ESPN: Intersting PTI Topic Coming Up on Merriman being in the Pro Bowl

I think I am going to write a letter to the new commish and send it certified mail confirm reciept. Steroid uses gained an unfair advantage. No probowl honors allowed for cheaters!!!
Merriman making it after getting caught for using steroids its an even bigger joke than Newman not making it... Just horrible!!!
WoodysGirl;1249609 said:
So will it be coming up or not?

Actually I was reading PFT and while they do sling alot of crap, Florio made a good point that players who get suspended for 'roids or whatever should be excluded from postseason awards.

He also made a better point that just because he is "clean" now that the muscle mass he built up while on steroids would still be there.

If he crashes and burns next year when it is out of his system, we will have our answer.
So you guys think Merriman is going to stop cheating because he got caught? Juicers don't quit juicin', he'll just find another 'supplement' that is easier to conceal or not tested for.
Natedawg44;1249624 said:
Its easy to see what the NFL is about. Drink and drive and beat up your girlfriend, give alcohol to underage kids- no fine, no suspension. Question someone's sexuality or allegedly spit in someone's face which was never seen - fine. Hit someone too hard - fine. Hit someone too low - fine. Wear your socks too high - fine. Wear adidas shoes - fine. Kill a mother while drunk- no fine, get drunk again and drive after you've already killed someone- no fine, no suspension. Cheat by using steroids- suspension. Cheat good enough to get good stats -no fine, and congrats we will send you to hawaii.

I nominate this for post of the year. When will those awards take place?
Natedawg44;1249624 said:
Its easy to see what the NFL is about. Drink and drive and beat up your girlfriend, give alcohol to underage kids- no fine, no suspension. Question someone's sexuality or allegedly spit in someone's face which was never seen - fine. Hit someone too hard - fine. Hit someone too low - fine. Wear your socks too high - fine. Wear adidas shoes - fine. Kill a mother while drunk- no fine, get drunk again and drive after you've already killed someone- no fine, no suspension. Cheat by using steroids- suspension. Cheat good enough to get good stats -no fine, and congrats we will send you to hawaii.

You forgot, wearing a decal on your helmet honoring your friend who got killed in war....FINE.
adamknite;1249815 said:
You forgot, wearing a decal on your helmet honoring your friend who got killed in war....FINE.

adamknite;1249815 said:
You forgot, wearing a decal on your helmet honoring your friend who got killed in war....FINE.

Absolutely, that was rediculous. If I was ever going to get a noncowboys jersey I think it would be Pat Tillman.
I thought Hos threatened to automatically move Merriman threads to the NFL Zone.
Kilyin;1249806 said:
So you guys think Merriman is going to stop cheating because he got caught? Juicers don't quit juicin', he'll just find another 'supplement' that is easier to conceal or not tested for.


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