get to playoff form, this year or next. probably next. But I don't have confidence the owner will not interfere.

Todd (Oshkosh): Trent Edwards is a care-taking QB. Should the Bills draft Woodson, Brohm, or Ryan, if given the chance?

Chris Mortensen: (12:07 PM ET ) The Bills should stick with Losman and bring Edwards along. His talent, athelticism and competitive drive compares well with those guys.

Jack (Toronto): Scheduling has been horrible this year. Through the first eight weeks I think I can count on two hands the number of games I actually wanted to watch. Indy, NE, Pitt, SD, Dallas and GB are the only watchable teams. What is going on with the NFL where 80% of the teams aren't worth watching?

Chris Mortensen: (12:10 PM ET ) I think you just have a lot of bad to average teams, which had created the large gap of the haves and have nots. The problem is that too many owners are making bad decisions - listening to fans and media is a mistake. Too many coahces getting fired too early. I think how Romeo Crennel has bene in trouble but patience and good personnel decisions give them hope. He's perfect for them right now.

Jeff- Haverhill, MA: Question, if the Pats do make it to 15-0 there last game is on the NFL Network. No one gets the NFL Network! Is all of New England going to have to go to a bar to watch it?

Chris Mortensen: (12:11 PM ET ) Cheers

Derrick (Cleveland OH): You say teh Browns are not tied to Quinn? They gave him 20M over 3 years, right? And Browns need to stick with whoever wins, not like Butch Davis (hate him) did with Couch and Holcumb

Chris Mortensen: (12:12 PM ET ) No, his deal is a maximum of $22 million (?) over five years, I think. That's if all the playtime incentives kick in. If he's not playing, He's guaranteed less than half that amount.

Paul (Knoxville,TN): Hey mort....what chances do u give the saints this week against the Jags??..if we lose do we still have a legitamate playoff shot (considering the schdeule)???

Chris Mortensen: (12:13 PM ET ) I'll say this: if the Saints beat the Jaguars this week, they are back. I just don't know if they can physically play with those guys, though.

Shawn Gregoire Massachusettes: Who do you think at the half season mark is the MVP?

Chris Mortensen: (12:13 PM ET ) Tom Brady and Brett Favre, in that order.

michael lee, toronto: hey mort, everyone is talking about the pats running up the score, but isn't it more of an issue where belichek needs brady and his new recievers to get their timing down?

Chris Mortensen: (12:14 PM ET ) I have considered that Belichick wanted thePats to be as well-oiled on offense as they could going intot he Cotls game. Also, to create a mentality in his team that no game is finished until it's finished.

Jack (Toronto): Mort, if Favre commits to the Pack for another couple of years, is there any chance they trade Rogers?

Chris Mortensen: (12:16 PM ET ) I think that decision will come next off-season. Rodgers really has looked good in pre-season. he just looks stronger and in some ways he hasn't been beaten up like an Alex Smith. He could have some value but who knows how to make that call with Brett on a year-to-year basis?

Chris (Kalamazoo, Michigan): Hey Mort, can we get some Lions love? Do you think they continue their winning ways? Detroit fans haven't been this excited since Barry ran for 2,000!

Chris Mortensen: (12:17 PM ET ) Here's some love! I'm happy for you guys. Great fans.

Luis (SB, CA): Hey Mort, no love for dallas fans today? How do you see the boys coming out of these brutal 3 game streatch (@ phil, @ NYG, Wash)? If they come out 2-1, are they winning the division?

Chris Mortensen: (12:18 PM ET ) It's love time... I see them losing one of them,maybe two. But don't panic. And if you win all three, go crazy. It will be sign that you're the best in the NFC, even with the Packers lingering in the shadows.

Ike (denver): Hey Mort any news (or educated guess) on Travis Henry's future?

Chris Mortensen: (12:18 PM ET ) Educated guess: He will be suspended by next Wednesday.

Rob(Green Bay): Why isn't Scott Wells ever mentioned as a top center? In his last 20 starts he's given up only 1.5 sacks and no penalties. People should watch his performances against Jamal and Pat Williams earlier this year.

Chris Mortensen: (12:19 PM ET ) Yeah, good point. Now Wells needs to get over a case of pneumonia.

Matt (PA): Is Mike McCarthy coach of the year thus far?

Chris Mortensen: (12:19 PM ET ) He has my vote.

Chris Mortensen: (12:22 PM ET ) I have to run now. Really enjoyed it. Hope you can listen in Friday night on ESPN Radio Primetime with Parcells, Keyshawn and myself from 7 to 8 ET. (it does re-air at midnight and Sunday mornings). Also, Parcells will be in studio for Sunday NFL Countdown at 11 ET to give us the best breakdown/analysis on the Patriots-Colts game. Until then, God Bless.


That Guy
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Mort that's not Adrian Wilson he's talking about there. That's Gibril. And Mike's buddy is nuts.


Arch Defender
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Sean Taylor is not a better player than Roy Williams

Mort needs to put down the crack pipe



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dbair1967;1738074 said:
Sean Taylor is not a better player than Roy Williams

Mort needs to put down the crack pipe


I rewatched the New England vs Washington game last night on NFLN and Taylor was exposed time and again, but one number that showed up all over the field was #30. I would take him any day of the week.

