ESPN KC Joyner 01/24 Chat Wrap... 5 'boys


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KC Joyner: Hello again! The Super Bowl hype is just started to get heated up, so there are definitely a lot of things to talk about. Let's get started!

Joe: La Palma: Are you going to write that article on eli manning like you said he would if he had a good year? Remember me? O yea, how were aaron ross's metrics for this year?

KC Joyner: I do remember you, Joe. And yes I did want to write an article about Eli this week, but another writer beat me to the punch, so I wrote about Brady instead (I know, what a tough break to have to write about Brady!). Ross' metrics overall were good but they went from good to bad week to week. I'd like to see more consistent play from him.

Dan (DC): KC, the Skins need a big receiver to compliment the mighty mouse bunch. Would Bryant Johnson or Ernest Wilford be good pickups? Thanks.

KC Joyner: Dan, I don't think Washington should just focus on size. For everything Johnson and Wilford can do (and they both have their strong points), they aren't consistent enough. Washington needs a go to receiver that can show up every week and post good numbers.

John (Amherst, MA): After finding success with the running game in the second half against the Chargers, do you think the Patriots will utilize Maroney more in the early going or will they resort back to the spread offense in Arizona's warm weather?

KC Joyner: It will all come down to how NY defends the Pats. If they sit back in coverage like the Jags did, NE will pass the ball. That's not the Giants style, and given how Brady is forcing a lot of passes into coverage of late (see this week's Insider article), I wouldn't be at all surprised to see Maroney get a lot of touches.

SprungOnSports (Long Island): Would Shaun Rogers be a good fit in a 3-4 defense like the Jets?

KC Joyner: Not last year's Shaun Rogers. The reason Detroit isn't bringing him back is that he had an awful year. I don't have the numbers right in front of me but his success percentage and YPA on POA runs in 2007 were terrible.

Ryan (San Diego): KC, you have to admit that Rivers played pretty damn well on a torn ACL and if he had his two best redzone threats with him they probably win right?

KC Joyner: Ryan, I never said Rivers lacked toughness. That is a trait he has in full abundance. Even had they won, I wouldn't go so far as to say they won because of Rivers. It's like Ben in Super Bowl XL. Sure the Steelers won that game, but it wasn't because Ben had a great game, not by a long shot. If SD had won it all this year, it wouldn't be a tribute to their QB as much as it would be to the rest of the team. He's good but he still has a ways to go to be great, no matter how the team does.

Joe (Norton, MA): KC, What's the over/under on the number of Giants fans who want you to eat crow for all the Eli bashing (that will voice out in this chat)? I will say +/-75

KC Joyner: Joe, so far you are the lone voice in that area, so I'm taking the under!

Majeed: KC, I'm think Dallas 2 #1 picks, a 3rd, and next year's #1 would be a fair deal for both teams for Miami's #1. Agree?

KC Joyner: Majeed, you are showing your Aqua and Orange outlook on things! I can't see Dallas giving Parcells a draft collection like that. For the Fins sake, though, you can hope that happens!

Zac (Oakland): The Raiders drafted Mario Henderson last year. Can he step in this year at LT b/c no way should Sims or Gallery ever see a playing field again, and I am sure they would not draft another OL that high considering the bust Gallery is turning out to be.

KC Joyner: Zac, I'm not exactly sure where Henderson will fit in but the Raiders do need a ton of O line help. Replacing Gallery has to be the higher priority in my view because while Sims wasn't great by any stretch, he wasn't anywhere near the blocking liability Gallery was last year. Taking a high O line pick may be a risk they have to take, as they can't win with Gallery playing like he has.

Jeff (Michigan): If the Lions do trade Rogers, where do you think he'll go?

KC Joyner: Maybe they could turn the tables on Denver for the Bell/Foster trade. The Broncos needs some bulk up front and maybe Rogers could turn things back around.

Dan (San Francisco): With the Seahawks emerging defense, are they a solid RB and TE away from the Super Bowl?

KC Joyner: I'd say they are a couple of offensive linemen away from the Super Bowl. It's a real bad sign when the coach gives up on the running game because the blocking is so bad and that's exactly what happened last year.

Paul (Knoxville,TN): Hey KC...if gholston falls to #10..whats the chance the saints take him (best player availble)..then trade Will Smith for CB help??(maybe deangelo hall??) this a legit possibilty..or am i just playing madden??

KC Joyner: If Gholston falls to NO, they may have to bite on taking him. It may come down to if they are willing to take a chance, as Gholston is such a hot/cold player. Regarding their CB issues, NO should at least start with plugging the big hole that is Jason David's coverage ability. They don't need to overpay to trade for a stud CB, just start with getting someone who can at least hold up against some WRs. There are enough free agent CBs out there this year that they should be able to do that.

