ESPN-Cowboys on the clock


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As part of ESPN's two a days draft special. The show ended with San Diego at #19, meaning the 'Boys should be first up tomorrow on Sportscenter.
Also wanted to note there is a 90 minute draft special on ESPN tomorrow night at 6:30 CST.
i just noticed this is the 2nd straight year we pick rite b4 the chargers
DeWare94 said:
i just noticed this is the 2nd straight year we pick rite b4 the chargers

Let's hope we see a Roy Williams vs. Quentin Jammer part deux......nice avatar by the way.....
DawnOfANewD said:
Let's hope we see a Roy Williams vs. Quentin Jammer part deux......nice avatar by the way.....

Man I wanted Jammer so bad then...
bobtheflob said:
Man I wanted Jammer so bad then...

he may have turned out better if he came to dallas, but we certainly arent complaining about Roy so its all good.
DawnOfANewD said:
Let's hope we see a Roy Williams vs. Quentin Jammer part deux......nice avatar by the way.....
Or Ware v Merriman part deux

And something interesting I saw the other dya. Apparently, a rumor was out there about possibly moving Jammer to safety. Marty shot it down, but I thought it was interesting that it was brought up.
big dog cowboy said:
Also wanted to note there is a 90 minute draft special on ESPN tomorrow night at 6:30 CST.

Can anybody translate this from 6:30 CST to (EST)? What time would it be on (EST)?
RealCowboyfan said:
Can anybody translate this from 6:30 CST to (EST)? What time would it be on (EST)?

Eastern Standard Time is one hour ahead of Central. 6:30 CST = 7:30 EST. Think about the NFL games, they come on at 1pm and 4pm EST vs noon and 3pm kickoffs back in Texas.
It's 7:30 EST.

Central time zone is an hour behind eastern time zone
check the 6pm edition of Sportscenter. it will be a writers roundtable with Tom Jackson, Mort, and Mel Kiper
I've been waiting for our turn throughout the whole series, and now, of all nights, I have to fly, so I'll have to miss it, oh well, theres always the reset, lol.
vlad said:
Eastern Standard Time is one hour ahead of Central. 6:30 CST = 7:30 EST. Think about the NFL games, they come on at 1pm and 4pm EST vs noon and 3pm kickoffs back in Texas.

Isn't that a day after yesterday?

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