Big Dakota

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LOL at that fool Mort. Ya might lose, or two, or ya might win all three. Way to go out on a limb there dort.


Regular Joe....
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Here we go.

If I read the article, Mort is relaying what NFL people tell him. I don't know that you can hang Mort out to dry for relaying what he is being told but I'm sure that we will do it anyway because he's speaking in the negative about Roy.
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Roy Williams isn't a Pro Bowler either in my opinion... But Taylor sure didn't look all that good last week against New England.



Arch Defender
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ABQCOWBOY;1738088 said:
Here we go.

If I read the article, Mort is relaying what NFL people tell him. I don't know that you can hang Mort out to dry for relaying what he is being told but I'm sure that we will do it anyway because he's speaking in the negative about Roy.

maybe they said it, maybe they didnt

I recall several position polls from GM's/Pro Personnel people that stated RW at one time was rated the #1 safety in the game...

I would agree that right now he isnt the best safety in the league, but there is no way I'd take Sean Taylor or even Brian Dawkins over him today



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ABQCOWBOY;1738088 said:
Here we go.

If I read the article, Mort is relaying what NFL people tell him. I don't know that you can hang Mort out to dry for relaying what he is being told but I'm sure that we will do it anyway because he's speaking in the negative about Roy.

To be fair, Mortensen also firmly held that Eli Manning would be out for a month even after the Giants Staff came out and said he was fine.....


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ABQCOWBOY;1738088 said:
Here we go.

If I read the article, Mort is relaying what NFL people tell him. I don't know that you can hang Mort out to dry for relaying what he is being told but I'm sure that we will do it anyway because he's speaking in the negative about Roy.
I don't think Mort should be bashed for his comments, but I wish he would've posted something new. At this point, Roy's struggle in coverage is well known, so what else is he deficient at that would prevent him from being a top SS in the league?

Him missing his "gap" responsibilities in the running game is something new. I would actually like to hear more about that, rather than the same rinse/repeat comments about his coverage issues. Since the running game is pretty solid, I wonder what the argument would be in regards to that.


1st Round Pick
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As bad as Roy is in coverage he aint got nothing on Sean Taylor.


Regular Joe....
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WoodysGirl;1738108 said:
I don't think Mort should be bashed for his comments, but I wish he would've posted something new. At this point, Roy's struggle in coverage is well known, so what else is he deficient at that would prevent him from being a top SS in the league?

Him missing his "gap" responsibilities in the running game is something new. I would actually like to hear more about that, rather than the same rinse/repeat comments about his coverage issues. Since the running game is pretty solid, I wonder what the argument would be in regards to that.

I too would like to hear something fresh but honestly, this is not going to go away until Roy covers somebody in a fashion that would make people sit up and take notice. That's just how it is.

In the running game, I'd say it has more to do with missed tackles but he clearly says it's missed gap responsabilities. I think that would be interesting to expond on myself. Perhaps he will do so when next asked, which I'm certain will happen.

BTW, Happy Halloween WG. ;)


The Duke
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bigbadroy;1738120 said:
zrinkill coming to defend Roy in 3...2....1
Out of curiosity, how many times have you called Mortenson an idiot?


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Hostile;1738125 said:
Out of curiosity, how many times have you called Mortenson an idiot?
probally many times. i'm not saying i agree with mort on what he said but i know zrinkill will show up and than this will become a 300 page thread.;)


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ABQCOWBOY;1738116 said:
I too would like to hear something fresh but honestly, this is not going to go away until Roy covers somebody in a fashion that would make people sit up and take notice. That's just how it is.
That's the thing, ABQ. He made a very good play on the ball against Minny and it was poo-pooed. At this point, if he does anything right while in coverage, it'll be considered an anomaly. Tired of seeing the same ol, same ol being tossed out there.

In the running game, I'd say it has more to do with missed tackles but he clearly says it's missed gap responsabilities. I think that would be interesting to expond on myself. Perhaps he will do so when next asked, which I'm certain will happen.
Well, maybe in one of the beat writer's next chat, I'll present that question to them. I'm honestly curious about that.

BTW, Happy Halloween WG. ;)
Trick or treat to you too. Now where's my candy?:mad: :)



Regular Joe....
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WoodysGirl;1738139 said:
That's the thing, ABQ. He made a very good play on the ball against Minny and it was poo-pooed. At this point, if he does anything right while in coverage, it'll be considered an anomaly. Tired of seeing the same ol, same ol being tossed out there.

Well, maybe in one of the beat writer's next chat, I'll present that question to them. I'm honestly curious about that.

Trick or treat to you too. Now where's my candy?:mad: :)


It is what it is. I don't think that the lable will disappear until Roy plays at a high level (coverage) consistantly. That's what it will take. At the end of the day, there are only so many answers to the same question and I think that's what we are seeing. I hope you do ask that question because I too would be interested in the answer.

As for the Candy, I've got a whole bucket waiting for you. You just have to get to Albuquerque before my kinds find it. :)


Cowboys Make me Drink
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So Mort agrees that Roy is overrated, but then only names 1 SS he thinks is better than Roy? Good job Morty