Mikey(Lackawanna,NY): Do you think the Raiders are going to franchise CB Nnamdi Asomugha? Would you rank him as a top 5 CB?

KC Joyner: From what I've heard, the Raiders probably won't franchise Asomugha. He's definitely a top 10 CB at the very least and he will be the top free agent CB on the market. I would take him over Asante Samuel seven days a week.

Dan (San Francisco): Which positions on the Hawks line are the problems? I know Gray will probably retire this year. Locklear is a free agent... should they bring him back?

Sean (Seattle): The weak spots on the Seattle OL are...

KC Joyner: Center and guard are their biggest holes based on the tape breakdowns I've done. Sims is bad, Spencer isn't much to write home about and Gray wasn't that good either.

Raider J (Oaktown, Ca.): Raiders need O-line help... Niners want to trade Jonas Jennings... What about Jonas and the Niners 29th pick for the Raiders #4?

KC Joyner: Nice thought, Raider J, but given Jennings injury history, it would be a bad trade for the Raiders. They need to invest in some youth up front.

PaulieP (Seahawkblue): I can't believe any Seahawks fan would even wonder about where the weak spots are on the line...

KC Joyner: Paulie, I think it's like going to the doctor for a cold. You know you are sick but you want a second opinion to confirm exactly what is wrong!

Sean (Philly): The Eagles rush defense was much better this year, but was that because teams decided it was easier to pass on them? Where do they need the most improvement?

KC Joyner: Sean, I've been pretty consistent in saying that the Eagles need to upgrade their #3 CB position. Rod Hood was like a third starter for them and, even though the nickel CBs didn't do a terrible job this year, they didn't hold down the fort as well as Hood. That was one of the keys to their defense, as they could blitz to their hearts content and not have to worry very much about their coverage not holding up.

Dee (Greenville, NC): You wouldn't have said that they won because of Rivers if the Chargers had won the Super Bowl? He didn't have 2 of his best players (Gates, LT) and would have beat Tenn, beat Peyton in Indy, at beat Brady in New England and you still wouldn't think they won because of Rivers? I can understand thinking he's not good, but give a dog a bone already.....That would be like saying Tom Brady has nothing to do with the Pats offense being the Highest scoring ever because they have some good receivers.

KC Joyner: Dee, Billy Kilmer guided his team to a Super Bowl and it wasn't because he was a great QB. Good QBs make the Super Bowl all the time. I'm still of the mindset that in a couple of years Rivers might be a top five QB but the evidence right now is overwhelming that he is a top 10 QB at best as it currently stands.

Blake Butterfield (Vancouver, BC) : Hey KC! The man who took over for NYG TE Shockey is Mr. Boss, and he seems to have helped the team more than Shockey could have. His blocking is at least an acknowledgable part of what has helped make Eli into a more consistent QB. I know they have a lot of $$ invested in Shockey, but, everything else being equal< if you had to make the call and drop one of them, who would it be...and why?

KC Joyner: Shockey has never been one of my favorites. His metrics are always mediocre and his distractions certainly don't help. Boss' metrics are better and he keeps his mouth shut. If financial considerations were taken out of the mix, I'd probably try to trade Shockey.

Johnny(Queens): KC, So you hear the Raiders are not going to franchise CB Nnamdi Asomugha? They would be crazy to let him go? Do you think he will be a hot commodity on the FA market come March?

KC Joyner: Johnny, I'm saying that's what I am hearing right now. That isn't to say that Oakland won't change their minds and decide to franchise him. And if Asomugha does hit the market, he'll draw a huge contract in what is really a mediocre free agent CB market this year.

Gary(Tennessee): Do you think the Titans are going to franchise DT ALbert Haynesworth? And do you think PacMan will be a Titan next season?

KC Joyner: It's up in the air on Haynesworth. He's a great player but Tennessee has to decide if they want to pay the big money, as franchised DTs aren't cheap. My guess is they do franchise him but it could go either way. Regarding Pacman, I would be shocked if he were a Titan next year.

Adam brooklyn: What do you mean you would ake Asomugha over Asante 7 days a week. What reasoning do you have behind that. Asante is a beast tell me what I'm wrong about. I know Nmandi is bigger but how is he better?

KC Joyner: Asomugha is more consistent than Samuel. Samuel also has a history of not being able to cover Reggie Wayne and Marvin Harrison. Asomugha is also just as much of a ballhawk as Samuel. If Samuel weren't playing for the Pats and instead played for, say, San Francisco, there wouldn't even be an argument about this.

John(Buffalo): Do you think the Buffalo Bills should target OLB Lance Briggs in March?

KC Joyner: He'd be a good fit for them but I think he is going to cost a whole lot more than Buffalo is willing to pay.

Brian (seattle wa): we have made such a big deal over spygate, do you think all the hiding injuries will play out Mission Impossible style (hello tom brady, your mission if you choose to accept it, is to be seen in 3 public places with a walking cast. the fourth must be your girlfriends apt, in NY, wearing a Yankees hat... this ipod will self destruct in 3 seconds)

KC Joyner: I don't know about hiding injuries but I do know this post made me laugh!

Sean (Philly): How about Briggs in Philly?

KC Joyner: Same thing as Buffalo, could be a price issue. Philly is just as bargain conscious as the Bills.

Bo (Honlulu, HI): Howzit KC, how would a DL of Burgess, Haynesworth, and Chris Long look in Silver & Black next year? That should get us back in the Top 5 D's right?

KC Joyner: Everybody be really quiet. Bo's having a great dream and we shouldn't wake him from it. No way Oakland gets Haynesworth and Long (they probably couldn't afford it cap wise).

Dan (San Francisco): Retain DJ Hackett, or is he a dime-a-dozen WR?

KC Joyner: Dan, he's an excellent receiver when healthy (10 YPA in 2006) but he just doesn't stay injury free for long enough. He's a great #4 and a good #3 given his durability issues.

Roy Williams (Detroit): Rumor has it the Lions may trade me. What do you think Jerry Jones should give up to bring me back to Texas?

KC Joyner: The question I have about Roy Williams is how much value he should see on the open market. He's a very good receiver but the comments that kept coming out of Detroit were that Martz had to keep pushing Williams to get him to play well. Any coach that picks him up better be ready to handle that. Garrett might be just that guy if Dallas were to pick him up, but I can't see Dallas paying the top dollar value Detroit is likely to want for Williams.

Bo (Honlulu, HI): If you were Big Al, and McFadden and both of the Long's were available, who would you take?

KC Joyner: I just can't see Oakland taking McFadden. Yes he's a great talent and all unless and until they fix the O line, no RB is going to dominate for them.

Jonathan (Dallas, TX): Asante Samuel is a beast? I must have missed that one. Also speaking of corners, Nate Clements wasn't NEARLY as bad as the media made him out to be was he?

KC Joyner: It's not that Clements was a bad CB but in all honesty his play wasn't good enough to justify the kind of contract SF gave him. They needed CB help and Clements did plug a coverage hole for them, but at a tremendous cost.

Frank (Pell Lake, WI): Yeah, Al Harris made it to the Pro Bowl, but isn't Charles Woodson the better CB? The only warm person on the field last Sunday in Green Bay was Harris cause he got burned by Burress all day.

KC Joyner: I don't know what it is about Woodson that he can't get the media play Harris does. He has outplayed Harris for two years now and yet Harris is the media magnet. Maybe Woodson needs to grow his hair out.

Colin (Boulder): How about trading J-Walk for Roy Williams? The best way to subdue divas usually is just a change of scenery.

KC Joyner: Assuming Walker is fully over his injury, this is a trade that would make a lot of sense.

Craig, Lindsay, Ontario: Not a Raider Fan, but why couldn't they afford both Haynesworth and Long? On that scenario what you are saying is that they can't afford a top notch FA and this # 4 draft slot regardless of positions. Is the draft becoming that much of a cap handcuff for teams drafting that high?

KC Joyner: Craig, when you get a chance, take a look at the salary list for DTs on USAToday. The top DTs cost a ton of money. I just couldn't see them putting three top dollar contracts on their roster (Russell, Haynesworth and Long).

Greg (Denver, CO): Kiffin pretty much came out and said Asmougha will be in Oakland next year and Davis loves CB's. The only way I can see Oakland not franchising Asmougha is if they agreed to a long term extension first. I respect your analysis and insight, but who are you hearing this from?

KC Joyner: Greg, my sources said that was the Raiders mindset at this point. They certainly aren't going to come out and say they don't want Asomugha. Of course they want him, just at the right price. An extension is certainly not out of the question, but the big contract issue again comes into play (i.e. can Oakland afford Russell, Asomugha and their #1 draft pick at top dollar value).

Ken (Tarzana, Ca): If the Patriots are willing to give Samuel a big contract, shouldn't that send a message to the other teams???

KC Joyner: I assume you meant to say that if the Pats aren't willing, shouldn't that send a message. And I'd agree with you on that one. There is a reason NE didn't give Samuel a big contract last year. He had one really good season in his career and he wanted to get Champ Bailey like money because of it. He has two good seasons under his belt now so some of that uncertainty is going away, but if NE doesn't offer him a top dollar contract, it does say something about how they view him.

Sal (Allentown): Should Andy Reid replace Herremanns with Jean-Gilles?

KC Joyner: They need to replace Herremans with someone. He did simply awful in the games I broke down this year.

Eric (Sioux City): I think you're over stating the Raiders cap situation. If the Colts can afford Manning, Wayne, Harrison, Sanders, Freeney and the Cowboys Romo, TO, Witten, Williams, Big DAvis, and Gurode I think the Raiders have some room.

Joe (Norton,MA): So how do the Colts afford to shell out big contracts? They have no problems keeping Manning, Freeney, Saturday, Harrison, Wayne (Sanders Yet?)... etc under contract... not to mention ponying up for Vinatieri, soon to be Addai

KC Joyner: It's not that it can't be done but the Raiders pay well at every position (Al always says you have to pay the players). Indy has a lot of bargain guys on their roster to go along with the big names. It can be done but it has to be worked into an overall cap approach.

Tom (Boston): What is the story with Stallworth. Is he going to be back. He certainly hasn't earned that HUGE bump for next year. Gaffney has outplayed him. That boy has the dropsies!

KC Joyner: Stallworth was exactly what Philadelphia and New Orleans found him to be: great when he is at full strength but spending half of his time on the bench nursing injuries. Gaffney has outplayed him and Stallworth is really NE's #4 WR right now.

Chris (Austin): Terrence Newman is a year away from free agency and wants a big extension from Dallas. Do you pay him and where do you rank Newman among Samuel, Woodson, and the top corners?

KC Joyner: Newman's near the top of the CB list. Dallas should try to wrap him up in Romo-like cap friendly long-term extension.

Matt,MPLS : Any free agent WR's you see the Vikes going after? They have the cap money to sign somebody.

KC Joyner: Matt, the Vikes had cap room last year and did next to nothing with it. I think they are allergic to free agency.

Majeed: KC, Just an FYI - Based on the draft trade chart most GMs use, the 2 low Dallas 1st rounders equal roughly half of the overall #1 pick. Throw in the following year's #1 (somewhere in the 20s presumably) and it still doesn't get to 3000 points.

KC Joyner: Good point Majeed. Even so, I just don't see Dallas helping out Miami like that.

Ryan (Chicago,IL): KC that was the worst answer ever about the Vikings in FA. There wasn't anybody worth paying for. IN 06 the gave Hutch 49mil, Leber 20mil, Longwell 7mil, and C.Taylor 14 million. I hope you dont get paid for your opinions!

KC Joyner: I couldn't disagree with you more, Ryan. There were plenty of quality value free agents the Vikes could have targeted. Instead of doing that, they basically avoided the process altogether.

Kimmel (Mankato): Can the Vikes get a 1st rounder for Williamson?

KC Joyner: In one word, no. If I were an NFL GM, I wouldn't pay any draft pick for Williamson given how he's played thus far.

Majeed: KC, They sure helped out Miami with all the coaches that left Big D for Miami.

KC Joyner: Yep, they've done more than enough to help Miami on that front! Well, dinner is
just about ready so I'm gonna make like a tree. See you all next week!

the kid 05

Individuals play the game, but teams beat the odds
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why the hell would we give up 3 first round picks for 1? that guys is stupid


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I'm afraid Big Bill is just going to have to eat that no.1 pick. He's not going to like it, either.


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Roy Williams (Detroit): Rumor has it the Lions may trade me. What do you think Jerry Jones should give up to bring me back to Texas?

KC Joyner: The question I have about Roy Williams is how much value he should see on the open market. He's a very good receiver but the comments that kept coming out of Detroit were that Martz had to keep pushing Williams to get him to play well. Any coach that picks him up better be ready to handle that. Garrett might be just that guy if Dallas were to pick him up, but I can't see Dallas paying the top dollar value Detroit is likely to want for Williams.
bolded the push thing because i think parcells was known for pushing players whethere they wanted it or not even if it didnt help.


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Taz;1927159 said:
bolded the push thing because i think parcells was known for pushing players whethere they wanted it or not even if it didnt help.

What does Parcells have to do with Detroit's Roy Williams needing to be pushed?


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It's funny that Newman has a down year (due to injury) and this is the year that KC finally figures out how good he is. Last year was his best year and he kept repeating that he was overrated.